
The Game Must Go On By CrossEdge

A guy gains the Gamer System and gets thrown into a multiverse of his own. Now he must balance becoming stronger, getting the girls and surviving this mess all the while entertaining his seniors. Harem, lemons in the future, Gamer MC. I am Just a Computer Engineering Student Sharing Stories to my Homies on Webnovel Who don't have anything to read and trying to generate a side income albeit little ;) Patreon : BeyondCheat ( IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME FOR BRINGING THIS FIC TO THIS WEBSITE ) NOTE : THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC, I AM TAKING THIS FIC FROM FANFIC.NET AND POSTING IT HERE REALAUTHOR : CROSSEDGE ( FULL CREDIT GOES TO HIM ) **IF THE AUTHOR WANT TO REMOVE THIS FIC CONTACT ME**

BeyondCheat · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Shows, Artifacts, and Reactions.

Disclaimer : I own nothing.

Chapter 10 : Shows, Artifacts, and Reactions.

- Shin –

"Are you ready Sairaorg?" I asked turning my head towards Sairaorg.

"Born Ready." Show off.

"You must be Koneko, correct?" I asked turning towards her as we haven't been introduced formally, getting a nod from her in return.

"Let me explain how this will work. First I want you to punch Sairaorg 10 times in a row continuously without stopping. You will not use your new gloves. After I give my okay for the second round of punches, you will use the gloves to punch and use ten punches again." I explain to her.

"Okay." I can see why she gets along with Morgiana so much. They are really alike in more than one way.

"Sairaorg, be careful about the second round of punches. I can tell that the fourth punch and beyond till she can continue will be hard."


I step back near Rias to let the show begin.

"So what do those gloves do?" she asks mein a hushed tone.

"You will see it soon. I don't want to spoil the show for you." I smile at her in return.

Baam, Baam, Baam, Baam, Baam, Baam, Baam, Baam, Baam, Baaaaaaam.

"She has quite a power behind her punches. Quite a good rook piece you have Rias. If she can train herself to gain Touki, I can tell you for sure that she will get very far in the Rating Games. She is a Youkai, correct?"

She looks at me with a look of slight hesitation before she answers. "Yes, she is, but she doesn't like using her Youkai side due to trauma."

I already know that, not sure if it's the same as I know. But it should be close.

"Touki is not a Youkai specific skill but they have an easier time using it. I could teach her if you want. Sairaorg is an expert at using the skill and that is why I can say for sure that Koneko normally won't have any way to hurt him with her current level of strength. Let's see how far the Combo Star carries her today."

"Very well Koneko, use the gloves now. It will reset when the amount becomes too much for your body to bear. After the punches, please do tell me how many punches it took to reset." I already know that she can only combo five moves because she has a 147 in END. But that is still an insane 1 million pounds-force she can generate with her punches.

"Get Ready….and START."

"Observe closely now Rias," I say as Sairaorg pushes his Touki to the maximum all of a sudden. Koneko gets pushed back a few steps from the sheer pressure he is emitting right now. Rias is having problems breathing right now too. She is level 50, much lower than Sairaorg let alone me. I cover her with some of my own Touki, helping her negate the pressure from Sairaorg's Touki.

"How can Koneko fight against something like THAT. I knew that Sairaorg was strong but I had no idea, he was this STRONG." Rias speaks in a clearly intimidated tone of voice.

"He is still holding back. He still has a trump card if I know correctly, one that could increase his power by several times. That's the sheer effort he has put training himself that is showing. Anyone can be that strong if they work as hard as Sairaorg had." I can honestly feel respect for the guy. He went through all that shit and got THIS strong with hard work alone. Maybe if could learn something BS like the Eight Inner Gates, it would make him a Monster who could fight Super Devils for a certain period of time. Just my guess though.

The shock on Rias' face was worth watching.

Koneko finally settles on her feet and takes the stance before she starts punching again.


Under the astonished gazes of the audience and a slack-jawed Rias, Sairaorg slides against the ground on his feet.

"The last one actually stung a little Rias Gremory's Rook. You definitely pack a great strength behind your punches." Sairaorg says walking up to her again.

"Thank you guys that will be all for the Gloves. Let me explain its abilities." I call them back before turning towards the direction I know the camera is filming us from.

"The gloves are called Combo Star. It adds 200,000 pounds of force for each move in a combo of attacks. So if someone hits you with a second punch, the hit will have an extra 200k pounds of force behind it, for the third punch an extra 400k pounds punch force behind it, behind the fourth punch a 400k force and so on and so forth. It's only limited by the physical capabilities of the user and has almost no upper limit to the strength you can take it too. Theoretically speaking, if you can sustain the strain from the gloves, it can generate force high enough to blow up a mountain with a touch. I call it…... The Combo Star Gloves. I hope you will like this."

I turn back to see the wide-eyed looks of Rias, Koneko, and a feral grin of Sairaorg looking at Koneko.

"You should train well, Rook of Rias Gremory. I will be awaiting a good fight in the Rating Games when we fight against each other. Maybe you can make me go all out then." He speaks at Koneko, who is still staring at her gloves with an astonished gaze seemingly not believing what just happened.

That ability is honestly quite broken. I don't know how the Ten Commandment member used it but I remember her doing 50+ hits combo on Meliodas. Must have FUCKING hurt. 10 million pounds of force not counting the force she had herself was something to be feared about.

