
Chapter 5

As the sun sets below the horizon, the sky is transformed into a canvas of mesmerizing shades of orange, pink, and purple.

The clouds are illuminated with a warm glow, casting shadows across the landscape.

The air is filled with a tranquil stillness that slows down the world.

It's a breathtaking sight.

I walked around.

I don't plan on eating anything big, like a meal.

I just want a small snack.


It was a man from a dumpling stall.

I smiled.

'Finally.' I thought to myself. 'Exactly what I needed.'

"I'll have one please!" I yelled, rushing ahead.

The man smiled at my cuteness.

I paid my money.

And before I could get it, some kid grabbed it.

"Hey!" I said, grabbing hold of his wrist. "I paid for that!"

"Let go." She said through her gritted teeth.

"Take your hands off my dumpling."

"Are you crazy?"

"Who's crazy?"

"You." She said, pointing at me.

She had pale brown hair and green eyes. She had a hat of a pale color.

"Hey kid, are you lost?" I said.

"What?" She growled. She was comparatively a bit shorter than me.

"Now, now," The man came in between. "I just happened to find another one, you can have that. How's that?"


I sighed.

'Wait.' I paused in realization. 'Didn't he say he had one?'

The girl grabbed my hand and pulled me close.



"Don't interrupt me, damn it."

"What's your name?" She growled.

"The dumpling is ready!" The man called.

I snatched my hand and chuckled softly at her bafflement.

"I don't want to~"

I patted her head.

"How cute." I commented.

I walked with a smile.

She was so frustrated.

It was funny.

The sky transformed into a stunning blend of midnight blue hues as the sun began to retreat for the day.

A soothing breeze swept through the air, infusing the evening with a sense of serenity. The joyful chatter of people filled the streets under the warm glow of streetlights, creating a lively atmosphere.

As the night approached, the birdsongs gradually faded away, bringing a peaceful end to the day.

The snow fell more heavily.

I looked up.

'Pretty. But I feel cold.'

I remembered something.

'Riche is currently staying in the capital. Why not stay at her place?'

I reached there after 15 minutes.

I knocked on the door.

My bag was at normal size because she'll be suspicious.

Who wouldn't be?

I literally am going to the Imperial Palace to be a 'Lady-in-waiting'.

Obviously, I can't go back and forth from Bellua to the Imperial Palace for my things.

And that's exactly what any person would think.

A maid opened it and recognized me. She led me to the living room.

"Good evening, My Lady. Please, have a seat. Lady Gorten will be with you in a moment."

Warm tea was served.

I sipped my tea as a servant carried my baggage to a corner of the room.

The door opened.

"Lady Bellua?" Riche entered.

"Y/n would be fine." I spoke, placing the empty teacup down.

"Why are you here?"

"To be a Court Lady in the Imperial Palace." I said.

"Really?" She chimed.

"Of course,"


"I've grown sick of Bellua." I said grimly. "And I'm sure you feel the same, Riche."