
The Game Must Go On By CrossEdge

A guy gains the Gamer System and gets thrown into a multiverse of his own. Now he must balance becoming stronger, getting the girls and surviving this mess all the while entertaining his seniors. Harem, lemons in the future, Gamer MC. I am Just a Computer Engineering Student Sharing Stories to my Homies on Webnovel Who don't have anything to read and trying to generate a side income albeit little ;) Patreon : BeyondCheat ( IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME FOR BRINGING THIS FIC TO THIS WEBSITE ) NOTE : THIS IS NOT MY FANFIC, I AM TAKING THIS FIC FROM FANFIC.NET AND POSTING IT HERE REALAUTHOR : CROSSEDGE ( FULL CREDIT GOES TO HIM ) **IF THE AUTHOR WANT TO REMOVE THIS FIC CONTACT ME**

BeyondCheat · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

And so it begins : Part 3

Looking around the town square I find nothing in the area, looks like the mini boss appears after clearing the area.

Moving further towards the outskirts of the town following the railway tracks towards a mine, I spot something moving in the shadows of the mine. Casting The Eyes of Darkness and Observe, reveals it to be a shade.




Trying out the Shadow Walk I reach within its range. It can't sense me under my Invisibility Cloak and I intend to take full advantage of this fact. Again throwing stones to make them gather at a point I keep changing my position and wait till a number of them amass at a single place. Making sure they are in all in the range I cast Shadow Bomb.

All the Shades are vaporized in a beautiful blast of darkness. I am pretty sure Dumb-and-Dork would say something like 'Harry, my boy, I am afraid that you are going dark.' I am and it feels wonderful. The sheep would no doubt believe anything that comes out of any of the holes of that idiot. Pushing unnecessary thoughts out of my mind I enter further into the mine. I have to be mindful not to use Shadow Bombs too much, the mines' support is weak and I don't think I will survive it collapsing on me.

Killing my way in with a constant and safe pace, I reach a bigger clearing in the cave. The ceiling is much higher and the walls are much further. Inside is a skeleton sitting on a rock throne.

Kovirian, The Lich

Level – 25

Rank – Elite

HP – 3000

MP – 5000

This is the first elite tier monster I have encountered and this one can use magic. If the MP is any indication. I have to plan this out so that I don't get hit by it. My HP is still low and I can't afford to get hit by any of its spells. I can only imagine how much damage it does.

Hiding under the Invisibility Cloak, I sneak closer to it. But as soon as I reached a certain distance from it, it turned to my direction. It might be a magical sensing skill or skill to sense life. Quickly I cast Shadow Bind on it. It's a magic type enemy hopefully its STR will be weaker than my INT. casting the attack spells while stepping forward and slashing it with Maria's Dagger.

Due to high magical resistance of Kovirian, The Lich against dark type spells, duration of Shadow Bind is reduced by 50%.

FUCK….using Shadow Walk almost by instinct, I get out of the way of a black ray of magic shot towards me. It hits the wall behind me and leaves a crater the size of a full grown adult on the walls. That's another problem, I can't let it cause too much collateral damage or the ceiling of the place will collapse and its game over.

It summons a group of 5 skeletons to assist while I was distracted by the damage to the wall. This shit is getting out of hand.

Summoned Skeleton

Level – 10

HP – 450

Using Shadow Bind again on it, I use Shadow Bomb in the middle of the skeletons before they can disperse any further.

The skeletons are blown up in the explosion and it hits the Lich with its edges doing severe damage. Its magic resistance is really good and that is making my attacks do less damage than I would have liked. Renewing the Shadow Bind on it I recast all the attack spells and approach it with Shadow Walk slashing it with the dagger. This time the paralysis activates. Taking that as a chance I slash it twice more and renew the Shadow Bind on it. After a final round of spells, the Lich finally dies…..or dies again? I don't know, it's kind of confusing for the undead.

Collecting the final loot, I check everything I got in the mines. The total haul this time is 5 stat crystals 1 STR, 1 CHA, 2 of END and 1 LCK, a necklace and 2 gacha tickets.

Necklace of Kovirian

50% resistance to Dark magic. +20% damage to all dark magic spells.

I use the stat crystals to get any boost I can and roll the gacha.

Reject Dial

Does 10 times the amount of physical damage it has absorbed.

Skill Orb – Fire God Slayer Magic (Adept)

Not waiting another second I used the skill orb. Fire God Slayer Magic is not something I would pass up…at least if I don't get anything better in return. I am just greedy that way, sue me.

