
The genius legend of the whole realm

Lu Chen, a young man who wants to practice the highest level of alchemy, hopes to become an alchemist for eight years. Lu Chen was also a humble, pure-hearted, and bookish person. He devoted himself to cultivating and refining medicine. However, because he wasn't someone considered special, he couldn't cultivate the ability to cultivate potions. In the family, because his refining ability is the lowest, his family is very disgusted with him, and he will even be kicked out of the house. One day, his grandfather told Lu Chen a shocking secret about their family. This is what revived his hope, and it seems until the time comes to restore the family. Lu Chen worked hard to achieve supreme alchemy and swordsmanship skills. He made great progress. With extraordinary talent, Lu Chen even sacrificed his body for the sake of having the best martial skills in the entire world. Then, he meets various stunning beauties with different personalities. The women acknowledged Lu Chen's outstanding martial arts and alchemic cultivation skills, along with the blazing desire that made Lu Chen even more heroic. Lu Chen tortured those who were dissatisfied with his rule, such as: bone refining, body refining, and marrow refining. Swordsmanship and alchemy eventually made Lu Chen the strongest and greatest in the entire sect. .... authors here, if you like the novel, don't forget to tell me your thoughts so that I could improve in the future.

_LynXx_ · Eastern
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19 Chs

BAB 4 : Making Great Progress

"Early stage of bone refinement!"

An hour later, Chen's dense internal energy finally opened up many of the main meridians in his body.

At this point, it meant that from an ordinary person, Chen had officially become a cultivator. Even though it was only the basic stage of bone refining, it was an immeasurably huge progress.

An hour ago, Chen was just an ordinary person, but now, he is already a cultivator at the early stage of bone refining .

If such cultivation speed spreads out, perhaps everyone in Wind City will be shocked. To be sure, it only took one hour for Chen to step onto the path of martial arts.

It should be known that among the younger generation of the Lu family, the most talented children are Yanran and a few other children. Even Yanran took nearly two months to go from ordinary person to training and enter the initial stage of bone refining.

"Keep cultivating!" Chen only slightly felt the flow of internal energy in his body, and then he continued to practice the method.

An hour later, Chen felt that his profound energy couldn't be sustained, so he opened a bottle of Bone Refining Pills and downed it without hesitation. The Bone Refining Pill was swallowed up and transformed into a majestic and powerful profound energy, which suddenly increased Chen's cultivation speed by a large margin.

Time passed and it was the morning of the second day.

There was a subtle crisp sound from Chen's bones.

"Intermediate level of bone refinement!"

"In less than a day, I stepped into the intermediate stage of bone refining, such a cultivation speed."

Chen opened his eyes again, felt his inner strength, and his palms trembled slightly.

It was so amazing and so scary.

Others could only achieve it in a few years, but Chen did it in less than a day.

For the current Chen, there was no obstacle to practicing the Qiankun Cultivation Method. He had broken through from ordinary person to bone refining early stage, and from bone refining early stage to bone refining intermediate stage, he didn't even feel any difficulty.

Chen felt that if he continued to use the Bone Refining Pills, he could step into the next stage of Bone Refining in just a few days. Above the bone refining late stage is the Body Refining Realm. Like Lu Yan, he was only at the late stage of the Body Refinement Realm.

However, originally Chen had a total of three bottles of Bone Refining Pills, and he had already used one in his previous practice, now only two bottles remained. If these two vials also ran out, then Chen would have no medicine to use in a short time.

"These two bottles of Pills can't be used directly! Yes, I will take them to the Treasure Gathering Pavilion to sell these two Pills first, and then buy materials to continue to refine more Pills." Chen made a decision in his heart and immediately came out.

The pavilion where Chen lived was in a very secluded place in the entire Lu family residence, and it was close to the back door of the Lu family compound. At the back door of the compound, there were very few children from the Lu family going in and out, so Chen left the compound through the back door so as not to be found out. At this time, Chen didn't want to attract the attention of others at all. The most important thing was to increase his strength.

Half an hour later, Chen arrived at the Treasure Gathering Pavilion in Wind City. The pavilion is very large-scale commercial building, where many goods can be bought and sold. This is not the first time for Chen to come to the venue. Most of the medicine he refined in the past was sold in that pavilion as well, so he was familiar with the road and soon arrived at the Treasure Gathering Pavilion's acquisition counter.

"Master Lu, do you want to sell some pill again?"

The staff at the acquisition counter are also very familiar with Chen. Even though Chen couldn't cultivate and step into the martial arts realm, he was still a descendant of the Lu family. Moreover, Chen's grandfather was the Third Elder from the Lu family, so the attitude of the staff members towards Chen's always more polite.

"Yes, I want to sell two bottles of Bone Refining Pill." Chen took out the two remaining bottles of Bone Refining Medicine and placed them on the counter.

"Hey, isn't this Master Lu?"

"Master Lu, do you sell the pills? Yes, I almost forgot that Young Master Chen is a famous Alchemist in Wind City." As Chen placed the Pill on the table, a strange sound came from behind.

A young man in robes brocade with two retainers was looking at Chen with a provocative look.

Chen turned around and glanced at the brocade-robed youth. He knows this person. His name is Wang Dong, and he is a child of a branch lineage of the Wang family. The Wang family, like the Lu family, was one of the three major families in Wind City, and in terms of overall strength, the Wang family was even higher than the Lu family.

