
Chapter 21

The attendants and maids, who are said to be the closest aides of any member of the royal family, were allowed to freely enter the palace without a special pass from the palace manager.

Since I moved into the palace, I haven't gone out or spent any money so I went to the treasury to see how much of my salary had been saved up, and I was quite happy about that.

The distance between the Military Academy and the palace is quite far, even if they are both located in the Capital.

I'll need to kidnap Lariette on the way.

I'll just use Alchemy.

Losing some more blood wouldn't be a problem.

When I came to Bellua, Iris already knew I'll be there.

So she quickly grabbed Lariette, dressed her up, threw her at me.

I thought about taking flowers.

I know that it's a tradition to give flowers at the graduation ceremony, but not at the entrance ceremony. After some thought, I decided it was better to be embarrassed about bringing flowers than being embarrassed about not having them, so I entered the flower shop.

And I don't give a shit about what others think.

The other children are each holding a pretty flower, but Lehan would be upset if he was the only one without one.

The flower shop built out of luxurious yellow bricks seemed a little excessive, but maybe it's because it's located in the Capital. I hum in glee when I smell the nice flowers coming from the expensive shop. I'm so happy to find that daffodils, Lehan's favorite, are available.

"Hello young ladies... where are you off to?"

"My brother got accepted into the Military Academy!" Lariette exclaimed, fixing her clothes.

"Oh my... your brother is so amazing! It's hard to enter that school!"

"Ever since he was a child, everyone saw his talent for swords! He's smart!"

"Hurry up already!" I said. "We'll be late, you asshole! Get some fucking daffodils!"

"Mood." Lariette muttered.


She flinched while the lady let out a soft chuckle.

After trying to forget how handsome Rupert was, I smiled triumphantly and nodded my head when the old woman spoke.

"Oh... I thought that your brother was handsome because the young ladies are beautiful as well."

The woman from the flower shop was great at her trade. Lariette became embarrassed at the compliments she'd never heard of before, except when my maid or her family gave her compliments.

At the age of thirteen, everyone told her she looked cute, but I was very happy because she had never been told she was beautiful before. Since Rupert always called me dumplings and pressed my cheeks while saying 'the dumpling is about to burst.'

"Ayyy, thank you!"

"The young ladies are so pretty so I'll give you extra daffodils... what color of ribbon would you like to add?"

The lady laid out a bunch of ribbons on the table, and Lariette chose a dark brown one.

Brown is Bellua's color.

It's the perfect color for that shit.

I grimaced as I thought of how she'd react when she finds how much Bellua had betrayed her.

I chose black.

We went down to an alley, and I activated the Alchemic spell.

Lariette is well aware of it.

"Excuse me... can I have your identification?"

When the man asked me a polite question, I looked around and gave him the necklace with the emblem of House Bellua. He took a quick look at my face and the necklace to see if they were real.

It's not easy to carve Bellua's fir tree, so it can't be easily replicated. But he still looked closely at my necklace to see if it was a fake.

I was confident I was not fooling him, but now I'm not sure either.

As he cared about the nobility's honor and pride, he kept the unshakable customs that the nobles mostly kept. I could proudly say I was a Bellua because no one would dare to impersonate a Bellua in the County.

The man gave me the necklace back and asked curiously,

"Are you the family of Lehan Dietrich Bellua?"

"Do you know our Lehan?"

"Yes, we had the same training, but I was told that his family couldn't come."

"Instead of our parents, we came... we're his sisters."

I answered while stroking my pitch-dark hair to show it. Bellua's hair is a unique shade of brown that is closer to black, but unless you're not from Bellua, black and brown seemed like the same shade.

I was a little tired. Since admission into the military academy was so important, I think the cadets' whole families came.

How can I find Lehan in this sea of people?

I was worried, so I just sat down at the place where the first-year's families were seated.

I've come to visit Lehan a few times before, so I'm familiar with the Military Academy.

Since the Royal Family valued them so much, the academy is as nicely decorated as the main palace.

On the stage made out of ivory, a blue eagle logo stood out.

The podium, where the speaker will speak, also has an engraved blue eagle.

The blue eagle is a symbol of the Kingdom of Willetan, which has been conquered by the Empire. Even though they weren't a part of the kingdom itself, people worshipped wild animals as their guardian gods.

The powerful wings of the Vellelum invasion spread out and caught those birds in the sky, making them fall to the ground.

The blue eagle became the symbol of the military academy because the Emperor wanted to flaunt his military might. The wild animal that the Empire devoured is now a pet that protects Vellelum.

