
The Forgotten Series: Unraveled

Phyrix isn't just your average teenage kid. All his life he's had a wild imagination and eventually everything started coming true. By the time he was reaching highschool, he started having rabbit hole dreams and nightmares about death and destruction. Then he met her, and everything unraveled. A sequence of events that could never possibly be imagined started, and this is just the beginning

TheCorner · Fantasy
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10 Chs

No Sign

I Jump off the bus at my stop as my Little Sister, Jessica, follows behind. Our stop was at an old convenient store which sold amazing cookies. Our house was only a block away from there as well. As we start to walk home, my sister says to me, "Hey Phyrix you're getting picked on again aren't you?"

I look at her with my fake smile "No, not at all, and even if I was I'm use to it. High School is going great." I replied.

"is that why you asked grandma to pick you up, and why you purposely missed the bus?"

As always I cant get anything by my little sister. For being a couple years younger then me she sure is smart. "Its ok Jess I can handle it. How was your day though? First Day of Eight Grade you must feel at the top."

She sighs, "It's actually boring it doesn't challenge me enough to even be called a grade. Its like repeating the last year over again."

I give a half smile "I Know how you feel I felt the same back then as i do now, unlike you though I ended up falling asleep in class" I let out a chuckle.

She finally smiles a bit "Well isn't that why you're in the position you are now? You need to put more thought into your class time."

"I know, I know but there isn't much I can do about my motivation, but hey when we get back want to watch some anime with me? Our favorite one has a new Episode today." I said.

"Of Course, but after I do I need to get back to my homework. Can you believe they actually gave me some today." says Jess.

"Yeah I can I got some today, too. It can be pretty annoying."

As we start walking down the hill Jess Stops real quick and asked out of the blue, "You had another one of those dreams again didn't you?"

I look back at her and nod my head. She's Staring me down with a look of worry. "What happened this time?" Hesitant to tell her I take a deep breath, and as I slowly tell her the dream I had.

"Well sounds like you made the right call this morning then. What about that girl though, did you see her today?" As she said that it hit me i had forgotten about that while in school. I hadn't thought of her till then at all. Not that it would help since I don't remember what she looked like. "N..N..No actually I didn't, I was going to keep an eye out but I forgot what she looked like."

"Well I guess it is alright but try to keep her in mind next time you dream like that. That way I can meet this mystery girl that saved my brother in his dream." I let out a smile as we continued. My little sister was the only one I could talk to about my dreams. She believed I had some sort of 6th sense about it, that I had a super power. She had just as much of an imagination as I did a year prior.

She has always been close to me so its no surprised that she would think the same way. The only difference is that she has a bit more motivation then I do on easy subjects.

We finally hit the bottom of the hill, as we came up to my grandparents house who lived right next to us. There was my step grandfather who always sat outside to greet my sister but not me. He always seemed kind of creepy on how he acted and looked at my sister. It always made me uneasy especially when she would go over there when grandma wasn't home or anyone was accompanying her.

I also didn't like the way he always yelled at me for no reason but to yell at me. There was just something about him that didn't seem right. So needless to say I have never gotten along with him.

My sister ended up waving back as we pass the house to enter our yard walking up the hill of our yard. Making it to the side walk, we finally enter the porch area, and as we enter the front door we hear some voices coming from the other side. I thought to myself no one should be quite home yet my mom always worked till about 6 along with my dad who tended to be out a bit longer. The only other people that it could be is my twin sister, who wasn't on the bus with us, and my eldest sister, who always stayed out at a friend's instead of coming home.

So the mystery was a bit complexing as we enter through the door to find my twin sister with some of her friends. She had skipped school again probably making up some excuse like usual. She looks over to use as she snarks and says, "The parents aren't home like normal, and Lisa isn't home yet from school so I'm in charge. So just be quiet and leave me alone."

She's always had this superiority complex like she was top dog or something. Even though we were the same age probably comes from the fact that she can get most people to do what she wants when she wants. One of the reasons I use to think she had a super power when I was younger.

Her name Celia, She always has a group of friends around her and some how manage to talk her way into the grade ahead of me. Something about how damaging it would be if she had to be in the same grade as me. This seem to be the trend with her though.

