
Chapter 7

It was the next day.

The maids helped me get ready for the day.

Riche's etiquette tutor tested me.

"Excellent! Perfect!" She exclaimed.

Riche gave a sinful sigh.

"Here we go..." She muttered.



"Say! Who taught you?" She asked, turning to me.

"My nanny," I replied.

"What's her name?"

"She's dead."

Silence engulfed the room.

Riche shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

"Oh..." She lowered her head. "I apologize deeply, Lady Bellua."

"It's fine."

I stood in front of the carriage Riche fixed for me.

It was operated by Prao.

"I'll see you later." Riche said, giving wave.

"Same here," I said. "Tell Lariette not to touch my things."

"I will." Riche laughed.

The carriage left when I was dropped at the gates.

I informed the guards about my hiring.

The butler came and brought me inside to some interview room.

He sat in front of me examining the Bellua artifact to detect any sign of forgery.

The artifact was a necklace crested with Bellua's emblem on it.

He was even more convinced when he saw my face.

Black hair and pitch-dark, brown eyes.

"From Bellua indeed." He placed the artifact back to me. "You'll have to answer my questions."

"It says here you suffered from the bubonic plague." The butler stated, throwing a sharp glance at me.

"And I'm immune."

"Have you eaten anything poisonous?"

"No," I lied.

'I don't want to work in the kitchen.'

"I want to be a Court Lady."

"No, I can't let the daughter of Bellua do something like that," He heaved. "Besides, Princess Nigelle already have enough Court Ladies."

"Your identity has been confirmed and you have a letter of recommendation from Lady Beatrice." He continued.

"I'm not here for Princess Nigelle."

"Prince Arnulf does not hire young women as his attendants."

"Neither am I here for him. I'm here for Princess Rapherette."

"You're here for her Highness?" He questioned.

'Why is he so surprised?'


"Well then," He began, abruptly getting up. "There is no need for any sort of verification. Come, I'll guide you."

I frowned at his treatment of the princess.

'Shouldn't the princess' safety be thought for? Why such recklessness?'

Nevertheless, I followed the butler over to her place.

I adjusted my dress which was off dark blue and black hues.

It was a simple design paired with medium black heels.

Since the dress' sleeve went till half of my elbow, I wore gloves.

Rapherette's palace is quite far.

"Is it usually this quiet?" I said, looking the corridors.

"There are more people now, since its morning. The Princess has... something that makes her hard to serve. So I ordered them all to get things done in the morning. They'll be back afternoon except a few maids."

'How bad is her temperament?'

"Your Highness!" He knocked. "This is Monet. I've hired another Court Maid for you. So, I am here to introduce you to her."

He opened the door.

She was sitting next to the window, with her legs crossed and head resting on her hand.

She had beautiful, shinning blond hair and bright, lime-green eyes.

When that sharp gaze hit me.

I recognized her.

She was that kid yesterday...

And that's when I knew,

I fucked up.