"Shin, are you sure that you are giving this to me. I don't know if I can accept something like this. It is too expensive and important for me to just take it." Rias speaks in a hesitating tone.

"I think it will fit your Rook perfectly. As for it being expensive, did you forget that we just got engaged? That means we are going to be family soon. Why would I worry about spending on my family." I brush off her concerns easily. I can easily get overpowered peerage members on my own with the Game. She needs to make her peerage stronger. With me having taken away the Boosted Gear and having plans to take Asia from her too. Maybe even Rossewiese, this is just a consolation prize for her.

She blushes at my comment and accepts the gift.

+10 Affection with Rias Gremory(100/100) for caring about her.

Affection maxed and Locked with Rias Gremory. Obedience with Rias increased to 100.

Perk Gained

[Destruction Incarnate]

The Power of Destruction updates takes half the amount of effort to complete.

+5*INT to any attack using The Power of Destruction.

"Thank You. I will treasure it, Shin." She gives it to Koneko and her lips curve into a beautiful smile as she stands beside me.

A maxed Affection and Obedience girl. Finally someone I can put my trust into.

One can only reach so far alone. I know that for a fact. This really lifts a burden off my shoulders, to finally have someone to talk to.

Of course, I won't reveal all of my secrets to her. Just the ones I am comfortable with right now.

"The second Artifact is something that was actually a great help to me in the few days that I was traveling. A really handy tool if you will." I say as I take out the Gaea Foundation. I got the blueprints of this one from the original one.

"Before anyone starts commenting on the looks of this artifact, I will clear that THIS IS NOT A MAKEUP BOX. It's actually based on a childhood experience of mine. I once saw a …..less than pleasant looking woman going inside a beauty parlor and when she came out, it was like she was a completely different person." I start bullshitting. Sales are important for any business.

"I was completely gobsmacked by the change and was wondering what happened inside there. When asked to the beautician inside, I was shown a make-up box and she told me that it was ….MAGIC." Some people in the audience chuckled at this. Mostly men. "So I tried making one of my own. What this one does is something similar." I turn towards Rias as I use the Gaea Foundation to change into Rias.

Rias Gremory's doppelganger standing facing her. The audience staring at the two of us, trying to find out any differences between us.

"This can allow me to change into any living being I have seen before and gaining their physical features and abilities." I turn around before turning into a wolf before I take a sprint forward and turn into a bird in the middle of the run to soar to the skies. The bird changes into a dragon I remember from my memory of Harry as it takes flight before spewing a breath of fire as I turn back to my original form and land back on the ground.

"This one is called Gaea Foundation."

I put the box next to Rias who was waiting by the side of the stage for me.

The third will be the spear I gained from gacha. Demonic Spear, Ten Commandments. This is Erza Knighwalker's spear.

I got its blueprints too and this one was actually the easiest to make amongst all of the other artifacts I have. I can use alternative materials to make this.

"This is the Demonic Spear : Ten Commandments. It is named so because of its ten forms. Each form has a specific power which gives this spear and its user an immense versatility in a fight. Can I have someone to help me out with the demonstration of this artifact? I say looking at Serafall.

- Sona –

Sona was looking at the display that Shin was putting in front of the audience right now. To be perfectly honest, when he had announced earlier this morning that he was planning to start a business in the underworld of selling artifacts, she had mentally snorted at it. There are many artificers available to the underworld and even if his bracelets were good, crafting something at the level of a High-Class artifact is not a matter of joke. There is a good reason for the Biblical Go…..Creator of the Sacred Gears to be famous. That feat was not replicated by anyone else, not even Azazel, one who is said to know the most about Sacred Gear in this world after their Creator.

Now, however looking at the artifacts Shin was displaying in front of her, she had to change her mind. The Gloves had immense potential. Hypothetically speaking, as long as someone's body can sustain gloves, they can accumulate enough force to level a mountain or…..even kill a God. It was obviously not that easy as no God would just stand still and let them keep hitting them like a punching bag, but the fact that there was no other limit to the power generated except the user's body was something undeniably mindboggling. It is in a way a Longinus. Not that every user of Boosted Gear could kill a God. The wielder will play an important part in the strength but it does not deny the potential of the artifact itself.

Rias got lucky…..again. A tool as powerful as that just falling into her hand. Without any effort from her side. She couldn't get jealous of her rival. If Rias had a tool, then she will just have to find a countermeasure for that tool.

The second artifact had her literally drooling in her mind. She never actually showed it on the outside but, that one was something she would take over the Gloves any day and anytime. The sheer potential to change forms into anything is so great a power that she could plan a hundred ways around her enemy's defenses if she could get her hands on that one.

She will definitely have to get her hands on one of those artifacts.

So when she heard that he needed a Spear user, she instantly thought of a plan right at that instant.

"I would like to recommend my Queen Tsubaki Shinra as the volunteer for the test."

- Shin –

"Sona-tan saves the day again. Shin-kun allows Tsubaki-chan to help you with your demonstration. She is good with spears." She seconds Sona which is …..really not a surprise.

"Sure. Tsubaki-San, hold this spear. The workings of the spear will send you when you push your magic in it. Please demonstrate as many forms as you can access. I don't think you can access all the forms yet and use them to their fullest potential however even if you are able to use five of them right now, it will still demonstrate the power of this spear."

"Okay, Thank you for giving me this opportunity," she says before taking the spear from my hand.

The spear is something from the gacha and it gives an instinctive knowledge of it's form to the user.