I ended up just shrugging and moving to the Livingroom I was more excited about this new episode of mine and my sisters favorite anime. We had to go through a few others before hand but I guess they like to keep the best for last.

As we turned on the Television all the sudden the screen flickers as I hear a voice. Time seemed to stop Jess not moving the sounds of Celia and her friends laughing and talking seem to stop completely. As I hear a familiar voice ring through my ears. "Phyrix, I know what you are."

The Television shutters on, Jess moving excitedly for the show to start and the noises of Celia and her friend recommence and I sit there complexed on what just happened. Trying to make sense of it in my head I turn to Jess and ask "Did you feel that?"

She looks at me confused and a bit concerned "Are you alright?"

I reply "Y....Y...Yes never mind"

I quickly put on a smile and made it seem like i said nothing. I am a pretty good actor when it comes down to it so I just changed what I said to something weird instead.

"The static when the tv came on. It was shocking"

Jess Let out a laugh "You are so strange sometimes."

Normally I tell my sister everything but this time I couldn't. This was something that had never happened to me before. It was so unbelievable I wouldn't even believe it happened if I tried to recount it.

We continued on watching as the show starts drawing to an end. Jess Watched excitedly as the finally minutes count down to a to be continued, as I sat there still thinking of the events that had transpired, and as expected once the show was over Jess knew something was wrong.

I knew I wasn't going to get out of this one so I said to her something vie never said to her before. "I'm sorry Jess honestly I don't want to talk about it at the moment"

She seemed surprised at what I had just said but seemed to understand. "Just know if you need to talk ill be her to talk to you ok."

I let out a smile "Thanks ill be sure to tell you soon"

A few minutes later Celia yells out "Mom is home!" she ends up bolting up into her room with her friends trying to cover up the smell of smoke off of her.

As Jess says "well off to my homework Love you brother"

"Later Jess" I reply as I get up to head out side to greet my mom heading outside. in all honesty though I really just wanted to take a walk in the woods across the street to clear my head. My mom heads up to the porch as I say to her "Hey mom, I'm heading to the woods for a bit"

"Hey buddy just be careful don't do anything stupid" she replies

honestly my parents were really lax when it came down to it there thoughts were boys will be boys and girls will be girls. The only other thing was I was the only boy of my family so I get a little favorited, But in the end do get in trouble if I do something really wrong.

so I head To the woods one of my favorite places to walk around and have some thinking time or just to play with my imagination. I know I said I have let my imagination calm since high school but more publicly then privately.

I hit the Tree line of the woods and start entering my normal trail that has now been imbedded into the woods from me walking it so much. I needed to think, to understand what had happened to me a few hours before hand. there seemed to be no real explanation as I start to hit the crick there seemed to be an ominous wind that had brushed across my path a feeling of unease as if something dangerous was on its way. I quickly Shrug it off thinking nothing of it as my thoughts went back to that voice

That voice sounded familiar and I couldn't quite place it. It was a females voice light and gentle almost like the voice in my dream. This one seemed a bit different though. Could it be the same voice of the girl in my dreams or was it something else. My thought process on this was a bit mangled as I thought to myself, I have to be going crazy there is no way, but then how, what was that feeling why do I remember time freezing and that feeling.

The more I thought of it the more I couldn't tell if I was still dreaming or if this really was reality. there were just so many things to account for and not enough day light left to stay in the woods thinking about it. So I picked up a rock from the cricks shore line and skip it across the water as I turn to head back home. Not realizing it the sun was starting to set it felt like I had lost a few hours for just thinking about what was going on. it didn't seem quite right, but like the wind I had felt I thought nothing more of it and just made my way back home.

could I really be going crazy could this all still be a dream and how would I even explain these events to Jess. All these thoughts and more kept my mind occupied as I reach the tree line to exit the woods. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as I start making my way across the meadow just outside the woods

The wind suddenly picks up brushing across the grass, I end up taking noticed and looked around. It had become dark which was odd since the walk to my house was literally only a few minutes. this made no since as I looked up at the moon that is now high up in the sky. I think to myself What is going on?