Dong was only a child of a branch lineage of the Wang family, and Chen was a direct descendant of the Lu family. this time, Dong greeted Chen with obvious sarcasm. The reason why he was so bold was because Chen was unable to cultivate. If Chen was a direct descendant of the Lu family who could cultivate, then even if Wang Dong had more courage, he would definitely not dare to provoke.

"Who is talking? It turned out to be a dog in the Wang family!" Chen raised his eyebrows and sneered at Dong.

Dong's face had many freckles, and at first glance he looked like a frog. Moreover, Wang Dong was also a bad person, so he had a dog nickname on him in Wind City. Many people called him like this in secret, and Dong also knew his bad nickname.

Hearing Chen call him a dog, Dong's expression immediately turned cold. Dong knew that he had this nickname, but not many people in the entire Wind City dared to call him that nickname directly in front of him.

"Chen, if you dare to make fun of me, you're courting death!" Dong looked at Chen with a pitiful look.

"You bastard, how dare to speak ill of Master Wang, I will kill you!"

"Chen, you are just trash!"

The disciples behind Dong also shouted at Chen.

Because Chen couldn't cultivate, even Wang Dong's followers dared to bark at Chen like a mad dog.

"Mr. Lu, please be patient, Dong's reputation is not good." The staff at the counter also whispered to Chen, she was afraid that Chen would offend Dong and would suffer.

Chen nodded at the staff, because the staff was kind enough to remind him, "Two bottles of Bone Refining Medicine, exchange it for gold coins!"

Chen didn't want to pay too much attention to someone like Dong. In reality, if it weren't for Dong's provocation, Chen would not care about Dong at all. Chen is not what he used to be. In the past, other than refining Pill, he had no activities and was relatively idle. Now however, Chen needed to seize time to improve his strength, and his involvement with Dong is a waste of time.

"There's no problem with the Pill. It's 60 gold coins. Young Master Lu, please keep it." the staff checked the pill, and after confirming that there were no problems, handed 60 gold coins to Chen.

The Bone Refining Pill refined by Chen was only of ordinary quality. The purchase price of such pill in the Treasure Gathering Pavilion was 30 gold coins per bottle.

"Little trash Chen, are you leaving?"

Chen took the gold coins and wanted to leave the counter, but Dong suddenly blocked Chen's way.

"Dong, what do you want?" Chen looked at Dong impatiently.

In the past, Chen was worried that he would suffer defeat to Dong, but now he has stepped into martial arts and is a cultivator in the middle stage of the Bone Refining Realm. Dong had practiced for many years, but he was only at the Middle stage of the Bone Refining Realm. If they really fight, Chen may be comparable to Dong.

"Hmph, what do I think? You just called me names, so didn't you consider it? If you don't give me an explanation today, you won't be able to return to the Lu family safely." Dong said coldly.

"Haha, calling you a dog doesn't mean insulting you, don't you know that people all over Wind City call you a dog?" Chen smiled with narrowed eyes.

"Chen, you really want to die. You are a cripple, and you dare to challenge me? Others are afraid of your identity as a child of the Lu family, but I am not afraid!" Dong glared at Chen angrily, because Chen repeatedly called him a dog. How could he bear it in front of so many people? He dared not kill Chen, but defeating Chen is no big deal. Chen couldn't cultivate, so he had no status in the Lu family.

Around them, many people set their eyes on Chen and Dong, and many of them knew these two people.

Looking at the gold coin in Chen's hand, Dong rolled his eyes and said again, "Chen, how about we play flyball? If I hit you, people will say I bully. let's play fly ball, don't you have 60 gold coins now? How about we bet?"

Flying ball is the usual game in this world, that is, by holding an iron ball and throwing it into the hole at a certain distance. Two people will play this game, and whoever throws the ball closer to the hole wins.

In the Treasure Gathering Pavilion, there is a place for flying ball games. Many people will go to the flying ball hall to play this game, and of course they will also make bets.

Chen's heart moved, and his eyes narrowed.

Flying ball games can also be played by ordinary people. This game requires certain skills. However, generally speaking, ordinary people, no matter how high their skills were, couldn't defeat cultivators. Because cultivators possessed inner strength, they could control those flying balls to a certain extent, and the flying balls thrown by a cultivator were far more precise than those thrown by ordinary people.

From Dong's point of view, if Chen played the flying ball game with him, Chen would definitely lose. Sixty gold coins, for a less talented disciple like Dong, was a good amount of money. How could Dong not be happy winning sixty gold coins from Chen so easily?

"Chen, don't you dare to play?" said one of Dong's followers, rolling his eyes.

"Hmph, Chen, if you don't dare to play this game with me, just call me grandpa now and I'll let you go," Dong looked around and said as he sneered.

After all, Chen was a direct descendant of the Lu family. If Chen called him Grandfather Dong in such a public place, it would also cause a lot of shock and would greatly help Dong's reputation.

"Since you want to play with me, how can I not accompany you?" Chen agreed with a smile.

If Chen didn't step onto the path of Cultivation, he wouldn't dare to play flyball against Dong. Yet now, someone was offering gold coins to him, how could he refused to accept it?