
The Game I Play

I stand in a black void unable to feel anything. "Do you want to play a game?", a blue luminescent box asks. I grin. Of course, why would I let go of this opportunity to get out of this mundane life. Multiverses? Unlimited power? A cure to my depression? I'm in. Author Notes I got bored of reading most Gamer fics out there, so I am going to have a shot at my own. Most of the gamer elements of this story will be half derived from other fics (inspired from DarkWolfShiro, Crowbourne) along with a mix of my own ideas. A couple of other things I want to add: - This will be a jumpchain with the MC hopping across mainly anime worlds but also some TV worlds too. Do note that the MC will be spending a significant time in some of these worlds, so certain worlds might last for alot of chapters. - Unlike the other jumpchains the MCs harem will tag alongside him to the other worlds. - The first few chapters will be a bit technical introducing various aspects of the system, along with some grinding to become OP. However before you click away, this is to setup the MCs personality for the more 'emotional' part of the story later on. - The MC won't be a hobo-grinder and is just a tired 20 year old who wants to live life without any restraints like money, job, school etc. - We will be starting out in HOTD but there will be no romance, mainly just powering up. The HOTD arc will probably not be too long. - Feel free to suggest any harem members(No HOTD characters) in the reviews. I will create a poll for the most popular options. - I am not the best in art, so I would appreciate fan drawings. Well that's the end of that information dump. Enjoy my shameless power fantasy ! Stat and Skill Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vT-vykKcltBMthVrYAYnpbvDpODc7nN9UQZxWv-_pjx_duaqcv6Jz8HsXtb5L0klKVuZ-_8fBg20IiZ/pub?pli=1

Xmpr30 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Closing the Umbrella

Jin groggily woke up as he examined his current predicament. How did his Observation Haki fail to detect his assailant? Pulling up his skills, he looks at the description of Observation Haki.

'Only effective on beings with less than 2 times the DEX of user'

Fuck. That means the opponent is probably past his level. Before he could panic, Gamer's Mind calms him down. 

'Breathe in… breathe out. This isn't the time to freak out, I have defeated foes like the Goose King in the past, who were way above my level before. If your strength isn't enough, fight with your wits.'

A bald caucasian not-so-gentleman approaches him with a frown on his face.

"I must say, you have been quite the pest. You have forced me to use up all my precious S-Rank zombies. Now it's time to pay up. Let's see if you can survive this." 

The old man grins, as a grotesque lizard looking creature made its way out of the dust. The overgrown lizard, stood 5 meters tall, had amphibious limbs, a stretched out neck, and a 'heart'..... drooling out of its mouth. It had no skin and had its organs exposed, as a gooey substance oozed out of the organs. The creature looked at Jin and let out an ear piercing screech. The thing truly looked like something Jin would find in hell, if he never got the Gamer system. 'Observe.'


G-Mutant Tyrant

Level - 210

Race: Golgotha Virus Infected Undead

Alignment - Chaotic Evil

HP - 30000 [2000 per minute (Regen boosted by T-Virus)]

MP - 0 [N/A]

SP - 20000[1400 per 30 seconds (Regen boosted by T-Virus)]

STR: 3000

END: 3500

DEX: 2490

INT: 14

WIS: 0

CHA: 0

LCK: 3


'First thing first, I need to activate my Sharingan as Observation Haki is near useless this time.'

Jin's assessment proves to be correct as the G-Mutant dashes towards him. The slowed vision provided by the Sharingan helps him apply mana to Shunpo away in time. 

'Even if the thing has a higher DEX, I can still Shunpo quicker by applying more mana, good to know. Looks like it's time to bring out the bigger guns, now that I can keep up with it.'

Channelling mana into his Sharingan, he focuses his vision onto the mutant's head and casts Amaterasu. Black flames envelop its head, as it rolls on the ground aiming to get rid of the flames. 

"Tch, it's those flames again." the geezer grunts. 

'Speaking of the geezer, it's a good time to get rid of him while the creature is distracted with the flames.', Jin thought. He has watched countless anime where not leaving the villains alive would have prevented many troubles down the road. 

Moving onto action, he focuses on the old man's heart pulse, envisioning it going off. The old man gasps, clenching his chest and falls to the ground.