Skill Gained

[Fire God Slayer Magic (Adept)] (Passive)

The ability to use black flames that can hurt even Gods. God Slayer Magic is an ancient lost magic that gives its users an extreme control of and resistance to fire.

User gets the ability to eat fire and convert it into MP, SP however cannot be restored.

MP cost varies.

Deal [{(MP cost)/5} + (INT * 2)]

+100% extra damage to beings possessing Divinity.

Skill Gained

[Fire Affinity (Expert)] (Passive)

40% extra damage to any fire based magic.

-20% cost to any fire based magic.

Skill Gained

[Fire Resistance (Expert)] (Passive)

Immunity to any fire upto Expert rank and below.

+40% resistance to any fire above expert rank.

Worth it, absolutely worth every bit of pain it took to achieve it. Although if I had to guess, I would say Lady Luck's Love Child perk is showing its effects and I totally love it. It is still at adept rank so that means it has a chance to become stronger and IMMUNITY to fire damage upto Expert rank. Fucking Immunity. It's totally broken. I am going to raise it as much as I can to get it to the highest possible stage.

The level ups are certainly something to look forward to. It's always satisfying getting to higher power levels.

Harry J.

Level -32

Class – Umbramancer – LVL 32/100 [74%]

Race – Human (Magical)

Rank- Mortal

Alignment- True Neutral

HP- 300 [60 per minute]

MP – 11875 [2578.125 per minute]

SP- 300 [60 per minute]

STR – 15

END – 30

DEX – 35

INT – 380

WIS – 330

CHA – 15

LUK – 20

Skill Gained

[Shadow Strangle] (Active)

Creates a hand made of shadows emerge and strangle the target.

Deal 500 HP necrotic damage.

Costs – 200 MP

Skill Upgraded

[Shadow Magic (Apprentice)](Passive)

Gain instinctual knowledge about shadow magic.

Shadow and Darkness Magic related spells are 20% stronger.

Skill Upgraded

[Shadow Stealth(Apprentice)]


Increases the chances of being unnoticed by +20%. The skill is canceled when the user moves out of a shadow or attacks a target.


Increases the chances of being unnoticed by an additional 40%. The skill is canceled when the user moves out of a shadow or attacks a target.

Cost 50 MP/min.

Skill Gained

[Shadow Stitching] (Active)

Uses the target's shadow to bind the target. The target is bound until they are broken free/ released or the user runs out of MP.

Costs – 500 MP to cast and an additional 20 MP/sec to maintain the skill.

Skill Gained

[Immolation] (Active)

Creates a darkness based flaming zone around the user that continuously does dark magical damage to opponents.

Deal 20 HP/ sec magical damage to targets in 1 m radius of the user.

Costs – 50 MP/ sec.

250 INT Perk Gained

[Magic Battery]

+25% increase in MP per INT

250 WIS Perk Gained

[Spirit Healing]

+25% increase in MP regen per WIS

The skills are overall decent but the old skills are becoming useless as new opponents pop up. I can't keep on chipping them with Shadow Balls and Shadow Spikes for much longer,

Even the new mobs have more than 1.2k HP each.

Host can take upgrade quests for any skill that can be upgraded. This is a feature of the Gamer System that allows the host to change skills as long as the basic function remains the same by doing various quests for the required changes. The host can have only 3 upgrade quests active at the same time.

Interesting. I just got a whole lot to deal with all of a sudden. Currently the best things that I can hope to upgrade are the Shadow MagicFire God Slayer Magic and Shadow Bind to help bind my enemies. But from what I have seen Shadow Magic is upgraded as I level up my Umbramancer Class. So, Shadow Magic is out. Give me the upgrade quest for Shadow Bind and Fire God Slayer Magic.

Upgrade Quest

[I'm all fired up. Or am I?]

You are one who wields the title of a Fire God Slayer, someone capable of burning even the divine to ashes and yet your paltry flames are not good enough to even light their birthday candles. Have some shame and work your ass up to make your fire hot. Let the flames of your youth burn bright.

Kill 1000 regular tier enemies using Fire God Slayer Magic.


Kill 10 veteran tier enemies using Fire God Slayer Magic.


Kill 1 elite tier enemy using tier enemies using Fire God Slayer Magic.


Accept : Y/N.

Select the aspect of Skill Shadow Bind to be upgraded.

Strength of the bindings

Duration of the bind

Cost of the skill

Strength of the bindings.

Upgrade Quest

[Bondage lessons for amateurs]

Bondage is an art and you are taking your first step to mastering this deep and glorious subject. Just tying them up is not enough, you have to bind them. Show your creativity, enthusiasm, passion and bind them.

