
The genius legend of the whole realm

Lu Chen, a young man who wants to practice the highest level of alchemy, hopes to become an alchemist for eight years. Lu Chen was also a humble, pure-hearted, and bookish person. He devoted himself to cultivating and refining medicine. However, because he wasn't someone considered special, he couldn't cultivate the ability to cultivate potions. In the family, because his refining ability is the lowest, his family is very disgusted with him, and he will even be kicked out of the house. One day, his grandfather told Lu Chen a shocking secret about their family. This is what revived his hope, and it seems until the time comes to restore the family. Lu Chen worked hard to achieve supreme alchemy and swordsmanship skills. He made great progress. With extraordinary talent, Lu Chen even sacrificed his body for the sake of having the best martial skills in the entire world. Then, he meets various stunning beauties with different personalities. The women acknowledged Lu Chen's outstanding martial arts and alchemic cultivation skills, along with the blazing desire that made Lu Chen even more heroic. Lu Chen tortured those who were dissatisfied with his rule, such as: bone refining, body refining, and marrow refining. Swordsmanship and alchemy eventually made Lu Chen the strongest and greatest in the entire sect. .... authors here, if you like the novel, don't forget to tell me your thoughts so that I could improve in the future.

_LynXx_ · Eastern
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19 Chs

Bab 2 : Qiankun Soul Seal

"Lu Chen!"

Just when Lu Yan and his gang were about to attack Lu Chen, a majestic voice sounded from behind.

Hearing that voice, Lu Chen knew it was his grandfather, Lu Tianxing.

When Lu Yan saw Lu Tianxing coming, they immediately restrained themselves, but the evil in Lu Yan's eyes was still visible. He had always wanted to kill Lu Chen.

Lu Tianxing took a glance at Lu Yan and his gang, then said to Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, follow Grandpa!"

"Yes, Grandpa!"

Since Lu Tianxing took Lu Chen out, even if Lu Yan didn't want him to go, he wouldn't dare to stop him. So he just took a deep breath and said nothing. The clan elder's majesty isn't something he could provoke as a junior, even though his grandfather was a Grand Elder.

As Lu Chen turned around, his eyes suddenly lit up in surprise, because he clearly saw a beautiful figure standing not far away. It's Lu Yanran, the daughter of the leader of the Lu family, was the same age as Lu Chen.

"Now, she won't even say hello to me?" Lu Chen felt a bit bitter, shook his head slightly, then quickly looked away, as if he hadn't seen Lu Yanran.

However, only Lu Chen knew the pain in his heart. It wouldn't matter if it was someone else, but Lu Chen couldn't ignore Lu Yanran. He could clearly remember that when they were kids, Lu Chen and Lu Yanran were almost inseparable. Lu Chen was several months older than Lu Yanran, and Lu Yanran had always followed Lu Chen and called him Big Brother Lu Chen. But now, Lu Yanran clearly saw that Lu Chen was stopped by Lu Yan outside the Treasure Pavilion, but the girl only watched from a distance and did not come forward to help Lu Chen.

"Forget it!" Lu Chen shook his head, trying to get rid of the beautiful image in his mind.

Lu Chen and Lu Tianxing arrived at a secluded place and didn't inhabited, and Lu Tianxing turned to look at Lu Chen. Lu Tianxing knew that Lu Chen was looked down upon by many children in the Lu family. Not only Lu Chen, but the other children who didn't have physical attributes and thus couldn't embark on the path of martial arts, were also inferior to those who could cultivate. This matter could not be changed by Lu Tianxing.

"Lu Chen, did you know that Lu Yan is hostile to you?" Lu Tianxing put away his majestic aura and spoke again in a gentle tone.

"Yes, Grandfather," Lu Chen replied.

"Yes, his father was injured by your father in the ring ten years ago, and they always hold grudges. If you meet Lu Yan in the future, it is best to avoid conflict. Being patient for a while does not mean you are a coward. This is a strategy, do you understand?" Lu Tianxing said solemnly.

"Grandfather, I understand!" In fact, Lu Chen had deliberately avoided Lu Yan for many years, and this time he accidentally ran into Lu Yan in front of the Treasure Pavilion.

"Unfortunately, your father was not only the number one warrior of the young generation of the Lu family back then, but also the number one warrior in the entire Wind City. It would be great if you could cultivate as well." Lu Tianxing reminisced about the past, and various kinds of emotions ran through his mind.

Lu Chen fell silent.

Of course Lu Chen also aspired to become a cultivator, but he had no physical attributes and was fated to have no path of life on the path of martial arts.

"Ah, forget it!" Lu Tianxing shook his head, but there was a change in his eyes. As if he had made an important decision, he suddenly took out a square object from his hand.

This thing was a palm-sized khaki color that looked unattractive. If not for Lu Tianxing's current dignified expression, Lu Chen would have thought it was just an ordinary stone.

"Lu Chen, what do you think this thing looks like?" asked Lu Tianxing as he looked at Lu Chen.

"Hah?" Lu Chen looked at Lu Tianxing with confusion. he knew that Lu Tianxing was asking about that khaki square object, but he didn't know why Lu Tianxing was asking.

Lu Tianxing smiled and looked at Lu Chen.

Although Lu Chen was confused, he observed the object carefully. After a while, Lu Chen's expression suddenly changed.

"Grandpa, is that thing in Grandpa's hand the soul seal?" asked Lu Chen in a somewhat uncertain and startled voice.