[+100 exp]


'If I remember correctly, the only person who could control the G Mutant was Oswell D Spencer- founder of Umbrella. With the boss down, the Umbrella has been shut closed.(pun intended)'

One enemy down, Jin only has to let Amaterasu take its course, until it fully strips away the mutant's health. And it would then be his victory. 

Or so he thought. 

The black flames still raged on, but unlike before the mutant seemed to have adapted to the pain. But how has its health not dropped to 0?

[G-Mutant: 22000/30000HP, -2000HP per 30 seconds, Regen: +1400HP per 30 seconds]

It turns out that the high regen is the culprit. And now that the mutant has adapted to the pain, he has used up all his bought time. Again activating the Sharingan and preparing to Shunpo anytime, Jin takes his stance. He would need to upgrade his plan to secure victory.

Giving him no more time to think, the mutant once again lunges towards Jin. Jin responds by dodging with the usual mana-enhanced Shunpo, and then delivers an armament haki infused punch to its gut.

[G-Mutant: -1000 HP! → 21000/30000 HP]

'That barely made a dent. I am going to stop holding back and expend more mana. Too much caution will lead to my demise. If I encounter another enemy after this, I will just return to the Hub to recover my mana'

Jin once again casts another round of Amaterasu to the mutant's head, but instead of stopping he spreads the flames all across the mutant body this time. Black deadly flames now envelop the G-Mutant, as it roars in pain. 

[G-Mutant: -3500HP / 30 sec → +2000HP per 30 sec (pained state increases regen)]

' "Pained state increases regen?!" What sort of BS is this? No wonder Spencer seemed so confident with his trump card. At least since the regen is lesser than the damage, it's still in my favor. Regardless, I should still end the fight as quickly as possible as I don't know what other nasty buffs it could be hiding.'

Equipping the Rinnegan, he uses the forces of attraction and repulsion of the Deva Path to fling the mutant all across the room, causing the mutant's HP to steadily drop as its head repeatedly bangs the thick vault walls. 

[-400 HP!] BANG

[-600 HP!]

[-1200 HP!] POUND

[-1400 HP!]

[-2000 HP!] THUD 

[-1100 HP!]

[G-Mutant: 10000/30000 HP] (A/N: Remember that Amaterasu is also draining health)

'That's it! Just a few hits and its ov--'

Jin's victory cry is interrupted as he is flung over to the other side of the room and his head hits the vault door.

[Jin: -4000HP: 5300/10480]

'This has been happening too many times today. But what the fuck is with its speed? I couldn't even see that with my Sharingan! The mutant is acting…. different all of a sudden. Observe.'


G-Mutant Tyrant ( Warning: Frenzied State !! )

Level - 210

Race: Golgotha Virus Infected Undead

Alignment - Chaotic Evil

HP - 9900 / 40000 [8000 per 30 seconds (Regen boosted by Frenzied State)]

MP - 0 [N/A]

SP - 7000 / 25000[3000 per 30 seconds (Regen boosted by Frenzied State)]

STR: 3000 → 4000

END: 3500 → 4000

DEX: 2490 → 3400

INT: 14

WIS: 0

CHA: 0

LCK: 3

Frenzied State: Bio-engineered 'mode' of the Golgotha Virus that activates when its host's HP is under 30%. Boosts all stats by approx 30%


'Another nasty surprise. I won't have enough mana to defeat the mutant, if it regenerates by 9000 points every 30 seconds. That leaves me with less than 30 seconds to finish this or I will have to retreat. I first need to find a way to keep up with its new speed and armor myself for protection'.

Jin creates a Susanoo that envelops his body, but instead of it being multiple times his size, he compresses the Susanoo to fit tightly around his body. This gives him the extra protection without compromising any agility. To give himself extra speed, he uses the repulsion force of the Rinnegan to always keep himself away from the mutant.

'Now that I am protected enough to tank a few hits and have the extra speed to keep up with the mutant, I can move onto the offense.'

Using the mana sword provided by the Susanoo, he releases multiple slashes of energy towards the mutant. The mutant dodges nearly all of the slashes due to its newfound increased dexterity, but Jin is unfazed by this, as the attack was merely a distraction. Before releasing the attack, he created 14 shadow clones who stealthily surrounded the mutant. While the mutant was preoccupied with dodging the slash attacks, the clones poured all their mana using Electric Release to each create 14 deadly cackling balls of electricity- the same attack he used to destroy the goose king. 