Kill 100 shadow bound enemies in battle.


Accept : Y/N.

I will continue this next time. I have been inside the ID for a long time now and I don't know what is going on outside. I still have to make a plan to leave this place and go to Gringotts somehow. I am pretty sure that the place has been riddled with charms and tracking spells to prevent me from leaving. I was already disowned, what's with the farce of keeping me with this 'family' shit.

I am pretty sure it is something Dumb-And-Dork must have planned for. Irritating son of a bitch. Maybe I should try and get the necromancer class just to bring back that old farts sister…..Ariana and fuck her in front of him. Yup, add that to my list of things to be done. She was quite young and hot when she died. I could completely use her to get back at the Grandalf wannabe. I use ID Escape.

The light outside is bright enough for others to wake up. Right on time, I hear the banging on the door and the overgrown pig known as Vernon Dursley order's me to cook. He fucking dares to order me. With great difficulty and self-control I hold myself back from sending a dark spike into his head and rid the world rid of another piece of filth. And as satisfying as that would be, I would lose the chance to escape if I draw the attention of anyone unwanted to myself.

Vernon Dursley

Director at Grunnings

Level – 5

Race – Human

HP – 150

MP – 0

STR – 12

END – 15

DEX – 6

INT – 5

WIS – 5

CHA – 1

LCK – 1

Thoughts about you –hatred, anger and disgust

Well the feelings are mutual, I don't wanna see your face more than I absolutely have to, thankfully Gamers Mind keeps me calm, I use the memories of the body to whip up something passable, spit in it. I wish I had slow acting poison or something of a similar nature to use on them but we can't have it all, can we?

The two pigs leave the house in around an hour and I finally start to work. Checking up everything on my body and belongings to see where the tracking charms are located. I find one on my wand, one on my trunk and one connected to my body, which I assume is a blood ward, which is a highly illegal thing to use. But when you are in a place where people get away with murder even when everyone is aware of it, such things won't ruffle anyone's hair. Checking outside the house through the windows, I use observe to search for anyone in range who is looking for this place.

Mundungus Fletcher

Two Knut Crook, Member of the Order of the Phoenix

Level – 16

Race – Human

HP – 200

MP – 1200

STR – 13

END – 12

DEX – 9

INT – 15

WIS – 12

CHA – 2

LCK – 1

Thoughts about you – Annoyance and reluctant vigilance

Don't worry I will end both you and your annoyance before today ends. Currently only Petunia is in the house and resting in her room. I have a few hours on hand. Gotta make this quick.

Sneaking into a shadow I appear behind Petunia and use the Ring of the Archmage to shift the blood ward from my body to her. Protect yourself bitch. A sudden feeling of freedom as if being unchained after so long confirms the effect of the ring.

I get in and shift the tracking charm on my wand to a dirty sock, this includes the trace the ministry has on under-aged wizards and get all the important stuff from the trunk in my inventory.

I have an inventory? Every gamer has an inventory please don't be dumb. I scatter the things around the house to make it appear as if there was a struggle, better to throw them in the wrong direction than make them follow me when they discover that I have gone missing.

Fletcher is around 200m from the house. I can't use magic in the house, just can't risk it. If Dobby's magic can be detected then so can mine. So I collect all the trash in the kitchen and walk upto the dustbins outside the house. Of all the times bloody Fletcher had to be attentive he choose this time, the fucking bastard.

No problem, just a minor hurdle. I let the garbage bag fall behind the dustbin and move behind it to pick up the trash. The time for the trial has come.

I have to make every moment of this count. Casting The Eyes of Darkness I scout the area behind Fletcher and Shadow Walk behind him. Shadow Bind and a few stabs from Maria's Dagger later I shift his body into my inventory. I get his wand for a diversion as well as a body for…. Future experiments. I use my Invisibility Cloak before casting Active Shadow Meld sneaking into ms. Figgs house and floo myself to Diagon Alley.

They weren't kidding when they said that it feels disorienting. It's like sea sickness, just a lot worse. Clutching my Invisibility cloak, I use several Shadow Walks to disappear from the place before anyone can try to understand what happened. Walking into an alley in front of Gringotts, I store the Invisibility cloak in my inventory and pull the hood of one of Dudley's oversized hoodies over my head before walking in.

The place does look the same as in the movies. Goblins working everywhere, guards outside the gates had gold and scarlet uniforms and silver spears. Goblin Silver if I remember correctly. The Sword of Gryffindor was the same. Might check out to see if I can find some of it somewhere. It seems like good material for making equipment. Support classes must have blacksmith…..another thing to keep in mind. Witches and Wizards talked animatedly before I arrived at a set of silver doors with words.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

O what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.