I bent my head slightly, feeling sorry for that eagle that was tied down with invisible chains.

As I opened my parasol to get out of the hot sun, I heard the loud sound of a horned conch.

"Thank you to everyone who came home from abroad for the Military Academy's entrance ceremony! Freshmen who went through a long and rigorous training are now finally part of the Academy. From the deepest part of my heart, I congratulate you all... Proud students of the Military Academy. May you have the power to protect Vellnelni in the future! Everyone! Salute!"

I didn't care about what he was saying, so I yawned and looked at each cadet in turn.

A man with a big cut on his face guided each cadet in order. There was no trouble as they formed a military stance. Since there was no age limit, they were all of different heights, but their worried faces were the same. I looked around for my brother Lehan, but I couldn't find his face.

Did he come here to welcome everyone?

Did he think that it was pointless because his whole family won't be here?

Gosh, I think he might be sad that his mother and father won't be here on this special day. But the Lehan I know isn't that shallow.

My eyebrows rise as I don't think he's here. I was about to stand up when the speaker spoke up again,

"Cadet Lehan Dietrich Bellua, the first-year representative will now give his speech!"

Maybe he was using an item with magic that made it louder, or maybe the man's voice was naturally loud, but his voice was heard everywhere just fine.

I was shocked when I saw the podium. Lehan was calm as he walked up the stairs in his uniform. He had the same blank look as the other cadets, but he didn't seem nervous.

I gave a small smile as I thought about how my brother was always calm.

I knew what Lariette was about to do, which was shouting.

I quickly sealed her mouth from speaking.

During our separation, Lehan had matured. Despite being two years younger than Rupert, he appeared to be taller. I felt fear when I saw Lehan, who was growing bigger and colder, approaching me so quickly that I felt irrational bitterness.

The man on the podium, who had been observing Lehan for a moment, immediately imitated him.

When Lehan was done with his speech,

An unexpected applause surges out.

However, it appears that Lehan cannot hear it either. He appeared to be attempting to ascend the floor I was on without using the stairs.

Lehan sat down on the divider I was holding in my hand after hitting the wall twice as if this high floor were merely a wall.

It was an extremely dangerous act.

What if he fell?!

"Lehan! Are you a monkey? What perilous actions are you committing!"

As I reprimanded Lehan, he regarded me with blank eyes, as if in disbelief. He regains focus quickly and frowned when he realizes I'm really his sister.

I met Lehan's dark brown eyes head-on and spread my arms.

"It's been a while, Lehan."

With arms wide open, I approached Lehan, who was transfixed in his stance and unwilling to move.

It was adorable that his hair was styled similarly to that of cadets at the military academy, with a short chestnut cut. His tanned, boyish appearance is a result of his training in the blazing heat.

I grinned and hugged Lehan. It appeared from a distance that he had grown taller, but Lehan was actually taller than I was.

"Congratulations on your acceptance."


Lehan, who had become as brittle as a corpse, slowly opened his mouth. His voice had diminished slightly.

"Are you shocked?"

"Are you really... my sisters?"

"Do you think I'm your brother then?" I laughed.

Lariette hugged Lehan.

I smiled faintly in response to Lehan's persistent inquiry.

"Are you really laughing?"

I widened my eyes in response to Lehan's ferocious voice.

Even though he experienced a difficult puberty, he was a kind guy who had never been nasty to me.

"Are you mad?"

"Me... no... our mother..."

Lehan grasped in bewilderment. I stroked his back to calm him down. Lehan then lowered his head and placed his head on my shoulder.

"Were you aware of how anxious we were?"

'I didn't think so.'

"How about the letter..."

"That piece of paper...!"

'I just found a scrap....'

Lehan pulled me away and raised his face as if he were a little choked up. I paused because it seemed odd that his normally composed face was twisted.

"Will leaving the house and writing a single letter suffice? Are you unaware of how perilous the Capital City is?"

"You're mad."

"How treacherous the Imperial Palace is... do you seriously not fear it?"

"Le, Lehan."

"Are you so discontent with Bellua that it forced you to leave home? Why have you not contacted me? Maybe you're scared about mother and father, but what about me?!"

Lehan was unable to even breathe and sobbed. It is the first time he has yelled at me.

As I opened my mouth with a confused expression, he appeared to be biting his lip to control his rage.

"...You should've told me."

I suddenly realized that I had done nothing to assure him.

I'm astonished.

I felt sad for Lehan and did not know where to place myself, so I grasped his hand.



He did not acknowledge my immediate apology. I gave Lehan, who was straining to breathe, a bear hug.