There was a downside to this however, as the 30 seconds had now passed and the mutant regained 9000 HP.

[G-Mutant: 18000 / 30000 HP]

Fortunately this was all accounted for in Jin's plan. Each shadow clone only had around 1200 mana each. That means if all the clones released the attack now it would only remove 14.5k HP from the G-Mutant- still leaving it with 3k HP. However, since 30 seconds had already passed, the clones had their MP restored and could add another 14.5k HP worth of damage- the attack now totalling around 29k points in damage!


All the clones leaped to the air and released the deadly balls of energy towards the creature. The clones dispelled, giving Jin back the mana he lost from creating the clones. Using his newfound mana, he used Electric Manipulation to paralyze the mutant's limbs along with the Deva Path to hold the mutant still and prevent it from dodging the attack. Since the mutant had 3 times the stats of Jin, trying to hold the mutant drained his mana rapidly. Fortunately just before he fully ran out of mana, the deadly electric attack hit. 

Upon contact the entirety of the vault room flashed blue, before cackling noises could be heard frying the G-Mutant as the smell of cooked rotten meat engulfed the room. After a few seconds the G-Mutant fell dead to the floor.

[-29000 HP!! G-Mutant: -10000 / 30000 HP ]

[+30000 exp]

[Lvl up x3]

'Holy shit, that's a lot of experience. Still even with that much exp, I only leveled up 3 times. This is only going to get harder as the exp required to level up increases. Ah, I shouldn't forget to use plunder. Plunder could be a good alternative to leveling up. Ultimately it's the attributes that determine the power level, instead of the overall level.'

He then buys a full restore potion for 2 credits from the store to recover the mana needed to be able to use Plunder. Once his mana is back to full capacity, he uses plunder on the G-Mutants and Spencer's corpse. As the light motes enter his body, he feels a massive increase in many of his attributes. 'Status'


Level - 140[54/14000]

Race: Human

Class - [Electrokinesis] 

Alignment - Chaotic Neutral

HP - 45730 [9146 per minute]

MP - 15040 [2714 per 30 seconds]

SP - 45730 [9146 per 30 seconds]

STR: 1138 + 25 + 3000 → 4163

END: 1048 + 25 + 3500 → 4573

DEX: 1255 + 25 + 3400 → 4680

INT: 1465 + 25 + 14 → 1504

WIS: 1332 + 25 → 1357

CHA: 1531 + 25 + 1000 → 2556 (CHA mainly from Spencer stats)

LCK: 783 + 25 + 3 → 811

Points: 655 + 25 → 680

Credits: 111,700,000,010,211

'...... Looks like if the enemy is completely dead, you can plunder all of their attributes. Buying Plunder was definitely worth the 500 million credits. With this leveling up takes less priority than finding strong opponents to plunder stats from. My strength, endurance, and dexterity have tripled. However the rest of my stats are way behind now and I am going to need a more well balanced foe to plunder from.' 

Jin uses his Observation Haki to sense any possible sneak attacks before lowering his guard. Sensing nothing, he grabs a couch that he bought from the store, from his inventory. Slumping down on the comfy leather couch, he takes in a deep breath to rest from the fight and stares at the ceiling. 

' The World Quest has been completed and with Spencer down, the Umbrella has been fully closed... Now what? Do I jump to the next world or complete the bonus part of the world quest?'

'Sigh…. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. I swear to god, once I am done with this world I am slacking off in the Hub forever with my 111 billion credits.'

Bit of a shorter chapter this time. I will make all future chaps around this length, since its faster to release and I think some of you don't like extremely long chapters- let me know in the comments. I have always felt there was a lack of action uptill now, so I created a 'boss' fight this chapter. By 30 chapters I want to hit atleast 500k views, so I am going to start releasing consistently (at least 1 chap a week, will try 2 or even 3 if schedule permits). My exams are coming up in the next 2-3 weeks, so if the release halts don't panic, I will release alot of chapters during the break as compensation. As always please comment and send power stones if you want this story to continue and rank higher!!!

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