Tsubaki takes a stance with the spear before closing her eyes and sending her magic in the spear.

"Silfarion" and with that word she dashes forward in a burst of speed which is much faster than her own speed even as a queen piece.

"The Silfarion for of the spear enhances the speed of the user. The more the user can push their magic in the spear, the more speed they gain. Please change the next form Tsuaki-san."

"Explosion" the tip of the spear changes yet again. She hits a stray rock with a swing of her spear and the rock shatters into a rain of stones.

"The Explosion form as the name suggests creates explosions at any point it makes contact with."

"Mel force," a blast of pressurised air is shot, which shatters a boulder twice her size with relative ease.

"Mel Force can shoot vacuum blasts depending on the amount of magic the spear is fed."

"Gravity Core," a black ball of gravity magic is created which starts attracting everything in its surroundings and finally shot off to create an explosion, leaving a massive crater in its wake.

"Million Suns" and tip of the spear changes to bright golden light. Even I feel a slight pickle on my skin. This light attribute weakness is annoying.

"Million Suns is something extraordinarily rare among devils as it is a Light attribute attack. It can be used as a melee tool or a wave of light can be sent out to cut the enemies from a long distance."

Tsubaki was visibly panting right now. I guess it took its toll on her to spam attacks like that. She barely has a Mid class devil levels of reserves and she put quite a lot of power in the gravity core. Well, she is mostly a physical attacker with her Mirror Alice being most of her magical counter and that in my opinion is a serious waste of her queen piece.

"Can you access more of the forms of the spear?" I ask her seeing that she didn't say the names of another attack.

"No, the next part is a bit hazy and I can't draw it out with my demonic power. I will need to train more to get to it." Good at least she knows her limit.

"There are five more forms to that spear and most of them are stronger than the ones that you have used just now. Though the amount of power they take to use them is just as high. You did quite well for the first time. It shows your skills with a spear." I smile at her. Can't really say that she didn't try now could I? She is practically out of breath.

"Thank you for your help. I will leave the audience with the surprise for when they buy the spear for themselves." It will actually work in my favour. Curiosity is a great motivator after all and devils have a habit of sticking their noses in such matters easily.

"Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity." She says with a 90-degree bow. Formal much.

"No, no. It was my pleasure." I turn to Serafall again." I think it is time for the last one for tonight. Can you please bring what I asked for?"

Serafall gives me a nod before she signals someone towards the cameras. A few moments later a middle-aged devil with one arm missing arrives in the field in a magic circle that I haven't seen yet.

"Shin-kun, this is Lord Barbatos. He is the Head of the House of Barbatos." Serafall introduces the person to me.

I give him a slight bow. Enough to be polite but not exactly submissive. "Nice to meet you Lord Barbatos. I am Shin Kageyami."

"I have heard a lot about you from Serafall, young man. Tell me what do you need my assistance for today." The guy has an imposing presence but his manners are quite friendly. Not like on of those stuck-up pricks from before.

"I wish for your help in a demonstration of an artifact of mine. I ensure you that it will not be harmful to you in any way." I reply to the man. If I can pull this off, it will propel my business to extreme heights right from the very start.

"Hahahaha, don't worry young man, I still have enough fight in these old bones left. Go on with your demonstration."

"In that case please allow me. Shun Shun Rikka." I invoke the fullbring which I was wearing as a badge on my Coat. Six fairies fly and take positions around me. I can see everyone staring in astonishment at the change.

"Soten Kisshun : I Reject" Two of the fairies take their places around Lord Barbatos' arm and a shield of light forms around his arm.

The light does not harm him, however. I have to give it to the guy that he didn't even flinch when the light shield formed.

Let's see how much chaos this will cause.

- Serafall –

Serafall Leviathan was really nervous right now. A lot was riding on this artifact and its effects. She had been quite curious when Shin-kun had asked for someone injured or crippled with a loss of limb. Then it struck her what exactly he was planning to do. It was completely unheard of. Even the greatest healing method of the Underworld, The Phenex Tears couldn't do something that he was implying that he would do. Regrowing limbs was only something that Phenex House members could do due to their clan trait and that is the reason for their overinflated egos. However, if this feat could be replicated, then it will be something that will shake the entire world and not just the underworld.

She saw as Shin-kun summoned the six fairies and two of them from a shield around the missing arm of Lord Barbatos. The light doing no harm to the devil as under her and the entire audiences astonished gazes, a patch of flesh starts growing from the lost limb. It keeps increasing at a steady pace and finally after a few minutes of time, a fully regrown arm takes place of the missing limb, looking as good as new.

He really did it.

This is going to create massive waves all around the world. There are many great fighters in all other factions who have lost limbs over the millions of years of their existence. If he can really regrow anyone's limbs, then there is going to be utter chaos. She will have to think of other methods to reduce the force that the other factions are going to come at them with.

"This is the only one of its kind. I am sorry but, I am currently unavailable to remake any of these for the time being, and thus this is also not for sale. Maybe in the future, but not right now. This one will give you an idea about what is the best my artifacts can provide you. I will thank you all for giving me this time of your day tonight."

This was going to be really messy. But then again eccentric inventors always come with their flaws and this was not even something she will consider as a flaw. This was only normal that he won't give up an artifact like that to anyone if he had only one of these. No one will give up on those. Now, she only had to make these stubborn old devils understand this because if she knows Shin-kun well enough, he won't take to being forced to in any kind of way easily.