Accountant at Gringotts

Level – 22

Race – Goblin

HP – 750

MP – 1700

STR – 26

END – 22

DEX – 17

INT – 19

WIS – 18

CHA – 2

LCK – 8

Thoughts about you – Interest, caution

Walking up to the nearest goblin, I speak up "Good Day Accountant Griphook. Would you be kind enough to point me to the place I can take an inheritance test. Which I know is an actual thing in the version of Harry Potter due to my new bodys memories."

The look he gives me made me realize the mistake I just made, I couldn't have known his name. Observe is supposed to be a secret. Great, now his thoughts changed to suspicion. They all look ugly as fuck and almost the same, so it's hard for anyone to tell the difference between them unless they are acquainted with them.

He does ask for someone to lead the way, all the while giving me an odd look. We walked upto the room of the head accountant, Ragnok. The goblin knocked on the door a few times before a voice came from inside beckoning us to enter.


Head Accountant at Gringotts, Leader of the Goblin Nation

Level – 54

Race – Goblin

HP – 2250

MP – 5700

STR – 65

END – 45

DEX – 47

INT – 49

WIS – 58

CHA – 12

LCK – 25

Thoughts about you – You are just another wizard.

Goblins are known to value time and money, so it's better if I don't waste their time. I could care less about how they feel about me, but I'd rather they not cause any problems for me by delaying me. It's not as if they can stop me but time is of essence for me right now and these little fuckers can be pretty vindictive. Getting straight to the point is the best way for me. "Good Day Head Accountant Ragnok, I would like to have an inheritance test done for myself."

He looks at me and raises his eyebrows and to be honest it's fucking creepy. After a moment of thought, he takes out a silver ornate dagger and a parchment.

"Cut your finger with the dagger and spill 3 drops of your blood on the parchment." I follow as he says. Although I have Gamers Body and my HP regen rate is quite good I couldn't help but notice that the wound heals by itself. Quite useful….for a torture tool. I am starting to like these pesky little fuckers even if it's only a bit. Slowly words are revealed on the parchment.

Harry James (No Name)

Age : 16 years 11 months

Emancipated due to participation in the Tri-Wizard Tournament (Yet to be claimed)

Family :

James Charlus Potter (Disowned)

Lily Jane Potter (nee Evans) (Disowned)

Godfather : Sirius Orion Black (Deceased)


The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black – Heir to Lordship (from Sirius Orion Black)

The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell – Heir to Lordship

The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin – Heir to Lordship (by the right of conquest from Tom Marvolo Riddle by defeating him thrice in battle)

Powers and Inherent Magic:

The Power of Destruction (sealed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)

Sacred Gear : Mirror Alice (sealed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)







Have some lemon drops –

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was called by many titles both official and unofficial, good and bad. Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards, Lord of Light, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Leader of the Order of the Phoenix, the greatest wizard in the world. But he knew all of this meant nothing. He was at the limit of his power and time was not forgiving.

He has known this for a very long time now and has already put many plans in action to escape the clutches of Death. Caressing the 'Elder Wand' in his hand he looks at the shining red stone in his drawer. 'The Philosopher's Stone. He had tried everything he could short of an Imperius on the Flamel couple to get the method to make the stone….. but it was for nought.

The decrepit old thing refused to give away the method for it at any cost. Finally having no other choice he swiped the stone from under them a few years ago under the guise of protecting it from the Dark Lord.

The thought still makes his lips twitch into a smirk. It is always so easy to convince people when the name of the Dark Lord is used and if the stone accidentally got destroyed in a fight against the Dark Lord, then there is nothing anyone could do…..not that he had any intention of letting them keep the stone if he had known the method of making it.

It was time for them to go on to the next great adventure…if they refused, then he would have taken the matter into his own hands.

There are many different beings with unimaginable powers outside the small magical community these people have holed themselves in.

And while he might be the strongest wizard here, he may not amount to anything outside this well. Even other humans with strong artifacts with power to kill Gods exist. Obviously all this information has been erased by the ICW and him. It was for the Greater Good after all. Sadly wizards are not born with such artifacts. The reason is unknown but studies show that it's related to something with the soul.

And then a miracle happened. A child was foretold to be born with 'the power that the dark lord knows not'. What power could that be? He had set many plans to see that for himself and imagine his surprise when he found the young Potter boy with a Sacred Gear of all things. It was completely unprecedented. The child used a strange mirror to reflect a killing curse back on Riddle killing him. Such power was unseen. Such power was terrifying. Such power was something that HE WANTED.

