
The Forgotten Series: Unraveled

Phyrix isn't just your average teenage kid. All his life he's had a wild imagination and eventually everything started coming true. By the time he was reaching highschool, he started having rabbit hole dreams and nightmares about death and destruction. Then he met her, and everything unraveled. A sequence of events that could never possibly be imagined started, and this is just the beginning

TheCorner · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Spinning Web

I walk down my hall into the dinning room. Its the dead of night crickets can be heard in the distance. But other then that it is completely silent. I'm looking back and forth, not in control of my body, as I move toward the kitchen. A hand shoots directly from the ground as if to grab me, i jump back automatically.

The fear was real as it pulled itself from the ground. There is nothing I can do but run so I ended up running out the back porch door into the street. Its sunny now there is no sigh of the monster, it had seemed I had forgotten about it in the first place as I am walking up the hill from my house.

I reach the top as I look left and right to cross the highway making sure no cars were coming. I enter the highway as I start falling from the sky. I was in the air above my town looking down I didn't understand. Finally it hit me, I'm in a dream this realization automatically gave me control of my body in this dream.

Instead of falling I start to fly and land safely by my school. Where the event had started in the first place. I thought to myself, the perfect place to find her if she is around. I look around but it seemed like there was no one around. it was obvious I wasn't suppose to be here

Not knowing what to do I start thinking to myself. This is my world right my dreams cant I just think of it and it will be here, Why wouldn't that work?

I start thinking where I wanted to be thinking of that voice and back where it was. Thinking about the dream I had, had originally. The world starts to swirl around me as I sit there and watch myself jump off the bus. Instead of being apart of the dream I was now a spectator. Watching as the events on fold, me being thrown to the ground my stuff all over., my struggle. This was hard to watch.

I wanted to jump in and help myself, but I knew I had to let the events unfold naturally. as that's happening I'm looking around just to see who jumped in to help. I needed to at least see the girl that help me out, and where she came from.

As the dream progressed things seem to get a bit more strange, as I hit the point where she appears. There was no yelling nothing, no one came to my aid, as I look over at myself. I see that Both James and John are now kicking me hard as they slow to a stop. James say's "Fucking retard cant wait for the rest of the year, so you better watch your back."

This wasn't the same at all what happened to that girl. Where could she be? Did I enter into the wrong dream. No I couldn't of this is how it happened except for the end result.

I watch as I see myself pick the stuff scattered across the ground up, and walk inside the school doors

Confused I sit myself to the ground pondering on what just transpire there was no way this could be the right dream. With no explanation I start to ponder a bit more in a different way. One thing that started worrying me though was less of the events around me, and why I seemed to be more calm then I thought id be.

What teenager wouldn't be scared of these event. Am I going crazy am I really in control of this dream. are these events really happening. the other thing that crossed my mind is why the events kept going even after the dream was suppose to be over, there was so much I didn't understand. Then again as this was the first time I was even able to have an Lucid dream. I obviously didn't know the rules that really came with the territory.

This raised more questions then answers as I start of thinking of ways to wake myself up.

I really had no idea on how to wake myself from a dream state. Finally giving up I ended up pondering on what to do for fun until my body naturally wakes up or someone ends up waking me up.

In all reality at the moment the world was mine to control. So what shall I do first? I pondered over this for a couple minute and finally stumbled on an idea.

Why don't I do what I've always wanted to do. Beat the crap out of James and John it would be so satisfying to finally stick it to them.

I end up just flying into the school to find them passing by all the students. None of them seeming to notice me. I turn down the corridor toward the office and I see them talking by the stairs. I had figured they would be there since they were hanging there this morning any ways and since this is my dream they would definitely be there.

I finally land right next to them and make a grunting noise to get there attention, but to no avail they didn't seem to notice me. I should of known that would happened since I was being a spectator this whole time.

So I decided to see how far I can go as a spectator. So I tap Jamie's on the shoulder to see if I could at least touch people. The world suddenly goes black as I end up else where.

What just happened I think to myself. The world mends into a different shape as all the sudden a new world comes into view.

I see Jamie's appear as we were suddenly in home room. I was in the corner with Jamie's and his friends as I look around I see me at the other side of the room, with Greg. I suddenly hear Joe speak, one of Jamie's friends or lackeys is what I like to call them.

Joe "that was uncalled for man you didn't need to be so mean to Phyrix."