This was a huge mess. A mess which was very well worth the reward but still troublesome. But she was a Satan. She could take care of it.

- Shin –

Okay, it's decided. Temporal inversion is Bullshit. Knowing about something is good but seeing it for yourself is something else.

"Thank you Shin Kageyami." The old devil in front of me says in a serious tone of voice while checking his arm. "From today onward, you are an official ally of House Barbatos. If you should face any problems, we will provide our utmost support to you. This is my promise to you." he says in a solemn tone of voice. I could feel that he really meant it and was not giving me just lip service.

His situation was just that problematic in the underworld and among devils where power mattered above all else, having someone who has lost an arm be the head of the house is looked down upon as a sign of weakness. If he lived through that then he must have faced a lot of troubles and I helped him out of that situation. It is normal for him to feel gratitude.

"I offer my thanks to you Lord Barbatos. It is truly my pleasure to help." I smile back at him. Every ally I get is one which is going to help me in the long run.

+50 Reputation with Septimus Barbatos(70/100) for healing his arm.

Perk Gained

[Will of The Fallen]

It is easier to gain Affection, Reputation, and Obedience with those who have lost or had lost their powers due to any reason.

"With this, I end my presentation. I hope you will visit my business in the future. I have plans for opening in a few months. Thank you and good night to everyone who spared me their times tonight." I end the show with a slight bow. This was more tiring than I thought.

We were teleported to the Party Hall once again. I could see the greed in the eyes of the devils looking at me right now.

Rias walks beside me and takes my arm in hers. It is actually comforting to have her near me.

"That was a great show, Shin. I am sure that people will be very pleased with your business in the underworld." Rias says while looking at me.

Yup, she is really the best wife material in the series. Haters can piss off.

"The real show is going to start now. I really don't have the mood for any more politics. They look like they are one step away from eating me alive."

"They look like that at anyone who has something they want. It is the nature of Devils, to be greedy." Rias replies in an even tone.

"I would know that considering that my own secondary sin is Greed."

"Oh, I didn't know that. What is your primary Sin then?" Rias asks curiously this time. Sins of a person are obvious most of the times, especially in devils.

"That is a Secret," I whisper in her ears earning a blush from her.

While we were in our own world flirting with each other, Serafall approaches us for the conclusion of the party.

"The Show was really wonderful Shin-kun. We will have to talk about the method of sale of the artifacts later. I think you should be tired already. Still, could the two of you come along with me for a private conversation? We need to decide about the future course of action." Serafall chimes in her usual bubbly and cheerful voice.

"Sure, let's go somewhere else. I am pretty sure that I will have a dozen holes in my body if they stare at me any more intently."

We are lead to a relatively smaller room near the party hall. The occupants of the room are the Four Great Satans along with Zekram Bael.

"That was a really amazing performance Shin-kun. Especially that last artifact will gain some seriously high attention from devils as well as the other factions. Have you decided how you are going to sell these artifacts?"

"Currently I don't have enough artifacts to sell. I was thinking about selling the general ones for a set price and hold an auction for the High-Class ones and above. This will also help regulate the flow of the artifacts even if only to a certain degree. I am planning to add other products like potions and weapons in the future. Getting the raw materials will be slightly difficult though."

"What kind of potions are you talking about," asked Ajuka.

"Currently only the basic healing, magic restoration and stamina potions. I will need to work out the others later."

"Healing Potions! Can you show me some samples of the ones you are planning to sell?"

"Sure." I pull off the drops from the ids.

Medium Health Potion

Restores 25% of the user's HP when used.

"This one restores the Health of the user by a quarter of the maximum."

These were the best I have had. One of the main reasons that I need Alchemist is to make my own potions. Grinding without potions is a nightmare.

I see Ajuka whispering something in a magic circle and giving Serafall a nod.

The gleam in Serafall's eyes increasing even further if that was actually possible. I have no idea what she is thinking.

"Shin-kun, how fast can you make these potions." She asks me while the others are busy discussing something among themselves.

'How fast can I make potions using an alchemist, game?'

Instantly. You only need mana, raw materials, and the recipe. The process will be done immediately.

"As long as I have the raw materials and formula for the potion, I can be very fast when making them."

"You can give me the list of raw materials that you will are in need of. I will arrange for them through our trade channels. Next is the need to make sure that your artifacts cannot be used against our people. Do you have any plans for that?" this one is actually a very decent question. I had considered it very well and made countermeasures for it as well.

"All my artifacts have my magical signature in them. I can disable them if I want anytime. I can ensure that they cannot be used against us in the future."

"Very well then. Now for your personal matter. What are your plans for the near future Shin-kun? What do you want to do?"

Okay, here goes the plan.

"I don't really know," I say while looking slightly lost. I have to play it really well. "From where I come, I still have two years of education left because I left the place behind. I wish to continue it in a normal place if possible. The last five years of my school life have been nothing but painful to me, spending the rest of my time somewhere normal will be a nice change of pace."

The people look at me with slight looks of pity and I feel Rias grip my hands tighter when I say this. The plan is working.

"In that case how would you like to attend School with Rias-chan in the human world. It is a good place and you two can get to know each other well too," says Serafall looking straight at me, planning something.

"It is Rias and Sona's territory. It wouldn't be good for me to intrude."

"It is no problem for me Shin. I would love to have you in Kuoh. We could definitely go to school together." says Rias looking very optimistic.

