
The Forgotten Series: Unraveled

Phyrix isn't just your average teenage kid. All his life he's had a wild imagination and eventually everything started coming true. By the time he was reaching highschool, he started having rabbit hole dreams and nightmares about death and destruction. Then he met her, and everything unraveled. A sequence of events that could never possibly be imagined started, and this is just the beginning

TheCorner · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The bus Arrives at the stop as my sister and I step onto it, there were only a few people on it since they stop in the country before hitting our stop. Jessica and I take a seat at the back of the bus the empty seats we pass by feeling more and more empty as we passed them. Knowing by the time we reach the scramble this bus will have close to a hundred kids on it, ranging from preschool to Highschool kids..

So it was normal for the bus to get really active halfway through. I myself never really looked forward to the bus ride I would of preferred to just get my license or school permit, but my parents could only get one vehicle this year so guess who got the car. That's right twin sister Celea she normally got what she wanted.

Anyways we make it halfway through the stops so far bus starting to get a bit active now. This was normally the time my sister started talking to me. I never really understood why but my guess was because of what she normally talked to me about was something that she didn't want others to hear.

Jessica "I'm glad you made it on the bus, it gets lonely on the bus with out you. Plus I have no one to talk to." She lets out a smile.

Phyrix "Well I didn't have one of those dreams again so I figured riding the bus would be a good idea."

Jessica still smiling "Well don't forget to keep an eye out for that girl."

Phyrix "How am I to keep an eye out for someone I don't even know the appearance to."

Jessica nods her head "That does pose a problem but I have the answer right here" She pauses for a second expecting me to say what is it, but I didn't play alone and smiled and looked ahead.

"H..H...HEY! Don't ignore me I have a solution. Maybe I shouldn't of been so conceded about how I went about revealing it but you don't need to ignore me." She says Franticly

"Sorry... sorry What is your grand plan my sister" I said reluctantly

"Alright here it is you go up to every girl in school and say hi. Then you listen closely to their voices, and once heard you will definitely know who she is."

I shake my head "Jessica for one that would put me deeper into the made fun of column, two that just seems kind of creepy plus on top of that what would my exit strategy be, and three and most important, how am I suppose to approach a girl when I cant even get up the nerve to in the first place with out stuttering and making a fool of myself."

I have a tad bit of social anxiety cause of all the years I've been picked on I always think the worse when it comes down to talking to people. Like how they are making fun of me our how they are mocking me in some way or the most famous reason I have is to have more ammo to make fun of me later. I have kept my stutter pretty secret so if I let someone know about it by talking to them it could be a sure way to get made fun of more often.

Jessica "Your right well, well think of it as training."


"Yeah Training to be more sociable I mean your in high school now. its time for you to make a change and turn your life around."

I hate to admit it but she's right on this one, I should try to be more social and actually make real friends for once. Not saying that the friends I have now aren't real, just seem to be lacking in much diversity.

"I guess that wouldn't be to bad." I let out a sigh "but ill do it on my own volition ok"

Jessica lets out a big smile "That's my Brotha for you"

The bus stops at the scramble finally as we get up to head off the bus. This is where I normally say bye to Jessica cause the scramble has been built right into the middle school. Which was odd but at the same point I always made a point to say that its the middle of the route since we are at the middle school. I know not really funny but I always chuckled at it.

I jump on my next bus to the high school which was only a few bus's down from where I was. There were actually 3 bus's that went to the high school one was at the front of the line. another at the end, and one right in the middle. I normally avoided the one in the middle even though it was so close to the bus I get off on.

The main reason for it was because normally the preps and jocks get on that bus and id prefer to avoid them. So I always went out of my way to go to the back bus. This bus had a few of my friends on it, one of them being a friend I've had since I was in diapers.

I Jump on the bus and see him sitting in the center of the bus as usual, with his short dirty blond hair Brown eyes I sit next to him as he pulls out his deck of monster cards. This was a popular game for us outcast. His name was Louis he was a good friend even if he was a bit shady at times.

Louis "Dude you will never guess what card I just obtained."

Phyrix "Let me Guess The Blue Eyed Orger"

Louis looked at me with surprised "How did you know? Are you some sort of mind reader or something"

The truth is that The Blue Eyed Orger Deck was being sold in stores. so I had figured that his mom would of gotten him the deck, but I wanted to play along here.

"Yes and I can see your future" I say in a mystical voice.

"You will be deeefeeaated by my huuuuunter deck, also you shall be met by a mysterious girl with blond hair who shall then take your soul."

as Louis rebuttals "I take it you knew about The Blue Eyed Orger decks being sold recently"

"Dude my mom runs a store I knew a few weeks before you even knew it was coming out."