"I'm so sorry... really sorry. My thoughts were out the window... I will contact you from now on... I'm sorry."

"No... sorry for ranting."

I was speechless in response to Lehan's gracious apology. It would be quite difficult to find a younger brother of this caliber.

Fortunately, Lehan rapidly regained composure.

As if I was excited, my eyes gradually relaxed and I grinned. Even though I have journeyed back in time, my younger brother has not changed as much as the oldest tree in Bellua.

Isn't it a permanent state of peace?

Only after meeting Lehan did I understand that time had passed again. The admission ceremony, which I was unable to attend, and Lehan's attitude, which I did not recognize, reminded me of everything I was trying to protect.

When I first returned to the winter days of my twelfth year and discovered Lehan, the relief I felt weighed heavily on my heart. He was the only support I had when I was anxious and unsure of what was to come. My mind feels somewhat eased of the anxiety that has been nibbling at it without my knowledge.

Rupert still didn't believe me, and I had no idea how to earn his trust, but reiterating my final objective gave me a small boost of confidence.

The burden and difficulty of having someone to protect were significant.

It is weighty but not uncomfortable.

I understood how wonderful life could be simply by having my loved ones alive.

Even though the ceremony was still in progress, Lehan dragged me out of the building, with eyes following us. I forcefully grabbed Lehan to stop.

Even though I was permitted to leave today and had ample time, he insisted that we don't return to the admission ceremony.


It has been a very long time since I raised my eyebrows as my older sister, and I then shuffled my feet slowly. I find it humorous that even freshmen skip the ceremony.

The seeds of rebellion against the harsh norms and laws of the military academy were already obvious when he was fourteen years old, according to my recall. While anticipating or reminiscing about a reckless Luhan in puberty, my tongue twitches.

While Lehan held me and asked me questions such as how life is in the Imperial Palace, if I was okay, if I was feeling ill, I felt sick.

While he's acting like an older sibling, the ceremony carries on.

So I quickly grabbed him and threw him down.

He didn't pass any damages because I used magic.

The last event consisted of the seniors lining up incoming students and donning their school uniform caps. When I discovered that Lehan, who had grudgingly left me, had been captured by a huge cadet, I scowled. The cadet was an honest-appearing man with broad shoulders. Their unique uniforms were nice, no matter who wore them, so it's to my liking.

He was extending his finger toward Lehan as if to reprimand him. Lehan, who had been blankly staring at him, did not lose and broke his finger.

I am aware that the discipline between seniors and juniors is fairly tight, but my mouth gaped open as I pondered whether it could be that way.

The cadet who retreated with a wrinkly face, as though his broken finger was extremely painful, was also rather shocked.

As I typically have no method of determining his relationship with Lehan, I got apprehensive.

Is it because of what happened earlier?

While I was anxiously shuffling my feet, the cadet in a rusty-purple uniform raised his hand.

I was so far away from them that I was unable to hear them, but I did hear a thump that seemed like an auditory hallucination.

This pig-headed brute struck my brother!

He hit Lehan on the head with a fist the size of my face, to exaggerate a bit.

Instantaneously, I snorted and glanced at the man who had transformed from a gentleman to a pig. The cadet who struck Lehan glanced up into my scary eyes. He discovered my toughened face and grinned awkwardly.


How could that pig bash and laugh at my brother?

I could not help but gaze at him more intensely. He rubbed the place where he struck my brother and placed the cap roughly on his head. Lehan, who quickly donned the hat, regarded me with perplexed eyes after donning it.

Lehan grinned and extended his hand toward me. It appeared acceptable, but I wasn't relieved. Despite the fact that it is a military institution, violence between cadets isn't a big deal. It's undesirable to be in a setting where senior students can strike a freshman in the head.

Lehan held the bouquet of daffodils that I had given him. On closer look, Lehan was the only freshman carrying a bouquet of flowers, but he wasn't ashamed.

After the senior student's speech of congratulations concluded, Lehan rushed to me once more. As soon as Lehan stepped in front of me, I inquired.

"Why did he hit you?!"

"He's a bully upperclassman. Don't worry, it's fine."

"How can I not be concerned if such brutality is so prevalent?"

"No. This was the first action he took towards me."

"What what?? What are you saying?"

Lariette & I raised our voices, but Lehan only laughed. He concealed his smile with his hands while squeaking. When he grinned, he always covered his eyes instead of his mouth. This minor behavior is a result of my harsh comments when Lehan was younger.

"Give it to me, please."

He grabbed my bag and took the plant I was holding.