"It will not be any problem for Sona-tan either. There has been a Stray Devil attack in the town earlier. We have heightened the security more and it will also be safer for you to be there as this performance will make you a target for many other groups. It will be better to remain in a territory with Rias-chan and Sona-tan. You all will be safer together."

"Will it be alright for me to stay there?" I turn to Rias and ask her.

"Yes, it will be wonderful. I am sure everyone else will be happy too." Rias replies. This was easier than I thought.

"Thank you. I will love that too."

"It is decided then, you will be enrolled in the third year of Kuoh Academy when you go to the Human World." She says finalizing the things.

"Does the school provide lodging? My previous one did but I'd rather have a place of my own to work without attracting any attention." This is something I need from them. While I can get a place build with my money, it will take time.

"You don't need to worry about that, we will make the place before you go there. I will make a lab similar to my own for your work. As for this potion business, try to keep it a secret for now. It will cause too many problems if that news is revealed." says Ajuka.

"Okay. I will keep that in mind." It is bound to cause trouble. The House Phenex will be destroyed.

"Also Shin-Kun on a different note, this is something I have arranged for you. I know you don't have many feelings for the place you came from but I had to go there to remove your background so that it couldn't be traced back to the devils. It could have caused you trouble if someone linked you with your wizarding counterpart." says Serafall catching me completely off-guard.

She passes me a file while looking at me straight in the eyes. What did she find out? I don't think it is something serious because she wouldn't have been so amiable with me right now.

"I know that you dislike them for what they have done to you, but please believe me that some things are not as simple as they look. I have details in that file. You should read it when you have time. I won't force you to choose and will respect whatever decision you make. Just think about everything once you finish reading the file."

This is Serafall's investigation report. Well, what do you know? She actually made my work easier if she found out some information about Dumb-and-Dork and his chicken chasers.

"Very well then, Rias-chan you can take Shin-Kun back home. Also please have him prepared for school. Bye Bye." Says Serafall sending us off.

+30 Affection with Serafall Leviathan( 42/100) for performing as beyond her imagination.

We both take our leave after a slight bow of our heads.

- Scene Change –

I and my peerage were escorted to a different place this time around. It is the Gremory castle, unlike the Bael castle. I guess that now I am engaged to Rias, I am a responsibility of the Gremories rather than the Baels. I can live with that.

Rias assigns a maid to show me and my peerage members to our room and we greet Venelana in the way. Zeoticus is not around. Guess he is still at the party.

"I will talk to Sona and we will decide on a schedule for your school. The third-year at Kuoh Academy is the same year as mine, so you will be in my class. I will get all the necessary items for you. What is the matter Shin, you look distracted since the end of the meeting." Rias says looking slightly worried.

"No, it is nothing." I don't really know if I should involve her in this mess.

"Is this about the file and your family in the human world?" she asks.

"They are not my family. I would never call such people, my family." Even I was a bit surprised by my tone of voice but you can't blame me. I have the guy's memories and I honestly don't have any feelings for them which are even remotely positive.

She looks a little startled at my outburst but regains her composure very quickly. She tightens her grip on my hand and asks "Will you tell me about yourself? I want to know you better."

Damn, she looks so sincere. I really don't want others to be involved in the wizarding world's bullshit drama.

"You can read the file with me? I think it might give you some idea about my life to this point." I need to see what Serafall has found about.

With a nod of her head, I get my confirmation. We take a place on the bed of my temporary room and begin reading the report.

Holy Shit, this guy was royally screwed in more than one way. Okay, fuck it, in every way possible.

I didn't know if I could get even more disgusted with James but I had to change my mind after reading the file. The vile piece of shit is no human. His entire existence is that of filth that needs to be cleaned.

Dumb-and-Dork has been playing around him since the beginning, which I knew already. What I didn't know was the extent to which he was played around with. I feel rage even if the Gamers Mind is helping me keep my cool.

Beside me, Rias is a completely different story. If Riser's name could bring her to violent anger, she is downright murderous right now.

The Power of Destruction crackling around her menacingly.

"How ..could…they do this? To their own child?" Rias seems pretty lost, time to change this. I really don't want her to go behind my back and do something unnecessary, because from what I know, that's exactly what Rias does most of the time. Here, my plans will be ruined if she does anything unwarranted.

"There are just some people like that. You can see Sairaorg. His case is somewhat similar to mine. Don't worry too much about it. In a way, this is the reason that I am here with you, or we don't know if I would still be here if they had treated me any differently." I try to pacify her anger and get her to calm down. In a way it is true, if Harry hadn't died, I wouldn't be here.

"That doesn't excuse them from what they did to you. I will…" I stop her mid-rant and try to control the situation once more.

"WE…..will do what is necessary after this. You already read about the prophecy. Trust me when I say this, none of the two sides in the Wizarding world is any good. I want them to suffer their own foolishness. I will take you with me to bring out a friend or two. Not that I have much connection with that place. I don't even have my Godfather's body to make a grave for him. But not now. My missing status will not be discovered by them anytime soon and I plan to take full advantage of that. In the meanwhile, we can spend some time together. I refuse to let them ruin what I have here." Okay, she did quiet down a bit. "We have a date too if I remember correctly." I smile at her.

"Yes, we have a date." She says. Her thoughts were safely redirected a little.

"Let me show you something in the meanwhile. I got a certain something from a patron of mine that I have been meaning to check for a while now."

Her raised eyebrows were all the confirmation I needed.

I take out the Familiar Summoning Egg. This is something I have been meaning to test out for a while now.