Louis insulted "Dude that is messed up and you didn't tell your good friend the inside details of this"

"I haven't seen you in like a month dude. A MONTH!"

Louis Shrugs "Not my fault I no longer live inside town. But seriously will I really meet that blond haired girl you speak of"

We both let out a laugh as the bus took off and we start heading for the High School.

We continued to talk while the bus was in transit. Everything seemed normal nothing out of place as I also keep my mouth shut on what had transpired the day before.

We finally hit the high school as people started moving off the bus. I could hear people talking about me. Calling me retarded smelly and gay. Stuff I have heard before but still kind of stung none the less.

Louis gets up and starts heading off the bus as I'm still trying to put my cards away. I finally start heading off the bus moving toward the doors of the high school. not paying attention to what's going on around me I get shoulder checked. I immediately looked up to say sorry when I noticed. It was Jamie.

I let out a gulp as he grabbed me by the bag and tosses me to the ground.

Jamie "What no sorry" He Says Sarcastically

I Grab my bag which is now a few feet away from me, and try to scramble to my feet. Then suddenly I feel a pressure on my back. I look back and see its John, with his foot on my back. He then proceeds to push me down to the ground my face now pressed against the dirt.

"Yeah your not going to say sorry" John said Tauntingly

Jamie then walks up to me and kicks me swiftly into the side "how about we show you exactly what we do to unpolite retards." He then starts to kick my a few more times in the chest, John Joining in on the other side.

I sit there taking in not wanting to fight back, as I thought to myself. I thought I avoided these events. But these seem different not the same but similar.

Jamie then say's "we missed you yesterday so we thought we'd give you your high school welcome a day later. Even though I'm surprised they let a retard like you pass into high school. The teachers must of taken pity on you."

He then gave a grand swift kick into my side as I instinctively let out a grunt and fall the rest of the way to the ground. If there is one thing I've learned to get this over quickly it is to act like your in tremendous pain and fall to the ground.

John gives one last grand kick to my side as I try to lay there motionlessly on the ground.

"Cant wait for the rest of the year this is going to be fun" Jamie Snarks as he and john start heading for the school entrance.

Once again people just stood around staring at me and what just transpired. No one willing to help no one wanting to jump in or say a thing.

I guess this is just what someone like me deserves in the end. My mind starts clouding into syndical thoughts. I pick up my bag as i picked myself up, my cloths are now covered in dirt. I walk to the doors an let myself into the school as people start to stair at my dirty appearance. There was nothing I could do about it I didn't bring a spare set of cloths like I normally do and I was off to my locker. To Rue the day I even came to school today.

After first period I had calmed down a bit and started thinking a bit more clearly. Gym was next one of my favorite periods and that's when I remember I had my gym cloths in my gym locker I had forgotten all about them.

I rush to my locker to put my books away and then start heading to the gym which was down the corridor opposite way of home room.

I make it to the locker room and get into my locker. I open it happy to be able to finally change into something clean for the day

To my dismay my cloths were gone, with a note sitting in my locker.

Dear Phyrix

We have taken your Gym Cloths and put them in the urinal. We figured you would feel more at home with the smell of urin all over them.

Your Friends


Ps. If you tell anyone of our good dead we will have to do more good deeds for you

There was no name on the letter but I knew who did it. That was bluntly obvious but why my gym cloths and why were they after me so hard today. Feeling a little defeated at this moment I walk over to the urinal and grab my gym cloths.

I put them in my locker to grab at the end of the day to get them washed at home. I walk out to the gym floor with my dirty cloths as the teacher looked at me in dismay.

"Phyrix where are your gym cloths" Shaking her head

"I...I...I For..For.. Forgot them." Remember what the note said I kept quiet.

"Well since it is the second day I can let it slide but make sure to have them tomorrow. Which means you wont be able to join in todays activities so take a seat on the bench over there."

The other kids chuckle and giggle a little bit as she had said this. I begrudgingly head to the benches and sit down. only being able to watch at this time. I was starting to get a little agitated by the events happening as they were playing dodge ball today one of my favorite things to play in PE.

I start to calm down a little as I watch the balls fly back and forth. I think to myself, I thought I avoided these events how could they be happening now and worse then they had originally been."

I kept pondering this remembering back to yesterdays events the dream I had and the dream after the days events. Without a clue on what had been transpiring the Class bell rang for next period. Time seemed to be flying by today. Between the bus ride first period and now second, time just seemed to be passing me by. Which I didn't mind since I rather be home then school right now.