"It's not heavy at all."

"It looks bad."

In an aristocratic society, it's unacceptable for a woman to stand next to a man and hold her own luggage. It wasn't for the women; rather, it was a ritual to protect the pride of men who were drunk on old-fashioned chivalry and romance from the past. However, even before having the male aristocrat carry the luggage, there were servants who would carry everything for them both.

But Lehan was too young for such good manners. His polite and serious expression made me burst out laughing.

"What? You're acting like a knight."

"A knight-in-training is still a knight."

"But you're still not yet a knight."

I wondered when Lehan had learned such manners, but I gave him my bags and complimented him for being a good child.

"Now tell me. How have you been?"

"I'm good."

I wasn't sure how to react to Lehan's polite but dry answer.

What else should I ask?

I'm not a person who likes to talk a lot, and neither is Lehan.

It was a bit awkward. I didn't know what to say to my younger brother because I haven't seen him in a long time.

Actually, at this point in time, I don't know much about Lehan.

I didn't see him for two years after he left for the military academy. After that, he kept on avoiding me.

"Are you enjoying the food here?"


Lehan laughed as he raised an eyebrow at my question.

"Is training hard?"

"I can work it out."

"Did you meet a lot of people?"

"Just enough."

Lehan's straightforward answers made me laugh. Lehan, who was looking at my happy face, walked over to a nearby bench and put his coat down.

"Take a seat."

"Wear it. It's chilly."

"It's midsummer."

Now that I think about it, this sunny day might be too warm for a thick uniform coat. I sat down on Lehan's coat and looked at the sweat dripping down his forehead.

No use acting like the formal nobles.

"I thought..."

"Why did you leave the house without thinking?"

Lehan outright scolded me as well as Lariette.

"You don't need to know."

"Right now I can't say, but there are reasons."

"I know."


"My sister would never do anything so reckless." Lariette chimed as Lehan nodded.

I gave a big smile at my siblings' understanding and clung to his arm.

Oh, I like young Lehan too.

While I was chasing after Rupert, who was rock hard, Lehan was a bit comforting.

"Anyway, Lehan, congrats on getting into the academy. Our parents must be so proud of you because you're already a freshman and a representative at that! ... Write to them sometimes, hmm?"

"It doesn't matter."

'Right. I almost forgot his parents never properly gave him attention.'

"Why?" Lariette questioned.

Lehan denied it by waving his hand. I knew that he didn't like compliments, so I wanted to tease him more, but I looked up and saw the sky was turning red. It was getting close to sunset.

Evening training was also required of Lehan, and I had to go back to the Imperial Palace.

"I'll come back when I'm allowed to go outside. If something bad happens, please let me know."

"Are you leaving already?"

"You need to go to school."

"I don't have to."

Lehan's bold comment made me raise an eyebrow.

"How can you be like this on the first day of school? Are you trying to make me mad?"


Lehan grinned when I widened my eyes to intimidate him. It wasn't a face that was afraid of being scolded by me. I was a little annoyed, but I ended up smiling too.

Lehan's dark brown hair was in the way of the setting sun. As Lariette ran her fingers through his hair, which was dyed in the light to look like burning wood, I pondered on what I should buy for Rupert back in the Palace.

"Are you going?"

"I need to leave."

"I guess you must."

"Yes, so take your hand away."


He replied well and did the opposite of what I expected. I looked up at Lehan's tight grip on my wrist and raised my head.

Lehan's eyes, which had always been tight, relaxed a little without any sign of flinching. It looked like he didn't want to let go of the wrist he was holding. What will he do with it now?

"I'm going."

Shouldn't you let go?

I was surprised and started to laugh.

So did Lariette.

Lehan just left Bellua as well, so maybe he's feeling a little down as well.

After all, Lehan and I are the ones who are neglected the most.

My heart hurts a little because of what I'm seeing right now... Lehan's face bathing in the red sunset. He looks young because of his haircut. I ran my hand through his hair a few more times using the hand he wasn't holding.

"You have to let go."


"You'll get in trouble if you keep it like that."

Lehan didn't answer, but soon he slowly let go of the strength in his hands. I thought he was going to let go, but when I moved, he grabbed it quickly again. I let out a big sigh.

"Hmm... How can I go if you act like this?"


It was a funny way of speaking. I gave him a shy smile and took his hand off my wrist.

"I'll be back."

Lehan let me go after I promised to see him at least twice a month.

Lehan was walking down the street in the dusk with the slow, stiff gait of a soldier, but he kept stopping to look back. In the end, I started walking first and left my brother behind, because it seemed the only way Lehan would return to the academy was if I disappeared from his sight.

