

This tells the story of Sherry Williams, a poor and low class girl, and her contracted marriage with a rich handsome CEO ........ Sherry Williams a 25 year old hardworking girl, was desperate to get money no matter what it took, just so she could satisfy her mother and brother, who were all abandoned by her father decades ago.....Luck makes her to run into Noel Austin a Rich Cold CEO who was bugged to get married by his grandfather....Noel and Sherry comes into an agreement to get married for a year and half, and produce a child... At first for both they were Just Party A and B. But after much times of romantic interactions and helping each other that heal their woes, both parties began to fall for each other and soon realized they were unwilling to let go of each other.... And with the contract coming to an end, they soon realised that they didn't want a contracted relationship, but a real romance...

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Epiosde 3: Meeting Grandpa

Noel: Olivia! welcome. Please have a seat.

Olivia: Long time no see.

Noel: You too, I haven't seen you in a while now, I must say you've become more beautiful.

Olivia: I'm flattered.

Noel: I'm not flattering you, it's true.

Olivia: Thank you then. And you don't look so bad yourself.

Noel: Thank you. So Did you get my message?

Olivia: Yeah! that's why I came.

Noel: So?

Olivia: Yeah! Of course I'm signing it.

Noel: Thank goodness, cause I already told grandpa you have signed it.

Olivia: (smiles) So! who is she?

Noel:(referring to Sherry) Oh... she? she's..

Sherry: Sherry!

Noel: Yes! Sherry! Your new assistant! Sherry! this is Olivia, the lead actress to our new drama series.

Sherry:(thinking) What? so the person I have to work under is none other than Olivia? Now can live get any worst?

Olivia: Hi! I'm Olivia Lane

Sherry: I'm Sherry! Sherry... just Sherry.

Olivia: Oh.. okay

Noel: You'll assist miss Lane for your times on Probation! and i hope you can also learn few things from her too.

Sherry: Okay! Mr Noel

Noel: You can go now!

Sherry: (thinking) Is he trying to dismiss me? so they can be together? (to Noel) Okay! (she goes out)


Noel and Olivia comes out

Olivia: Sherry! you can go home now, I won't be working Today, I have some catching up to do with Mr Noel. So just go and resume properly Tomorrow.

Sherry: But! I don't want to go home now. Mr Noel, how about I do some errand running now?

Olivia: Just....

Noel: Okay! Kalvin! Please send her to Grandpa, let her send him lunch for today.

Kalvin: Okay! Mr Austin

Olivia: Why don't we do that as we're going?

Sherry: No! that's too troublesome. Don't worry I'll do it.

Noel: Okay! let's go. (they left)

Sherry:(stares at them sadly) What a compatible couple

Kalvin: Yeah!

Sherry: So are they Still together?

Kalvin: No! they broke up 4 years ago.

Sherry: 4 years ago? Woah! why didn't I hear about it? It's great news.

Kalvin: what?

Sherry: Nothing..

Kalvin: Wait! how did you know about them dating before?

Sherry: I... I heard.

Kalvin: Really?

Sherry: Hmm... so let's go?

Kalvin: Okay!


Kalvin: Good day! Sir Austin!

Mr Fred: Kalvin! How are you?

Kalvin: I'm fine.

Sherry: Good day Grandpa.

Mr Fred:(surprised by the way she had addressed him) She....

Kalvin: Oh! this is our new intern Sherry.

Sherry: Grandpa! I'm Sherry.

Mr Fred: I see... Sherry! how are you?

Sherry: I'm fine. Thank you Grandpa. Grandpa we brought you gorgeries.

Mr Fred: Oh..Thank you.

Sherry: Grand pa! what do you want for lunch?

Mr Fred: Anything will do.

Sherry: Okay! I'll go prepare it.

Mr Fred: Okay!(she leaves, and he goes closer to Kalvin) Tell me the truth, is she the one Noel wants to marry?

Kalvin: What? No! she's just an intern.

Mr Fred: Come on tell me the truth!

Kalvin: It's the truth.

Mr Fred: Okay! okay! don't tell me if you don't want to. I'll find out myself. (few seconds later Mr Fred goes in to Meet Sherry in the kitchen) Miss Sherry! Please don't trouble yourself too much.

Sherry: No! Grandpa, I like doing this. I usually cook for my mom and brother at home. Also my mom owns a mini restaurant.

Mr Fred: Oh! I like you, you're sincere.

Sherry: Thank you Grandpa.

Mr Fred: Miss Sherry! Tell me the truth. Are you marrying my son?

Sherry: Marry? No! Why would I be marrying him?

Mr Fred: So he didn't discuss anything about marriage with you?

Sherry: No! why would he? I'm just an intern.

Mr Fred: (thinking) that brat! seems like he isn't ready to do what he's supposed to. Fine I'll just have to step in. (to Sherry) Miss Sherry! Are you single?

Sherry: Yes! Grandpa.

Mr Fred: That's great. Do you have anyone in mind?

Sherry: Well! Right now, there isn't anyone. But I used to have someone I liked back in high school, although the person never liked me, I just really liked him back then.

Mr Fred: Where is the person now?

Sherry: He's...

Mr Fred: He's out of reach?

Sherry: Something like that! But grandpa, why are you asking me these questions?

Mr Fred: I'll just get to the chase. Marry my son.

Sherry: What??????...