Apparently, it only needs me to inject my magic power in it and it will grant me a familiar most suited to myself.

"This egg grants me the most suited familiar to myself if I inject my magic power in it to hatch it. I wanted to try it for a while now. Wanna see what come out of it?" getting a nod, I start injecting my magic power.

It takes around 100,000 MP for it to reach anywhere. The egg starts glowing a slight whitish colour at first. Slowly the light brightens more and cracks start appearing in the egg.

Finally in a burst of white light, the egg-shell is disintegrated and what lay in my hand is a ….


"Pfft, hehe, hehehehehe. Is that the familiar most suited to you? hahahahaha."

The twitching of my eyebrows only increases the intensity of her laughter.

I got a fucking…..slime.

The wriggling blue glob of jelly in my hand is anything but reassuring right now.

Check its status first and then start complaining Host.


Ah, yes it's Status.


Name : ?

Title : Familiar of Shin Kageyami.

Race : Slime

Level : 1.

Rank- Regular

HP- 20 [1 per minute]

MP – 40 [2 per minute]

SP- 20 [1 per minute]

STR – 5

END –5

DEX – 5

INT – 5

WIS – 5

CHA – 5

LUK – 5

Status Points : 0

Skill : Devour.

Affection : 40/100.

Obedience : 60/100.


One Observe on Devour later.

Skill : Devour

Allows the user to Devour any being that it or it's master has defeated with a certain chance of gaining their skill. The chance is increased if the opponent is alive and the user kills it by itself without any assistance. This chance of gaining skills reduces significantly if the user is assisted by others. Stats are not gained by user on devouring its opponents.

Holy Shit.

It's a fucking Rimuru.

A discount version of Rimuru maybe but still I have my own OP slime in making. The Best Familiar Ever.

"This is the familiar most suited to you?" Rias is still sniggering a little my beautiful soft and squishy, glob of wonder. Apparently, she needs to be educated about the wonders of the one I hold in my hands.

But first to name it. This is something I suck at a lot, so I am going to do the most sensible thing here and….copy.

"Your name will be Ciel." (AN : Bite me, I am bad at naming.)

"Shin, are you really serious about this. This is a slime. I am sure you can get better familiars in the familiar forest. We can go there on the next full moon night and get one for you and your peerage." Ah, foolishness. Your influence on this poor soul is quite heavy.

"Rias," I explain to her in a soft and assuring tone of voice. "The one in my hand right now is The Best Familiar I can ever hope to get. Second only to maybe….Let's say…..Super Shenron from Drag-so-ball. Don't underestimate this squishy glob of goodness just because of how cute he is. He is someone who if trained correctly, can eat Ddraig and Albion for breakfast any day of the weak. Why would I want any other familiar except my beautiful Ciel." I explain to her as if chiding a child.

"Okay Shin, I know that you are embarrassed about getting a slime as your most suited Familiar but that is no reason to get deluded from reality. We can always get you a better familiar." Rias still doesn't get it.

In a tone of exasperation, I explain to her why the one in my hand is my destined familiar and no run of the mill familiar can ever take its place.

"….so you are telling me that this thing here can grow as strong as a Heavenly Dragon and gain power from whatever it defeats and eats," Rias asks in a disbelieving tone of voice.

"More or less. I don't know if the powers will be just a nerfed version of the original but that is most likely the case. Though training him is going to be much harder. You can join us if you want. I am sure you will get stronger too."

"I….don't know what to say about this. Is such a thing even possible?" she is still in denial about the awesomeness of my Ciel.

"We live in a world where a Glove can double its user's power every ten seconds and a pair of wings can half their opponent's power every ten seconds and you are surprised by this of all things?" Seriously with all the Bullshit that is the Dxd world, I don't think Ciel will be anywhere out of place. Slightly surprising, sure but nowhere unprecedented, Runa, the Stray Devil who attacked Rias was slightly similar, just not as awesome as my Ciel. But then again, who can even hope to match a mini Rimuru.

"True," she says and lets go of the topic.

"When are you planning to go back to the academy," I ask her. I need to know the dates to plan out my next steps accordingly.

"In one week or so. There will be many political repercussions due to our engagement. Even if they cannot say anything, they will still try to take advantage of you by finding a loophole in the agreement. We cannot leave this place sooner than one week for Onii-sama and others to manage it." I nod back to her in agreement.

This is what I thought about too. I too need to sit back and relax for a while. I have been burning myself with too much work all this time.

"Shin." I was broken from my musing by Rias' voice.


"Can you please help me train? I want to become stronger," she speaks in a very low voice almost as if a whisper. It seems that the prideful appearance that she keeps all the time has kept this vulnerability of hers hidden. At least she has enough courage to ask me about this. It seems that my plan with Runa was a good one.

"Sure. But I will warn you, I am not easygoing when training someone. I won't hold back if you accept."

"I accept," she replies in a firm tone.

"We will start training tomorrow. You can show me your anime collection until then. It is my fees." I smile at her, getting a dazzling smile of her own in return.

You know something Game. Moments like these are not bad.

That's the point of a Game Host. To be happy and satisfied when playing it.

True. So true.

- Azazel –

Azazel was having a blast since yesterday.

The Rating Game was truly a great show. Some would think why he, a leader of The Fallen Angels was happy at the Devils gaining a powerful young devil. But the fact is irrefutable that the said young devil was the first thing in a while except for his father's sacred gears that had attracted his attention so much.