I started walking down the corridor to my locker to grab my spare notebook. The one I like to draw and write in for homeroom. Homeroom was mainly free time after they announce the yearly events and what we will be doing for our homeroom Activities.

I make it to my locker and go to open the door, When suddenly I get smashed right into my locker, which made a big Reverberating sound. I look over and see Jamie moving by as he shouts out "OOPS! SORRY I DIDNT SEE YOU THERE" He lets out a laugh and continua's on his way.

I then open my locker and grab my notebook. I normally do get bullied a lot but this is insane I think to myself shutting my locker Door. I then start walking down the hallway taking a right to my homeroom class.

Well at least things cant get any worse.

I Finally make it into my homeroom class and sat down in the same spot I did yesterday, to my surprise though Greg wasn't there. He was normally early since he had shop before this and this was the same room as the shop room. I look over to see the same batch of girls by the windows and heard the door open so I turned my head toward it thinking it might be Greg. To my dismay it was just Jamie and his thugs. They pass me with out incident and walk over to the corner of the room that they were at yesterday as well.

Thinking nothing of the missing Greg I dig myself into my notebook and start drawing a little to pass the time. The homeroom teacher entered through the shop doors and proceeded to discuss more on the yearly events.

The bell Rang and home room was done so I head to my next class the real third period. Stopping by my locker to pick up my books for the class. The day went without incident till lunch.

Finally I get to eat and enjoy some time with my friends. I rush to the lunch line which by the time I get there it is already three classrooms back, as i wait in line. It felt like forever to get to the cafeteria as I finally get up to get my tray I move up and start plating the food. I instantly saw Red Apple Sauce my favorite I instantly grab two spoon full of it and moved on. I make it to pay with my id like normal when suddenly the lunch lady that sits there to take the payment say's to me "sorry but you cant eat today you account doesn't have enough funds."

My heart sinks "c..c..can I go to the offices...."

She says "go for it kid"

I then slowly start walking to the office, at this point most of the cafeteria was looking at me and snickering at what just accord. The trip to the office would be in vain since lunch will already be over by the time I got back, but I proceeded in my walk of shame.

Once I made it to the office I opened the door and asked the person at the counter to call my parents. They asked for the number as usual and they dialed it in for me. I grabbed the receiver as it rang several time's and went to voice mail. I tried several more times as finally my mom had picked up.


"Hey mom"

"Yes buddy what is up"

"The lunch account is over drawn and they wont let me eat"

She responds in and angry voice "What do you mean they wont let you eat. Put the Office attendant on the phone now"

I hand the phone over to the office attendant "She wants to talk to you"

"Hello" the office attendant says confused.


The attendant now understanding what was going on says back "I'm sorry mam those are just the rules I cant change them."

in another loud voice which again could probably be head even in the hallway "HOW THE HELL IS THAT EVEN A RULE! YOU WILL LET MY CHILD STARVE FOR A COUPLE BUCKS LET ME SPEAK TO THE PRINCIPAL"

The attendant now a bit more shaken said "He is not available at the moment"

after that it seemed my mom went spastic as I couldn't make out what she was saying from this point on.

The attendant then said "I'm sorry for the inconvenient" then hands me back the phone "she wants to talk to you again"

I put the phone up to my ear "Buddy I'm coming to get you so you can eat don't worry about your classes after lunch you have been excused till I bring you back. Just wait there"

"Thanks mom" as I hang up the phone I sit in the chair by the office door. The attendant now looking at me with a scowl on her face, like I was the one that just got done yelling at her.

It was about ten minutes before my mom came to pick me up as she enters the office doors. She looks back at the attendant and slams a Twenty dollar bill on the desk "That should cover the account I will be talking to the principle and the superintendent when I have a chance on this issue." She pauses for a second as the attendant makes out a receipt for the transaction.

"Lets go buddy" she looks at me with a smile then looks back at the attendant "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I know it wasn't your fault I was just angry on the circumstance."

The Attendant nods her head, as my mom and I head out the office door to the parking lot entrance. She had brought the minivan a silver one we get up to the vehicle and I hop into the passenger seat. My mother was already in the drivers by the time I had even hopped in. She seemed really angry at the situation at hand.

"Alright buddy its your choice what would you like to eat." she says breaking the silence.

I look over at her hesitant "I really don't know, but a burger sound good to me."

She lets out a smile and give a bit of a sigh "alright to Benjis Burgers it is."

She puts the vehicle in revers and takes off out of the parking lot.

Her phone rang so she picks it up and answers it "Yes Hun" It was my dad he didn't talk loud enough for me to hear but they seemed to be conversing about the situation at hand. it looked like it wasn't just my mom that was annoyed of the situation. she leaves off with "Alright I'm heading to Benjis Burgers right now to get him something to eat did you want to join"

It seemed like he said yes cause the next thing I hear her say was "Alright ill meet you there. Love you" She sets down the phone and takes a right turn down the road leading to Benji's.

