
The genius legend of the whole realm

Lu Chen, a young man who wants to practice the highest level of alchemy, hopes to become an alchemist for eight years. Lu Chen was also a humble, pure-hearted, and bookish person. He devoted himself to cultivating and refining medicine. However, because he wasn't someone considered special, he couldn't cultivate the ability to cultivate potions. In the family, because his refining ability is the lowest, his family is very disgusted with him, and he will even be kicked out of the house. One day, his grandfather told Lu Chen a shocking secret about their family. This is what revived his hope, and it seems until the time comes to restore the family. Lu Chen worked hard to achieve supreme alchemy and swordsmanship skills. He made great progress. With extraordinary talent, Lu Chen even sacrificed his body for the sake of having the best martial skills in the entire world. Then, he meets various stunning beauties with different personalities. The women acknowledged Lu Chen's outstanding martial arts and alchemic cultivation skills, along with the blazing desire that made Lu Chen even more heroic. Lu Chen tortured those who were dissatisfied with his rule, such as: bone refining, body refining, and marrow refining. Swordsmanship and alchemy eventually made Lu Chen the strongest and greatest in the entire sect. .... authors here, if you like the novel, don't forget to tell me your thoughts so that I could improve in the future.

_LynXx_ · Eastern
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19 Chs

BAB 3 : Condensing Inner Energy

This man with a faint halo on his body looked very strange. Chen subconsciously stared at the man's appearance. He discovered that the figure was an old man with a long white beard. Chen had never seen this man before. That man couldn't be an elder of the Lu family, head of the Lu family, or one of the nine elders. Chen knew all of them, and the man in front of him was definitely not one of them.

"I'm Jie!" That old man looked at Chen with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth,

"Little guy, are you Chen?"

"Yes!" Chen nodded in amazement. Hearing the old man's name, and the fact that the man knew his name, Chen couldn't help but feel doubtful. Could it be that the old man in front of him was really the elder of the Lu family?

The Lu family was too big and had many members, so it was impossible for Chen to know everyone in the Lu family.

However, when had this old man named Jie come to his room? Also, why did he appear in his room?

"Chen, you have unsealed the Qiankun Soul Seal. That is very good. After more than 10,000 years of waiting, I finally met a junior who can unseal it," Jie said with a small nod, as if praising Chen, or as if - as if reminiscing about the past.

Hearing this, Chen was stunned and didn't understand.

However, soon Chen's expression changed, because the Qiankun Soul Seal that was in his hand just now had somehow vanished. Chen hurriedly looked around but couldn't find the soul seal.

His grandfather, Lu Tianxing, had warned him not to lose the Qiankun Soul Seal. However he seemed to have lost it within a few hours.

"Don't look for it, that Qiankun Soul Seal is now in your sea of ​​consciousness," Jie said with a smile seeing Chen's actions.

"Sea of ​​consciousness?" Chen was stunned for a moment, then repeated the words, then his face turned red and he glared at the old man Jie angrily, "Old Man, I don't know what you are talking about, but if you taking my soul seal, please return it to me."

Chen thought the old man in front of him had taken his Qiankun Soul Seal. As for Jie saying that the Qiankun Soul Seal was in Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, this was utter nonsense. Although Chen was not a cultivator, he knew the practical mind of martial arts. In this world, you should at least wait until you step into the boundless realm before you can open your own sea of ​​consciousness. Chen himself had not even stepped into the Bone Refining Realm, how could he possibly possess the sea of consciousness?

"It seems that you still don't understand your own situation!" Jie looked at Chen with a smile, "Did you feel a bit of pain in your mind just now?"

"A little pain?" Chen's eyes widened, such pain was simply unbearable for a human, but this old Jie said it was a bit painful.

Chen felt angry, but then he calmed down again, because this old man actually knew that there was pain in his mind now, what happened?

"Okay, lets keep it short!"

"Chen, actually, this Qiankun Soul Seal was left behind by me. Not long ago, you got this soul seal from your grandfather Lu Tianxing, didn't he tell you something? Yes, I am the first generation Qiankun Soul Seal possessor, Lu Jie, the head of the Lu family, the most famous clan on the Dragon Continent ten thousand years ago. Your grandfather Tianxing said I was the strongest back then. That's right!" Jie spoke quickly, but Chen could hear every word clearly.

"Cultivator does need to step into the boundless realm to open their own sea of ​​consciousness, but you are an exception. You have unsealed the Qiankun Soul Seal, so the power of the Qiankun Soul Seal has instantly opened up a sea of ​​consciousness for you. Just now you felt the pain caused by the sea of ​​consciousness opening up."

"Now, if you do what I said, you can see the Qiankun Soul Seal in the sea of ​​consciousness, and of course you can get some things. With these things, you can get the potential to set foot on the pinnacle of this world." Jie didn't give Chen a chance to ask, he continued, "Close your eyes, calm your mind, Get rid of distracting thoughts, and visualizes your own sea of ​​consciousness."

Although Chen didn't fully understand what happened, the old man's words seemed to have magic power, and he naturally followed the old man's words.

