
Chapter 20

A cool breeze came in through the open window. I fell asleep while I was thinking about whether or not to close the window.

The dream from earlier that Tori interrupted when she woke me up continued. I couldn't see the face of the tall man, who was a head taller than me, but it was quite to my liking. The fields of Bellua smelled faintly of lavender and was beautiful in the spring. I liked to climb the hill behind the mansion by myself, even though I wasn't with a man like this before. Anyone who climbs a hill with a view of the village and watches the soft sunset will fall in love with the small and beautiful town of Bellua.

In the evening, Bellua would have the sweet scent of flowers combined with the savory scent of dinner preparations. When I closed my eyes and listened carefully, I could hear the children in the village playing. I love Bellua so much.

"I love Bellua. But I hated the Count, you know?"

When I said that, the man smiled and looked down at me. I felt his smile, so I took his hand. But he had a very small hand. I couldn't believe how small it was for a grown man's hand, so I opened my eyes and held on to his hand even tighter. His soft palm felt nice to the touch.

I suddenly realized. Why do I recognize the feeling of a man's hand? Am I still dreaming? It's a dream, but why does it feel so real? This feels different.



I frowned when I heard the man's voice calling me. He's an adult, but why does his voice sound so much like a child's?

I opened my eyes, shocked that it wasn't a dream. Rupert's bedroom was at the receiving end of the harshly shining sun.

I blinked my eyes several times to shake the sleepiness away. The dream wasn't very long, but it was already morning. I noticed the odd decorations. The walls were neatly arranged with guns displayed from one end to the other… an odd design choice. As I looked around the room, I belatedly noticed something in front of me: a beauty, with soft wavy blonde hair neatly covering her white porcelain forehead.

Who is this beautiful girl in front of me?

"Get off."


"I said, get off."

The smooth, pretty forehead, no, the forehead's owner ordered coldly. I lowered my head and looked at the hand I was holding to see who it belonged to. It was fine and white, but the bones were sharp and visible.

I'm holding Rupert's arm.

I was so startled that I forgot to breathe, so I let go of his hand and took a step back. I scooted away so quickly that I fell out of bed, but it didn't hurt.

What is this craziness, Y/n?!



"I'm sorry!"

When I was asleep, I did think it was chilly when the wind came through the window, but I never thought that I would climb into his bed in my sleep, though.

Because I don't move much while I sleep.

Rupert frowned as he looked at me. My hands were on the ground, and my mouth was set in a hard line. Fortunately, I don't think he's angry that I dared to climb into his bed and held his hand… He's still acting like a girl.


A foul mouth as always.

Oh, I'm glad.

I bowed my head because I didn't want him to get angrier.

"I'm so sorry! I fell asleep…"

"Forget it… just go outside and call Tori."

Maybe it was the effects of the herbs I brought that made him feel better, or maybe he was kinder than I thought.I thought he would grab one of the guns on the wall and shoot me on the spot because he saw me as a threat.

"Yes… Yes!"

I got up quickly and used my hands to wipe my dry lips. Then I felt my sore butt from the fall.

If he had acted as a prince instead of a princess, then the situation would be really bad news for me. I would have to get married in four months. I originally never had a wedding, but I almost did this time. (1) I took a deep breath of relief and thanked him very much for his disguise of wearing women's clothing.

Rupert gave me an annoyed look when I called Tori, as if to ask, "Why are you just standing there?"

He was able to get up this morning feeling refreshed thanks to me - or to be more exact, because of my medicine - but he's an ignorant scumbag. I was tempted to say something by his lack of gratitude, but I couldn't help but laugh outwardly.

"Your Highness, do you feel fine now?"

"No matter what… don't let her come here at night ever again."

Rupert, who acted as if he didn't hear my question, spoke instead to Tori who ran up to him and petted her head like an animal's.

Of course.

I pretended to be polite by bowing my head to hide my wrinkled nose and twisted expression. Tori sighed after hearing his words.

"Your Highness, you should say thanks first."


Rupert's eyebrows went up at an angle when Tori spoke.

'Looks like he doesn't remember. The good news is that he doesn't know that I know Alchemy.'

"Your fever has gone down, Your Highness, because Y/n gave you some medicine."


From his look of confusion, I don't think he even remembers last night when I fed him the medicine. I thought it was a chance to talk, so I spoke up quickly.

"Because I'm weak, I always carry a first aid kit around me… please let me know in the future if you don't want to call for someone else."

"Why should I believe in that medicine you gave me?"

"I gave it to you, and you're just fine."

I told him nervously while smiling. Look at him, I helped his ass recover and he still doubts me.

But he's fine, so he shuts his mouth while just keeping his thoughts inside. I gave him a nice smile and stood beside him, just like Tori.

"Your Highness."


Rupert's face stiffens as my smile gets bigger. As I went about with a smile on my face, he couldn't stand it and threatened me.

"Why are you smiling like that… what the heck do you want?"

"I'm just glad that you're fine."

"Don't worry about the medicine because I'll pay for it."

"Can you pay for my medicine and I'll flaunt it?"


Oh no, I think I went too far. Rupert's face was scrunched up violently as if he was ready to kill me with a gun. In fact, I shrugged as he could stand up at any moment and grab one of the guns hanging on the walls not far from where he was sleeping.

"Your Highness… I'm joking. Can I just ask for one thing? I'm your maid."

"Don't say nonsense. What do you want?"

"What do you mean, nonsense? I am your maid…"

"Damn it… do you take me as a fool that I don't even know my own maid? What do you want?"

He said the words so quickly that I didn't even have time to properly react.

He said it.

It was the first time he recognized me as his maid.

He doesn't want to talk about it so it's a surprise for me. I've been his maid for several months now, but I never heard him call me 'my maid'.

These words that came from his mouth are new to me.

I looked into his eyes carefully and took a chance.

"If that's what you want… I… Can you grant me a day off on the 15th?"


"The medicine you took yesterday cost a lot of money."

Rupert hit the pillow.

What's with that temper?

"Do you want me to pay for the medicine now?!"

"My brother who is younger than me is going to the Military Academy. He's in the Capital so I thought I would visit him."

"You sure take good care of your brother."

Rupert said that.

Did he say it with sarcasm?

I'm actually not sure, but I just waited. I can't go if he says no. I can't because I think he'll catch me if I try to do something.

But I really want to go.

It's been half a year now, and I miss Bellua and my family very much.


His permission made my unkempt hair fall down as I bow once again.

I smiled softly.

"Don't squish the dumpling."

"I'm just glad you're healthy, Your Highness."

I'm smiling, yes, but he still managed to spit out words of bullying.

But no worries about that, it's nice to see Lehan after a long time.

Even if Lehan is a pain in the ass.