So I rush home, as I make it to my door all seems quiet, as the wind dies back down. I enter through the door and there my parents sat at the table, My moms hands holding her head, as my dad holds her tight comforting her.

I speak up "I'm home." but no answer my parents couldn't hear me as my mom sat there sobbing away. my dad assuring her everything will be alright.

I speak a bit louder almost yelling this time "I'm home! is everything alright"

Still no answer from my parents as if I was invisible or something. I walk up to them to touch my mom on the shoulder, but as I did so my hand phased through her as if nothing was there.

Freaked out a little I look around to find a picture of me on the wall where it hadn't been before. It sat just above the phone with the letters M I S S I N G on it. It was a poster but why did it say i was missing. I'm right here I thought to myself as I look closer to the poster it was dater in the future a few months or so. What did this mean, why am I seeing these events.

I suddenly hear my mom scream a bit which had frightened me as i was turned the other way. There I saw standing in front of them a man in black. a Tall fella he seemed to have appeared out of no where. My dad stands at the ready as they were surprised of this guys presence.

The man in black then gently puts his hand out pointing at my parents as if to gestor in some way. to my surprised I couldn't move myself it was as if some force was holding me there making me watch these events on fold. I wanted to scream out leave them alone i wanted to run a try to protect my parents. something seemed wrong with this guy a feeling i had.

With a flash a bolt of electricity bolted from his finger tip hitting my parents point blank. My dad falls to the ground as my mom screams in agony still standing. unable to scream or any even cry at the circumstance that has just transpired all I could do is listen. Listen as my mom gets pelted by electricity not falling until finally she couldn't take anymore. She fell laying lifeless on the ground like my father.

Tears start to stroll down my face as my world goes black. I hear a voice barely in the distance i could barely make it out.

It says " some call themselves god in this world and make life harder for others. Others want nothing but to watch the worlds burn to ash. Then there are some who just want to live there life. Who are you in this world? Who will you become?"

The voices seemed to be talking to me asking me these questions. I Respond "who are you? I don't understand what your asking."

Silence takes over as I hear one last time the mans voice rang through my ears "I know what you are."

The image of the world comes back as I can see once again tears still strolling down my face. what was odd was I was back on the couch, Jess sitting next to me the television flickers on. I was back where I was before leaving the house. This seemed impossible, how could this be as I wipe the tears from my eyes I look over to my sister as she's smiling awaiting the episode to start.

I couldn't believe it, but unlike my dream I remember every bit of what happened my parents dyeing in front of me. The missing poster of me on the wall, there seem to be no end to these strange happenings that kept going on.

Frightened I sat there quietly not knowing what to say or how to go about what happened to jess. So I continued on with the events that I knew where going to transpire next. The shows ends being last once again, Celia burst into the room saying mom's home going up to her room like last time. Jess said well time to do homework. I walk to the door in a bit more of a hurry then last time. I open the door to see my mom walking up the side walk, Tears start to roll down my eyes as I run up to her and hug her saying quickly "I love you mom"

Surprised as she was curious on what was going on, she says "everything alright buddy"

I look up and nod with a smile tears strolling down my Cheeks Signaling to her that I was. There was no way I could tell her what just had happened or hearing her screams of agony. how would I even have brought that up to her everything that had happened to me in the last twenty-four hours. It just seemed to crazy to be true all I knew is it happened and I needed to get to the bottom of it.

I needed to figure out who the girl was in my dreams who voice is the only thing I remember. why I had a strange vision of the future and my disappearance and the death of my parents. How was I to prevent this from happening and why these events where happening to me. It all made no sense there was no reason for what was going on at all.

I ended up running back into the house to my room to go to sleep early. I figured if I fell asleep early I maybe able to dream of her again and ask the question I needed to be answered.

I make it through the kitchen to the Dining room pass the hallway taking a left into my bedroom. I hit my bed with my television on, Because I couldn't sleep without some background noise. Plus the highway was so close if I didn't have the television on all id be hearing all night is cars passing by. I ended up falling asleep pretty quickly reminding myself that I was about to fall asleep. This was my way of telling myself that I needed to be lucent in my dream which has never worked before be heck the millionth times a charm.