He still remembers the battle intent that Vali was releasing when watching the Rating Game. He was one step away from dashing to Agreas himself to fight his 'Fated Rival'. That is not to say that he was not impressed by the others. The maid was everything like the one she looked. That level of Time Magic was almost as if she had The Forbidden Balor View. Devils get another super maid.

Why can't he find one for himself? Sure the occasional cosplay in his usual trysts with other humans or fallen angels was close but nothing matches the original. Grayfia Lucifuge would freeze his testicles and Sirzechs would erase him if he ever found out what he was thinking. The new one was not far off either. He had seen the look in her eyes. She would probably send a super accelerated dagger at him in all sorts of places. Nevermind, the other two members were extremely surprising too.

Meredith Ordinton, Weilder of Alpheca Tyrant and Morgiana, The Red Dragon Empress. Both were well versed in combat. Though Morgiana seemed more of an instinctive fighter, she reminded him of a lot of the youkai. They hunt rather than fight straight battles.

And then there was the King. Truly the one who could call himself a King. He literally ruined Riser Phenex in the game. Azazel was starting to have second thoughts about the rumors about him being the illegitimate child of Zekram Bael.

That cunning and ruthlessness which he employed in his fight. Completely remaining under control all the time. It was something he had seen in Zekram during the Great War and also during the Civil Wars.

The thing which attracted Azazel the most however was ….his Sacred Gear.

Mirror Alice, a High-Class Scared Gear. Really useful no doubt about it, but it was nowhere near as versatile as the one he used in his Rating Game. The sub-species Mirror Alice was certainly intriguing and Azazel was sure that the boy didn't show even half of its capabilities.

And finally was the recording of the video of the party last night.

It would be with great effort and an equal amount of reluctance that Azazel would admit that the boy, a 17 or 18 years old child, had done something that he a millennia-old Fallen Angel had been unable to do all this while.

The four artifacts that the boy presented before the audience was truly a work of art. The Gloves reminded him of the Boosted Gear in a way. Different, yet very similar. The makeup box was intriguing too. What were its limits? Can it make someone into a replica of Great Red even if it was only by looks? The spear was amazing as it was quite similar to the Excalibur before it was broken.

The one which really took the show was the Flower Hairpin which he kept as a badge on his coat. That was something he could call the work of his Father at his best. That thing could be termed as a Longinus without a doubt, even if it was only a support class without any offensive ability. It couldn't kill a god from what he saw but its ability was no bit less than any other Longinus that he had seen. Temporal Inversion was possible.

That artifact, The Shun Shun Rikka was THE BEST HEALING ARTIFACT IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and its creator was a boy in his teenage years.

He had compared Shin Kageyami to Ajuka in his youth. Now, however, Azazel will have to change his opinions. This boy was nothing like Ajuka.

Ajuka was nowhere near as good as Shin was right now at the same age.

It seems like he will have to organize a meeting with Shin Kageyami. With the talks of peace going on behind the background and the Khaos Brigade moving in the shadows, Shin Kageyami could be a wild card that could change the Game in anyone's favour. It never hurts that talking to a fellow inventor who is also interested in Sacred Gears. It was something he would enjoy any day.

"Raynare." He calls for a fallen serving under him.

"Yes, Lord Azazel."

Raynare is not an exceptional Fallen Angel by any stretch. Two Winged Fallen Angels are best for such missions as not attract attention and not seem overly hostile to the other party. Stronger ones can make them wary.

"Take your team and move over to Kuoh. Keep a watch on the devils from a distance but do not make any contact if possible. Do not let them feel you we are a danger to them. It is only an observation mission. This mission is of great importance, so keep yourself at your best." He speaks getting frantic nod from Raynare as she goes back to her day dreaming.

Fangirls. They are just too fanatical, especially the supernatural ones.

"I will not disappoint you Lord Azazel." Raynare leaves with great enthusiasm.

Now he just has to wait till Rias Gremory returns to the Human world with her fiancé Shin Kageyami with her.

- James Potter –

James Potter was not having a good time. Ever since he kicked out that waste of space, snake spawn from his House Lily has been relapsing to her depression more often. Why can't she see the little shit for the Dark snake that he is? Bloody Slytherin.

He was broken from his thoughts when he heard a floo call. It was a call from Headmaster Dumbledore himself requesting for a visit.

Albus looked quite worried when he arrived.

Heaving a tired sigh, he sat on the nearest chair.

"James, my boy. I am afraid that we might have made a very big mistake."

"What are you talking about Headmaster." He asked in confusion.

"It is about Harry."

"What has HE got to do with anything." He spits out in disgust. That….thing is a taint on the name of the Potter Family. Getting sorted into Slytherin, that filthy snake has done everything to degrade the name of the family. Even the name of that slimy dark creature brings a foul taste to his tongue.

"It is not him that has done anything. It is we who have made mistakes." The headmaster says confusing him. Lily appears in the room right at that instant.

"What is this about Headmaster." He asks a bit guarded. Lily gets very protective when that snake's name is a topic of discussion.

"Back in Hogwarts, when you disowned young Harry, he said some things which I found contradicting from what we know."

"Of course he did. Trying to take all of Alex's hard work for his own. I can't believe he was even a part of the Potter House. I am ashamed to even remember that very fact." He shouted remembering all the drivel that snake spoke after getting his friend Sirius killed in the Department of Mysteries.

"It is my duty to check every fact for the students of Hogwarts James. Do not forget that, I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts."