The ride there seemed a little awkward my mom not really knowing what to say to me. I didn't help with that since I just sat there quietly with my hands in my lap. She ended up breaking the silence at the half way point.

"So besides this how has you first two days gone."

Not wanting to worry her anymore "Its going well! The classes aren't to hard and I am really enjoying my teachers. I've also made a few friends" I put on a fake smile as well to make it seem more convincing.

"Well That is good I'm glad high school is going well for you. Have you gotten any love interest?"

Embarrassed I look at the ground blushing "M-M-M-Mom that's personal..."

She lets out a laugh "I'll take that as a yes."

I continue to look at the floor of the car as the car comes to a stop. We had finally made it to the restaurant I was half excited that I didn't get to eat at school and also get to miss a few classes but at the same point I felt a little impartial in what happened. I honestly had no clue that my mom would freak out like that, and it was kind of embarrassing at that. On top of that it could make things worse for me in school if the other kids catch wind of it.

I open the door and step out into the parking lot as my dad pulls up right beside us in his truck. I watch as he turns off his truck and steps out of it.

"Glad to see you made it just in time" My mom said casually.

"Well I wasn't to far from here when I had called you and I had just told my boss I was going to take a lunch break."

My mom give him a kiss and we start walking to the Benji's doors. My dad suddenly said "Why are your cloths so dirty buddy" I look down at the ground and try to say convincingly "I Tripped on my way into the school building today." My dad lets out a sigh "Well I guess after this ill take you to get some clean cloths then drop you off at school. That way your mother can get back to work."

I nod my head as we head through the doors of Benji Burger The cashiers greet us with smiles as we approach the counter. My dad ended up getting a double Benji burger with a side of Large Fries and a drink. My mom Went for the two Bengi burger meal with small fries and a drink. While I got the Benji burger Deluxe with Large fries and a drink.

The cashier then proceeded to ask as we started paying for the food, why I was out of school. Apparently the cashier knew my parents. So my mom began to explain the situations in an aggravated voice.

the Cashier then looked agitated at what was just said. "Are you serious who takes a tray away from a kid during lunch what do they expect him to starve or something."

My mom smiled "Exactly that's just ridiculous letting my poor son starve for something that isn't even his fault."

The cashier then waved the manager over and explained what had occurred. The manager looked shocked at the information given. "Are you kidding me that just Horrible. You know ma'am Id like this meal to be on us today no child should ever go though something like that."

My mom then thank the two as we got our food for free. This was an unexpected turn of events as we take a seat and start to eat. we ended up starting to talk about how that was really nice of them.

We finish eating and head out to where the vehicles were and bid Farewell to my mom. Then got into my dads truck as he turns on it on and backs up he then while doing so he said something I didn't expect him to say.

"Buddy I know you don't want to worry your mother or us but I'm sure you know we aren't stupid. I figured id talk to you about this without your mother cause you know how she can get. But are you getting bullied in school." He then starts moving forward taking me home to change.

I sat there quiet for a bit not knowing what to say. "I don't really want to talk about it.'

"well you know you can always come to us if you ever have problems." He pauses for a second "well me at least you know how you mother is and she would storm that school building once more to get justice for what is going on." He lets out a laugh.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my mom going into the school and yelling at the top of her lungs trying to get to the bottom of this. well I maybe imagining it way more dramatically but it still would be funny. "Yeah I know dad... But I should be fine."

He then gives out a drawn out sigh "Well at the very least I should show you how to fight. You know your old man was a golden glove boxer. All it takes is a good Left hook and you got them." he Pauses for a quick second "Well right hook for you Since your right handed and all. I do want to show you how to stand and what to do. How's this Saturday sound to you buddy."

My dad seemed way to excited about this and I knew I couldn't turn him down even if I wanted to. I mean I have nothing going on and he knew it. "If you say so dad" I say with a bit of distant in my voice

We stopped at the house as I went inside to change. The house seemed a bit creepy to be in without anyone else in it. My dad was waiting outside in the truck, as I quickly put on some new cloths and rushed out to the truck. As I was hopping into the truck I couldn't help but notice my grandfather creepily looking out his window at us.

My dad then pulls away from the house as I look back to see if he still was and there he was just staring as we disappear out of sight.

"I take it you just saw Jerry peering out the window at us." He said out of the blue

I nodded my head "Y-y-yes"

"Yeah he can be a little creepy at times but he is you grandfather and my Father in law so we have to play nice." As he said that I realized we are on the same page when it comes to him. So I felt a bit more at ease about how I felt about him.

