
The Galaxies Touch

Our hands brushed against each others...there were sparks.. I swear the world stopped spinning, the stars aligned, and time froze.. She had to be mine.

Mac23 · LGBT+
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: Explanation of a stars soulmate


Most stars spend their whole lifetime looking for their soulmate.. others find their's from mere coincidences.

  The star race, otherwise known as Novas , are known throughout history for their need to hunt their mates. The human race knew of their existence long ago, but turned the stories into children's books.

  Alula figuring out she was soulmates with a human was a very odd occurrence since no other Nova in history were mated with a human.. it was also a very odd occurrence due to Willow and Alula being the same sex. Many mates pairs were male and female. It was very rare to have any same sex mating..

Usually the same sex mates were more powerful Novas.. This usually means when they  are close to their mate they feel full of life and even when close to death they can regenerate their health fast, but there is a down side to this.. if they stay separated for too long they feel weaker...