So he set plans in motion. He sealed the boy's power and had him sent off to a place he wouldn't be able to explore magic and declared the boy's twin as the Boy-Who-Lived. The boy's father, sheep that he is, followed his words without question and his mother, a foolish woman who dared to protest against HIM, was placated with a few well used potions and spells. James Potter himself volunteered to keep his wife subdued. Being the obsessive degenerate he is, it was nothing surprising.

Next his studies into rituals got him a method to remove the sacred gear from the boy and attach it to his own soul. The method however was …complicated.

It required the donor to have complete trust in the receiver and voluntarily give up his soul for the ritual to succeed.

It was …...challenging to say the least but not something that would hinder the Great Albus Dumbledore.

He made the boy live in an environment where he would be continually abused and starved for love.

It did take some obliviations when pesky muggles tried to interfere in his plans and 'rescue' the boy.

Turning his family against him was easy enough. Alex Potter was a glory hound, too arrogant of himself and was easy to steer in the 'Right Direction' and James was his very loyal follower. With Lily Potter subdued it was easy to manipulate the events of his life from his life in muggle world to his life in Hogwarts. The boy showed potential as was expected of someone named in a prophecy, but that didn't matter to him. What mattered was that he was kept suppressed. The sorting ceremony was a big win when the boy chose Slytherin after being repulsed by Alex Potter's behavior. Gentle nudges and kids are easy to set on the right path.

And finally Sirius Black, the unwanted thorn in his side and a supporter to the boy was removed through a twist of fate. Black was not someone who could be manipulated like the rest of his family. They who have the power to resist the Light Lord were dark obviously….. not that they denied it.

And in his anger James Potter put the final nail in the coffin. Harry No name is now officially an orphan. With no one to rely on. All according to plan.

Now all he has to do is conduct an 'Investigation' and report to James that there had been a mistake. It was Harry who had been the boy who lived and the one who saved everyone these past few years. Alex however was a Horcrux, who under Voldemort's influence had been keeping them in the dark. Accepting Harry back into the family and punishing his 'Evil Twin' the Light Lord Albus Dumbledore saves the day and makes the boy feel indebted to him. He won't ever trust his family who disowned him once already and be completely loyal to him. Finally after all these years of planning, the fruit was ripe enough to pluck.

Was manipulation of people bad for the Leader of Light?

Yes. It was.

Did he actually care?

Not in the slightest.

It was after all 'For The Greater Good', THE GREATER GOOD OF Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

-Realm of the Dead-

Death watches as the young boy takes his first step in the world. She doesn't understand what her creators think, but it's not like it will matter anyway.

What really matters is that their will is followed. The Supreme Beings have very fickle minds and she wouldn't risk her existence by going against them. If they want a new Supreme Being to be trained, then the best she could hope to achieve is make it interesting for them. After all boring games get DELETED.

And it's not like she can't have fun of her own in this. A young man with limitless potential and a limitless number of lives to live…. If he dies a few times, he will just be brought back. The very least she can expect is some entertainment from this little task of hers.

- Hall of Games –

"Did you hear 'HE' chose a gamer?"

"Really, 'HIM'?"

"So what? 'HE' is quite boring. I mean who behaves like a butler of their Gamer?"

"Oh, I won't be fooled by that façade of 'HIS'? 'HE' is an anomaly among game systems who understands the gamer's obsession with the opposite sex. How that happened is still unknown. We still believe one of the senior gamers interfered with the programming and the result is that….. 'HE' is a massive closet pervert and…. A voyeur. If anything I think 'HIS' gamer is going to have an interesting life."

"I didn't know that. Well something to look forward to then."

"Not like we have anything especially interesting to do anyway. I wonder though, how long it will take the gamer to find this little tidbit out?"


Hello guys, as you have already guessed, this is a merged world of High School DxD and Harry Potter. There are just so many possibilities for me to not use in this story. I have had this thought for a while now and finally decided to just go ahead with it and write what I have in mind. I appreciate reviews and if possible reply to some of them. Flames will be left alone until they are doused on their own. I am writing this story for my own satisfaction and I don't think I am forcing anyone to come and read it. If you don't like it, don't read.

I hope to improve my writing skills by doing this and that's what I am going to do. Ideas can be entertained but no promises. This is my story and I intend to primarily keep it as such. Updates will be decided soon enough. I just don't want to burn myself doing this. This is just a hobby not my job.

This is all from me right now, peace out.

Your gift is the motivation. Give me more motivation!

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