Luke "yeah man that was a bit too extreme"

Jamie "Shut the fuck up! he deserved every bit of it."

Joe scuffs in " how so he didn't do anything to you"

John Speaks up "if Jamie said he deserved it he deserved it, i wouldn't argue with him about it unless you guys want to feel how we messed up Phyrix"

The other two went quiet for a second as Jamie Speaks up "The Fact of the matter is no one cares if we beat up on Phyrix in the first place. It is a great way to let out some frustration and others look at us like we are doing the world a great favor. I mean I heard he doesn't even shower and creeps on a lot of girls. Which is to hide the fact that he is actually gay and with his friend. That is disgusting in itself. The world would be a better place with out that creepy Stinky ass Fagot."

The other guys seem to nod in acceptance to his little spiel.

Yes these were rumors my sister made up about me a long time ago and as time moved on evolved into something even bigger.

The world around me goes dark again as another world comes into view.

I was back in the hallway standing under the stairs Jamie's Now gone but John still sitting standing there as if talking to someone still.

I sit at the couch that they had set underneath the stairs. The thing was i knew the rumors my sister had made were the cause of my distress but, I didn't know how severe till now. I didn't know what to think and what Jamie's had said kind of put me into a little depression.

How was i to counter act something that wasn't true. No one would believe me and the more i fight it the more people will think its true.

Then I thought to myself "wait a second what was that though... Did I see what Jamie's actually thinks about me or was that a figment of my imagination, and why is john still sitting there like a character in a video game waiting for me to talk to him. Was this a way for my mind to process this information in some way." I had no idea on what to do but I knew what I had to do.

I needed to treat this like a video game right now. Touch as many people as I can to learn something new something my subconscious seems to know that I don't normally know.

So I stand back up and touch John.

The same thing happens the world goes black and reappears. This time we are in the men's room. I see Joe and Luke at the sinks, John seems to be in the stalls Hiding away. Joe and Luke don't seem to know he is in there.

Joe starts to talk "Dude did you hear what Jamie did to phyrix"

Luke "Yeah that was way uncalled for I cant believe he went that far"

Joe "Do you think we should say something about it to him in home room"

Luke "Yeah this needs to stop there is no reason for Phyrix to be treated so badly. I mean people may say he retarded and stuff but that's all rumors right"

Joe "yeah, but I do feel like if we try we maybe put into the same boat as well."

Luke "then what should we do"

Joe "Ill be the first to say something to Jamie then"

They nod at each other in agreeance as they leave the bathroom at the same time.

John Opens the stall door and say's out loud "I better say something to Jamie before he gets double teamed."

The world fades back to black as I end up back in the same spot again under the stairs. This time all of Jamie's Group is gone.

I'm starting to understand the rules of what's going on. Each person I touch tells me a bit more of what had actually been going on, and disappears accordingly. The dream is following game rules of a few rpg's I love to play. So its a concoction my mind has made up to make this weird dream state easier on me.

I look around I realize I wont be able to see everyone cause it would take up to much time. I do decide to touch the next closes person though. It was Jennifer, she was a high class prep but was the closes person to me at her locker next to the office. The world goes black, I end up on the school bus with Jennifer this time she's with a group of people getting off the bus. I had went back to when I was getting beaten up.

Jennifer seems to look over in surprise as the incident starts happening. I Start hearing other students talk in the group.

"Look its the retard he is getting his ass reamed should teach him his place"

"Oh no someone should go help him"

First fight of the year and it has to be so one sided"

"This is horrible"

All the sudden I can hear Jennifer talk but her lips aren't moving am I hearing her thoughts?

"poor Phyrix I wish I could do something to help him out but if I do so then ill be in the same boat. I cant lose my friends just because of one person. But I do wish someone would step in. Jamie's is such a jerk I cant believe the audacity of him."

The world fades to black again as I now stand back in the hallway once again.

A lot more to think about once again. It seemed that people wanted to step in but were to worried how others would feel about it.

Wait these events never actually happened in the end though. I avoided them by being late for school. were these events still going to happen.

There was no reason behind these chain of events, but I felt like I had to keep digging and moving forward so I start looking through classrooms. Most of the students had disappeared with that last one. I finally hit Julie, this was a weird one I didn't know if I should peak or not. The thing is I knew she liked me so I didn't know what to do but I had to know her side, was this one morally right though.

As I ponder the implications of this one I ended up just saying screw it and poked her in the shoulder.

