
The Galaxies Touch

Our hands brushed against each others...there were sparks.. I swear the world stopped spinning, the stars aligned, and time froze.. She had to be mine.

Mac23 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Realization

Alula's apartment another stars pov

Aluls wake up in the small apartment that she managed to get due to her charm. Perks of being a fallen star...her charm.

She feels her heart racing and body sweat.. She feels like she's on fire.. Its been a few days since she's seen Willow..

How has she not realized that they are soulmates, and her life or solar force will die out without her..?

I send telepathical words to her to try and help..."Alula, find her."

She doesn't question the thought shes out the door faster than humanly possible... She's finding her strength.

Alula's pov

The thought of finding the beautiful girl doesnt startle me it makes me happy.. She keeps me happy..

I break into a run and for some reason I feel like I'm getting stronger as I get closer to the park that we went to on our date.. It isnt possible...a star has never fallen for a human before...

I get pushed out of my thoughts when I run straight into a very pretty Willow. I instantly blush..geez does she have to be so damn beautiful?!