
The Galaxies Touch

Our hands brushed against each others...there were sparks.. I swear the world stopped spinning, the stars aligned, and time froze.. She had to be mine.

Mac23 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: She said yes!!

A few days aftering meeting..

Willows pov 

  I sat at the bar waiting for my shift to end, but the second she walks in I'm happy. She walks straight to the counter and asks for a drink.

"Ok miss Alula, that'll be one date please," I mentally face palm at how dumb I sounded, but am totally took aback when I hear a faint, "Yes that would be lovely Willow." My whole face beams. I feel like I'm on too of the world.

  As soon as the clock hit 7 I was out the door with her hand in mine. I had to fight the urge to pin her to the wall and just kiss her until I was out of breath. I looked her in the eyes as we walked through the nearby park, and finally found the right words, "Alula, you look absolutely angelic.." Her beautiful face then was dusted with a slight hint of pink and a beautiful smile. The blush made her ten times more beautiful. I would do anything to keep a smile on her face.