Soon, Chen actually saw the Qiankun Soul Seal roaming in his mind. When Chen's mind touched that Qiankun Soul Seal, a huge stream swirled and merged with Chen's mind.

Chen only felt that in his memory, a large amount of information had merged, and this unknown information was quickly tidied up. In an instant, Chen knew what the information was. It was the Qiankun Cultivation Method!

Obviously, this method is profound and obscure.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen opened his eyes again, and the old man Jie was still standing in front of him, looking at him with a half-smiling expression.

"Do you like it?"

"Have you obtained the Qiankun Cultivation Method? This is the highest thought of the martial arts. With this Qiankun Cultivation Method, your future achievements will be limitless. However, you must remember one thing, at no time, you must never reveal your methods. If not, warriors across this continent might come to you," Jie nodded slightly.

At this moment, Chen basically believed the words of the old man in front of him, but because it was too unbelievable, Chen still needed a bit of time to digest this shocking information.

"Grandpa mean, Grandpa has lived for 10,000 years?" Chen took a deep breath, calming himself down quickly, and looked at Jie doubtfully.

Ten thousand years is too frightening. Chen knows that the higher the martial arts level, the longer the life. However, warriors from the Boundless realm were only two hundred years old, and ten thousand years was too long.


"In fact, I died 10,000 years ago. What you see now is just the divine soul ray that I left behind. This divine soul ray of mine has always been attached to the Qiankun Soul Seal, waiting for the day when the soul seal is open." Jie said a little disappointed.

"I broke the seal? Could it be that no one has ever been able to break the seal before? However, I have no physical attributes, and I can't even learn martial arts. How could I possibly break the seal?" Chen was confused.

"No physical attributes? Who said you don't have those?" Jie's eyes widened.

"I definitely have no physical attributes, everyone knows this," said Chen with a firm tone.

"Haha, that's because they don't know, Chen, you are not without physical attributes, in fact, you have complete physical attributes." Jie waved his hand and said.

"Complete physical attributes?" Lu Chen was taken aback.

He had never heard of anyone possessing complete physical attributes.

In this world, cultivators' attributes were generally divided into five types. The five attributes are metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Some have one attribute, some have two attributes, and some even have three attributes. Of course, it doesn't mean that the more attributes, the better. In most cases, cultivators with one attribute usually trained faster than those with two attributes.

Especially for a cultivator of all attributes, his cultivation speed was terrifying. Of course, the number of cultivators with all attributes was extremely small. In the Lu family, in the entire young generation of the Lu family, including the descendants of the direct line and branch lines, no one had a body that possessed all the complete physical attributes.

Chen had never heard that there are people with all these attributes in this world.

"Yes, you have all the physical attributes. One of the conditions for opening the Qiankun Soul Seal is that you must possess all of those attributes. The other condition is that you must have a pure enough bloodline. Don't ask about bloodline, I won't say anything. again now. When you are strong enough in the future, you will know by yourself."

"Let's talk about physical attributes first. Truly, it's hard to tell cultivators with all the physical attributes from those without physical attributes. Furthermore, there were very few people with all attributes in this world, which was more numerous than those with pure physical attributes. Cultivators like this were much rarer. Therefore, many people don't know the existence of all attributes, and there are fewer methods suitable for people with all physical attributes to cultivate."

"Because of that, it is even more difficult for people with all these attributes that are already extremely rare to start on the path of martial arts. Chen, you don't need to worry, you have the Qiankun cultivation method. That method will ease your start on the path of martial arts," Jie said to Chen with a smile.

Chen was very happy when he heard these words.

Chen dreamed of becoming a cultivator, but before that, he also knew that he had no relation to martial arts. Yet now, there was suddenly such a great opportunity in front of him, how could he not be happy about becoming a cultivator?

"Okay, I'm not going to say any more nonsense. Because now that you know the contents of the Qiankun Cultivation Method, you should hurry up and try out the method's power! You're sixteen years old, and you've wasted so much time! Luckily, it's still not too late," Before Jie could finish his words, he disappeared in front of Chen.

Chen stared at the empty room. What just happened was like a dream.

Chen carefully recalled what had just happened, and his brows creased slightly.

"Was it really a dream?"

Chen was a little unsure. He tried to see the sea of ​​consciousness within his mind, and he was sure that what happened earlier was not a dream, but the real thing. That Qiankun Soul Seal was still in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Furthermore, without any hesitation, Chen immediately started trying his hand at practicing the Qiankun Cultivation Method. The method is extremely unclear, and Chen can only understand a little bit, but this does not affect Chen's efforts to put the method into practice.


In just a few breaths, a stream of air was generated across in Chen's body.

After feeling this airflow, the blood in Chen's whole body almost boiled.

"Inner energy, this is inner energy!"

"God, I can actually cultivate!"

Tenaciously, Chen suppressed his excitement. Before that, he had tried cultivating countless times, but he had never succeeded in condensing his profound energy within his body. But now, he gathered his inner strength with ease.

It is necessary to know that when people with physical attributes cultivate for the first time, although their talent is extraordinary, it takes several days for their inner strength to condense, but Chen only took a few breaths to condense his inner strength. He didn't know if it was because his talent was too strong or the Qiankun Cultivation Method was too powerful.