We finally Made it to the school as I say my goodbyes to my Dad I start heading into the school. Hmm I missed fifth and sixth period so two more periods to make it through and I am home free. I think to myself.

I get into the building and check in at the office which after words the sixth period bell rings. Just made it I think to myself. I was a bit excited cause my last two classes were choir and study hall. But I did realize I had to go back to the locker-room to get my gym cloths after school and rush to the bus. I let out a sigh and headed for the choir room which was on the opposite side of the school building by the main entrance.

I get as far as the Cafeteria when I ran into Jamie. This time he didn't say a word to me or even try to mess with me he seemed like he was in a hurry actually. I take a deep breath as I was afraid that something was about to happen and continue on my way. I make it to the choir room and grab my music folder from the cubby and take my spot.

The Period went by pretty quickly as the bell rang I headed for my study hall period. Which was on the other side of the school once again by the office. It was a trek but I had thought on the first day that this would be how id get a lot of exercise in for the day since I don't do much at home.

I make it to my study hall period without incident. Through the whole period I had an odd feeling a feeling that something was about to go wrong once again. Ignoring the feeling the bell rang as I head to the locker room for my cloths. Entering the long corridor straight pass the office and turning into the gym to enter the locker. I open the locker and went to grab my cloths, That's when I realized, I had forgotten my bag in my locker.

I wasn't about to walk through the school with soiled cloths. So I shut my gym locker and headed back out to grab my bag. I get into the hall not paying attention and run straight into Sarah. She was a senior I actually met her yesterday she's in one of my classes.

"S-s-sorry Sarah" I stutter out as I try helping her up.

"its ok I should of paid more attention' She said taking my hand.

I help her up, her Short light brown hair fluffed up a bit.

"I-I-I must have some charge c-c-c-ause..." I stop talking for a second to get ahold of my stutter

"Let me guess cause I'm attracted to you. That is a corning pick up line if I ever heard one." She Lets out a quick giggle.

"Sure why not, but I was actually talking about your hair it started sticking up as our hands touched." I said trying not to stutter again.

"Oh.. yeah... I.. I guess your just trying to be considerate then." She seemed embarrassed for thinking that it was a pick up line.

"Yeah well I didn't want you walking around with frizzy hair could be a bit embarrassing." I say Oblivious to her embarrassment.

"Y-Y-Yeah Well I'm Sarah" She introduces herself.

"Phyrix and I know we have Home Ec Together, also I normally see you as you leave the choir room before I have choir."

"Oh... Sorry I guess I forgot I mean it is only the second day and all." She says a bit nervously.

"Don't worry about it I'm not worth knowing anyways" Realizing the time I quickly say "Crap I have to get going though ill be late for the bus at this rate." I rush off waving to her "sorry Have fun. She still standing there befuddled at what had just accord.

I quickly grab my bag from my locker and run to the bus. As I reach it just in time I get onto the bus and see Louis he waves me over as I sit down next to him. The rest of the bus ride all the way back home was pretty uneventful. As Jess and I get off the bus and start heading down the hill on our way back home.

That night I didn't dream or I don't remember it one or the other, as the next day comes by it was pretty uneventful. The periods seem to fly by as I realized I had forgotten to take my PE cloths home so I spent another day on the bench. Greg still wasn't in homeroom once again but figured he must be really sick, and Then hanging out with my friends at lunch. The Day ended and came to a close as I grab my PE Cloths From my gym locker, and head off to the bus. Pretty uneventful indeed.

This continued on till Friday, it was almost like the events that had transpired previously never happened. Even the thought of the events were out of mind for me.

That Friday went like any other day even up to the end. I was excited for the weekend a few days off from school a new Episode coming out for a few of the animes I was watching. This was a chance for some me time. I then remembered what my dad had said a few days prior.

I let out a sigh as I realized that it wont be much of me time I guess since my dad wants to show me a few boxing moves. Its not that I wasn't excited to be spending time with my father, it was more of the circumstance it which I am. I don't like to talk about what I'm going through much it just seems a bit useless since there isn't much the other person can do to help. I do guess my dad is trying and is making an effort to help with the problem at hand.

Night fell as I head to bed for the next days events. Normally I don't go to sleep so early, since i tend to not feel tired till Later at night. So I end up watching tv in my room till I finally fall asleep, but tonight was a bit different tonight I was going to try having another lucid dream like I did before. This time for the fun of it more then trying to figure something out.

So I fell asleep with a bit of ease while saying to myself. I'm about to fall asleep over and over again till I finally fell asleep.