
Chapter 6

"Bellua became suffocating," I explained. "I would question myself for hours sometimes, has our futures already been decided? I hate arranged marriages. Loveless. Unhappy marriages are decided by our parents for family honour. It may sound like whining from another's perspective, but who am I to blame? This era never gave women as much rights as men."

"I... didn't know you felt that way," Riche said.

"Well now you do," I replied. "Anyways, I need a place to stay tonight. My aunt's away from the capital for a short vacation. Mind if I crash at your place?"

"Sure," Riche. "I'll get maids to get your room ready."

"Thanks," I breathed out a sigh.

I blew and played with the soap bubbles on my hand as the maids washed me.

I refused to let go of my bandages and hid my scars on my back with magic temporarily until the bath was over.

When the bath was over, the maids dressed me in my pajamas.

"Why do you keep those bandages?"

"Habit." I shrugged. "It became weird to let go of them."

"It's getting late. You should rest."

"Thanks, goodnight, Riche."

"Goodnight, Y/n."