"You can't be doubting Alex over the words of a snake. He is a Slytherin. They are all dark Wizards."

"I am afraid that you would be wrong this time James. Young Harry is anything but dark from what my investigations have shown." The Headmaster says shaking his head with a sorrowful expression on his face.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. There is no way that snake couldn't be dark. Could there be something wrong with his hearing? Or….

Leveling his wand against the person in front of him, he gets a raised eyebrow in return. He continues "Prove that you are who you look to be."

The person in front of him gazes into his eyes before releasing a sigh. He knew it, this was a fak….

His thoughts halted in middle when the person spoke, "Third day of month since 1896, two vials of red and one vial of blue."

That was….Lily's potion's regime to keep her under contr…..away from dark influences of the Slytherin boy. The only ones who knew of it were James and Dumbledore and no one else.

Putting his wand down, he asks again. "What did you find out Headmaster?"

Giving him a nod in return the Headmaster responds, "Everything that young Harry said that day was true. He was the one who fought Voldemort all those times in Hogwarts and saved everyone's lives." Without giving him any chance to refute, headmaster continues. "I have the statements of the portraits and the house elves. I also used the pensive to review all my memories of the incidents back when they were reported and found that every time the incidents were solved, Alex was nowhere near the scene. It was young Harry who was near the scene. *Sign* but the most disturbing fact that I found out was not about Harry, but about Alex. He had not only been lying about Harry's achievements and claiming them as his own but….he was the one was sabotaging Harry every time he did something good."

"THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE. Alex is a Gryffindor and a Potter. He cannot do anything like that to anyone. If he did so, then it must be the snake's fault."

"James, are you even listening to what you are saying. Pettigrew was a Gryffindor and big light wizard he was. Are you saying that Harry, my son, is a Dark Wizard just because he was sorted in Slytherin? Are you really that blind?" shouted Lily.

He had been having a hard time controlling her all this while and now Albus bringing this up will no doubt hive her a the more voice.

"You will be quiet. This is my house and what I say goes on here. That Dark Spawn is not my son. He never will be one." He shuts up Lily who looks at him with a face full of shock. It will go away when the potion kick in.

"In the second year" Albus starts again, breaking their argument temporarily, "I found a certain object of Dark and vile magic. It explained Voldemort's reason of survival and his ability to keep coming back every time. He had split his soul in parts and made the vilest of the objects known to magical kinds. Horcruxes."

The pit of despair that just formed in his stomach quelled always all his desire to argue and rebut to the nonsense his wife was uttering earlier.

Albus however was not finished, as he continued. "It was the item which almost possessed Ginny Weasely and brought back Voldemort. I never suspected that someone could fall so low to have made one of those but it seems that I was naïve. Too naïve. He had not only made them, he even made multiple of them. As long as even one of them remain intact, Voldemort cannot be killed. He can take possession of anyone possessing those items."

"Then we have to find and destroy them as soon as possible." He urged the most natural thing possible.

"I am afraid that it is not so easy James. We don't know where or how many of them there are. I know one of them and have suspicion about three others."

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go and destroy that piece first." He couldn't help but speak.

Once again sighing, Albus spoke "The one I know of is a living Horxrux. It is actually…the scar of Alex Potter."

"THAT IS ABSOLUTELY ABSURD." He shouted at the person in front of him.

"It is the truth. I checked it myself after I had my doubts. You can check it too if you want. It will also explain why Alex could sense Voldemort anywhere near him during the previous years. Moreover, it will also explain why he had been trying to sabotage young Harry all this time. It is because….Harry was the one who reflected the killing curse, not Alex."


"And how do you know that?" asked Dumbledore in return.

"That is because….you said that yousel….." he stopped realizing the problem. It was Dumbledore who had said that Alex was the one who reflected the killing curse.

"Yes and I am the one saying that I made a mistake. It was Harry Potter who defeated Voldemort that day. If you don't believe me, then you can have Alex Potter called here and make an unbreakable vow and claim that whatever he said in the previous meeting was true. That he was the one who defeated Voldemort every time in Hogwarts. If he can do that, I will accept it."

But…." He couldn't form any rebuttal to that. What was happening here? "But….he is a Slytherin."

"I have a theory for that too. The Sorting Hat cannot be confounded for long to act on anyone specific. It is not something even I can do (I just change the sorting hat with my own duplicate copy of the hat). Now, remind me once again, whose name was it that was called JUST before young Harry's name."

"…Potter, Alexander".

There were many thoughts running through his mind in that instant, but it could all be summarized in one work.



AN : Hey Guys. First of all, sorry for being so late with this update. As I had already mentioned before. I was in containment for COVOID-19 and it caused a lot of backlog in my office work. The last few days have been utter hell for me. I hope you will understand it.

Second, while not many things happened in this chapter, it was still a part I needed to get out of my list. The show had to be success and I tried to keep it short by only showing 5 commandments of the spear.

I have some plans for the future chapters regarding the wizarding world but it will not be resolved anywhere before the end of the Kokabiel Arc.

As you can see, Dumb-and-Dork has started moving for his Oscar to try to get Harry(Shin) as his pawn. I have something really special planned for him as well as the other so called Light side. It will take some time so please be patient for a few more chapters.

I was trying to get some alone time for Shin and Rias to develop their relationship. I want her to have more role than just a pair of boobs or bashing material as most of the others do.

Anyways, it's already later here. Gonna take a nap. Enjoy the chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.