The world went black I was now in the women's restroom. This was the first time it seemed weird. then I look over and see a couch in the restroom.

Why the hell do they get a couch in there restroom what the hell.

the voices start up its Julies and Hopes there conversing back and forth behind the stall doors. I felt a little embarrassed being in the women's restroom and knew I should probably just sit on the couch until the events were over.

Hope "Did you hear what happened to Phyrix, those bullies Jamie and John beat him up, and he just sat there and took it."

Julie "Yeah I heard when I got here this morning, I cant believe they would do something so horrible. Someone needs to teach them a lesson."

Hope "yeah but I'm glad it wasn't anyone else but Phyrix."

A Stall Slams open as Julie walk out in a fit, Moving over to the sink to wash her hands.

"Why are you glad it was Phyrix, you should be upset he didn't deserve that." Julie Say's aggravatedly

The other stall opens up as hope is now walking toward the sink.

"Well he is a retard he can handle such abuse anyone else would of fought back." Hope Says Snidely

"Your an idiot you know that. Phyrix didn't fight back cause he didn't want to hurt them, and figures ignoring them was the best course of action." Julie say's even more annoyed

"Really you just as retarded as him if you believe that. Just cause you have a crush on him doesn't change who he is. Its not like he will ever have interest in you since he is gay to boot. You should just give up on him your better then that and could do way better as well."

"SHUT UP! He is not retarded and he isn't gay those are all rumors idiots like you believe to make you feel better about yourselves. If you knew him personally you would understand. Plus if you really feel that way about him then we have nothing more to talk about and we are no longer friends." Julie says even more angerly

"Whatever I tried to help but I guess you will never understand. Enjoy the rest of your school year then being mocked and made fun of just like him." Hopes walks out the door quickly as Julie sits quietly at the sink.

I sat there watching her as tears start streaming down her face. the silence broken by sobbing noises now as she utters out "I know Phyrix didn't deserve it and I know everything being said about him is a lie... but I don't know how much longer I can take losing friends like this for him.... it hurts... it really does and the worse part is that I finally got up the courage to take a cookie back from his tray."

The world turns black once again as I appear sitting on the couch under the stairs. Not knowing what to do or say at this moment I sit there staring trying to process what I just saw. Wondering why Julie would put herself through such torment. There was no reason for it at all.

After all I'm just the retard, I don't deserve people like this in my life. The more I thought the less sense it made. I mean what did I do for such dedication to me.

I sat for which felt like hours. I think what got me the most was Julie crying and hurting. then a thought came over me. what about Greg? What would I see if I looked into his story.

So I was off sprinting down the corridor past the office to homeroom where I saw Greg sitting at the table, where we sat. I touch his shoulder and the world turns black once again. I Reappear in an odd area, it was an area I hadn't seen before and standing in front of me was Greg and My grandfather that lives across the street.

I was confused on what was going on, as the events start up My Grandfather starts to speak, "It is Six am and today we are expecting clear skies with temperatures reaching Seventy Five degrees. Its a perfect day to go out and play, for all those kids listening in this fine morning." he continues to talk as I realize my alarm had just went off.

I start to wake from my slumber, as I say to myself. No not now I still need to know what's going on. My eyes open into a dark room my T.V. now off and radio still going. I hit the snooze as I realized I now needed to get ready for school and the bus since it hit our house almost first we would be on the bus for close to an hour picking up other kids, before hitting the bus stop.

I roll out of bed still pondering on what was going on with Greg and my Grandfather. They seemed to be having a serious discussion, but the biggest thing wrong with that is how my grandfather knew Greg in the first place. I had never brought him over to my grandparents house and he didn't come over to my house id always went to his.

The whole experience intrigued me, and the questions I had of the dream were more vast then I had expected. The biggest thing was if I was actually in control of the dream or if that was part of the dream. On top of that why I could see what happened after the event that was suppose to take place yesterday. If it had all come and gone then how was anything I saw valuable Knowledge at all. It Just made no sense to me.

Finally I head to the bathroom to get ready. after which I woke up my little sister Jessica so we could head off to the bus. As my twin sister and oldest sister didn't have to wake up quiet yet since my twin had a school permit she could just drive to school, and My eldest sister didn't go to school anymore since she graduated last year.

By the time I got to Jessica's room she was already up and ready to go. We grab our bags by the door and walked up to the bus stop to wait for the bus to come.