Lariette walked with me, and we went to a restaurant to have some bonding time.

"Wouldn't father be worried?"

"Nope." I shrugged. "They don't even know you're here because I created a clone version that replicates your actions back in Bellua. Only Iris knows."

"Oh! That means we can have fun!" She said cheerfully.

"Only for a small while," I nodded. "Have you been practicing you're Alchemy and weapons with Iris?"

"Yep!" She nodded. "She says I'm doing better now."

"Good," I replied. "Anyways," I said, looking at the restaurant. "Let's have a meal before I drop you off. I need to see Her Highness."

"Alright," She said.

The restaurant served sweets of the finest quality as well as the spiciest dishes from foreign empires.

I picked the spiciest kimchi from the East while Lariette picked the sweetest desserts available.

"Stash the food you can't eat in my room. No one other than Iris is allowed in." I kept eating my kimchi.

"Okway!" She was still eating.

I looked out the window, it was getting dark.

"Time to head back," I said, pointing my hand towards the food and transferred them to a small pouch for Lariette.

"Okay..." She nodded sadly.

"I'll find a birthday present for you this year," I said. "Come," I said. "I have to take you back."

I created a portal that led her to my room and called Iris in advance.

On a street with a lot of red roofs, the bright yellow sun is dripping down the street. The number of stars in the night sky at Vellnelni was so few that it would be dark soon. Even though man-made lights make the city look like it has stars instead of lights, that didn't mean the bright road was safe.

I passed the market near Fifth Avenue, where I had met Rupert for the first time.

It wasn't hard to find a street stall where we fought over one dumpling, but I didn't see the kind man who even took out extra dumplings to stop our fight. They didn't come from the same vendor, so they probably won't taste exactly the same, but there were a lot of stands selling steaming hot dumplings. I went to the stall that looked the cleanest and bought three dumplings.

I don't know why the Imperial family loved street dumplings so much.

'Come to think of it, why did my memories of the next 8 years vanish for the 4 months until I had found out she was a man?'

I shrugged the thought off as I bought some dumplings for him.

Since he calls me one, why not get him some?

I looked around the well-organized market while a man with a thin beard wrapped some dumplings in paper. It's late at night, so lots of people are closing up their stalls.

How many of these people will be able to keep doing business until the end?

Raspereich I, also known as Emperor Rupert, didn't crush merchants at random. However, he did get rid of many of the companies that were protected by the families he annihilated.

I know of such a terrifying future, where this red Capital will be dyed a deeper crimson.

As I continued walking, I made the dumplings in the form of mana and stored it inside of me.

I thought about visiting Riche since I noticed a blue-head pass by when the three of us were talking.

I saw the figure roughly but could tell she indeed was Riche. She held a bouquet of roses.

She probably came to congratulate Lehan but was maybe disappointed to see us.

A maid informed that she would arrive and led to the main room.

She served chamomile tea and left the room.

Riche had arrived shortly after.

Her eyes widened slightly as her shoulder tensed a bit.

"Athena?" She said, uttering my second name.

"Again, Y/n would be fine, Riche. I'm only a year older than you."

Seeing her again after half a year, she's still stylish and pretty. Richie took off her fancy, wide-brimmed feathered hat, gave it to the maid, and quickly walked over to me with a quick but smooth pace. She wears a corset, which makes her waist as thin as an ant. She's thirteen, the same age as me, but she already looks like a lady.

Richie's aquamarine eyes narrowed as if judging me. I stared at her because she didn't say anything. With a small sigh, she sat down in front of me.

"Did you go out?"

"The entrance ceremony for the academy was today... and Lehan got accepted—"

"I know."

There were clear signs that she was tired, and I felt bad that I had come to see her for nothing.

"I saw you before."


"I also went to the entrance ceremony."

"I see."

'So she did come.'

When I asked Richie a question, she bit her lip and mumbled something.

"...He said nobody would come..."


I heard those words clearly.

'Lehan said that?'

Richie's fingers, thin enough to see the bones, tapped the table. She didn't finish what she was saying and kept quiet.

"But what happened?"

"It's been a long time since I got permission to see you and Lehan."

I quickly blurted out.

No matter how nice she was, she didn't seem happy to see me.

Riche was very nice to me when I first came to the palace as a maid.

Riche is Marquis Gorten's daughter & takes after him.

Lariette is aware of her intentions. Even if she is her so-called 'friend'.

Though they were never to begin with.

And neither was she mine.