Lu Chen was shocked, because the thing in Lu Tianxing's hand was completely similar to the legendary soul seal. Although Lu Chen had never seen that soul seal with his own eyes, he had heard about it many times.

In the Dragon Continent, it was said that only a Boundless Swordsman who surpassed an Innate Realm Sovereign Warrior could produce a soul seal in the sea of ​​consciousness. And some Limitless Swordsman would consume their life skills when their life essence was nearly depleted, in order to condense their life soul seal and pass it on to their family or descendants.

Lu Chen never expected that his family would have a soul seal, let alone this soul seal is in the hands of his grandfather.

That said, if a cultivator who had obtained a soul seal absorbed the power within the soul seal, his realm would also advance by leaps and bounds, meaning he could reach a higher realm of martial arts in a very short period of time.

The soul seal is very precious. Very few cultivators in all of Wind City had ever seen a soul seal.

After being shocked for a moment, Lu Chen frowned again, and he looked at Lu Tianxing suspiciously. He wondered if Grandfather's has the Qiankun soul seal, why didn't grandfather absorb that soul seal to break through to a higher realm? Grandpa is now an Innate Realm Sovereign Swordsman. If grandpa absorbs the power of the soul seal, grandpa will very likely break through to the boundless realm!

If grandfather steps into the boundless realm, he will become the number one swordsman in the entire Wind City.

"Yes, this is a soul seal!" Lu Tianxing nodded solemnly.

"Don't look at me like this. It's not that Grandpa doesn't want to absorbed this soul seal, it's just that Grandpa couldn't absorb it!" Lu Tianxing knew what Lu Chen was thinking when he saw Lu Chen's expression, so he smiled and explained.

"Lu Chen, this is not an ordinary soul seal, this is the Qiankun Soul Seal. Its origin is legendary. You must not tell anyone what Grandpa said today." Lu Tianxing took a breath and suddenly became serious.

Lu Chen nodded.

"This Qiankun Soul Seal is said to have been left behind by the ancestor of the Lu family. It has been passed down for over 10,000 years.The ancestor of the Lu family was the strongest warrior in the entire Dragon Continent at that time. He made the Lu family the number one family on the Dragon Continent. At that time, not a single cultivator in the Dragon Continent would dare to disrespect the Lu family."

"After that ancestor died, he left behind this Qiankun Soul Seal, but no one in the Lu family can use it, so this soul seal has been passed down from generation to generation. Then now, it is in my hands. in the past, Grandpa didn't know the specifics, but that was the story of this Soul Seal in outline," Lu Tianxing said with a sigh.

"The strongest? The number one family?"

Hearing these words, Lu Chen was taken aback.

All along, Lu Chen had never known that his family had such a glorious past.

"Lu Chen, originally Grandfather planned to give this soul seal to your father Lu Yizhou, but unfortunately, let's not talk about him. Now Grandpa is going to give this soul seal to you, you must store it carefully. Maybe one day there will be a member of the Lu family that is born to be able to use this soul seal, and only then will the Lu family regain its former glory." Lu Tianxing handed the soul seal in his hand to Lu Chen with hope in his eyes.

"Grandpa" Lu Chen looked nervously at the soul seal.

"Save it," shouted Lu Tianxing in a low voice.

"Yes!" Lu Chen took the soul seal and stored it away carefully.

Within his dilapidated pavilion, Lu Chen opened a box at the foot of his bed, which contains several porcelain bottles.

"There are only three bottles of the Bone Refining Pills left!" Lu Chen saw three porcelain bottles in the box.

Lu Chen was a junior Alchemist. He had made many junior pills before. He sold the pills, then bought the body refining materials with the gold coins he got from selling the junior pills.

The normal price for a bottle of Bone Refining pill was thirty gold coins, and three bottles of the Bone Refining pill were worth ninety gold coins. Ninety gold coins almost could not buy a set of Body Purifying pills ingredients.

"In the next few days, I will sell three bottles of this Bone Refining Pills, then buy some more Bone Refining Pills. I need to make more Bone Refining Pill," Lu Chen said. He stared at the bottles for a moment, then took them out.

Even though Lu Tianxing often sent money or herbs to Lu Chen, it wasn't enough. Lu Chen didn't want to ask his grandfather Lu Tianxing for help unless he had no other way.

"Qiankun Soul Seal!"

Lu Chen suddenly thought of the Qiankun Soul Seal he had just obtained today, and of course he took it out. The Qiankun Soul Seal felt slightly cold in the hand, and if he touched it carefully, he could feel fine lines on its surface.

"Unexpectedly, my family was once the number one family on this continent!"

"This Qiankun Soul Seal was left behind by the first warrior on this continent at that time, but no one could use this Soul Seal." Lu Chen held the khaki colored soul seal in front of him and studied it closely.

"Unfortunately, my physique has no attributes, so I can't cultivate. If I can start learning martial arts, perhaps I can also try absorbing the power of this soul seal," Lu Chen thought.


A milky white light suddenly appeared from the soul seal, and this light instantly enveloped Lu Chen.

Lu Chen went blind for a moment, and then a heart-piercing pain appeared in his mind.

this kind of pain was simply unbearable for a man, as if his soul was being torn apart in an instant by an irresistible force.

Luckily, the pain lasted for a very short time. After only one breath, the pain subsided and Lu Chen's vision returned to normal.

Even though it only happened for a short time, Lu Chen's clothes were completely drenched in sweat. No one could understand how intense the pain Lu Chen had been in in this short amount of time.

"Huh? Who are you?" Before Lu Chen could think about what was going on, his eyes landed on a figure in the room.