

This tells the story of Sherry Williams, a poor and low class girl, and her contracted marriage with a rich handsome CEO ........ Sherry Williams a 25 year old hardworking girl, was desperate to get money no matter what it took, just so she could satisfy her mother and brother, who were all abandoned by her father decades ago.....Luck makes her to run into Noel Austin a Rich Cold CEO who was bugged to get married by his grandfather....Noel and Sherry comes into an agreement to get married for a year and half, and produce a child... At first for both they were Just Party A and B. But after much times of romantic interactions and helping each other that heal their woes, both parties began to fall for each other and soon realized they were unwilling to let go of each other.... And with the contract coming to an end, they soon realised that they didn't want a contracted relationship, but a real romance...

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19 Chs

Epiosde 2: Interview

Ning: He's the CEO

Sherry: (shocked) Really? So you..

Ning: Yeah! I can also be considered as a boss. But most rights are for Noel.

Sherry: Oh! So the sunshine Label is for him? who could have expected?

Ning: Well the place is actually owned by my grandfather, Noel is just the CEO for now, the company hasn't been handled to him fully.

Sherry: Oh! But he's going to inherit it anyways. So it's still his. So do I have to wait for the interview?

Ning: Well...(His phone Starts to ring) Hello Noel! What? you ain't coming but there's some one here on an interview. What? okay!

Sherry: What did he say?

Ning: He said he isn't coming today, that he's on a blind date.

Sherry: Blind Date?

Ning: Well my grandfather has been bugging him to go on blind dates, due to the facts that he needs a greatgrandchild soon.

Sherry: Why didn't he force you, why did he tell Noel instead?

Ning: What?

Sherry: I mean you're also his grandchild, right?

Ning: Yeah! well my grandpa has his own ways...

Sherry: Oh! So I should leave now right?

Ning: Well Noel said you can start without the interview, besides you'll just be an intern.

Sherry: Really? Will I still get paid?

Ning: Yes of course.

Sherry: Oh! thank you so much..

Ning: I think it's Noel you should thank.

Sherry: Yeah! I'll definitely thank him tomorrow.. But still thank you for accepting my application.

Ning: You're welcome. And you owe me one.

Sherry: Thanks! I'll definitely pay you back the favour.

Ning: Okay! I'm expecting.

Sherry: I'm leaving now, bye bye.

Ning: Bye bye (she leaves)


Kalvin goes in to purchase grocery for Mr Austin, after buying, he goes down to make payment, just then a beautiful young woman appears, to also make her own payment..And Kalvin couldn't help but stare her her beauty....

Jade: How much is it?

Cashier: just $50 ma'am!

Jade: Okay! I'll scan you?

Cashier: No! sorry we only accept cash.

Jade: But I usually scan here before.

Cashier: Yeah! but it's a new policy.

Jade: But I have no cash?

Cashier: Sorry ma'am but I can only accept cash.

Jade: Are you saying I should return these?

Cashier: Please do ma'am, cause I really can't accept anything other than cash

Jade: You...

Kalvin: (Brings out cash from his pocket) Here! I'll pay. (before Jade could react, he gives her the cash, paying for his and her's and left quickly)

Jade: (Who was surprised at the ordeal, later regained herself and runs out to thank him, but he was no where to be found) Hmm...Where did he disappear to so soon? I didn't even get to thank him...(she continue to look around to see if she could find him, but he was nowhere to be found)

.... NEXT DAY..

Sherry: (Wakes up, and get prepared for work..Few minutes later, she's all ready and goes down to eat) Mom! Good morning (She sits on the table and Starts to eat up before her mother could reply)

Mom: Honey! Did you sleep well?

Sherry: Hmm...(Shoves a lot of bread into her mouth) Yummy.(she picks up some in her bag, and stands to leave) Mom! I'm leaving bye?.

Sherry's Mom: Wait you didn't..(she left) Take your bus card.


Sherry: My gosh! I left my bus card at home? what do I do now? (as she was pounding on what to do, a car on a very high speed, passed her, and because of the high speed, the car pressed mud everywhere, andshe was covered in mud) You...Hey!(she starts chasing after the car)

Kalvin: (who was driving saw her chasing after them) Hmm...Mr Austin! Someone is chasing after us.

Noel: Who?

Kalvin: A girl! could she be one of your fans?

Noel: Stop the car. (Kalvin packs the car, and comes out while Sherry who had gotten to where they where, attacked him)

Sherry: Hey! why did you spray mud on me? Didn't you see me on the road?

Kalvin: Sorry! it wasn't our intention, Sorry!

Sherry: What? Sorry? that's all you can say? I don't care Wether it was your intentions or not, you must compensate me.

Kalvin: But I already apologized.

Sherry: Apologised? can't you see that I'm all covered in mud? I'm late for work and I'm covered in mud? and you only want to apologise? I don't care about your apology, I need you to compensate me. Just give me 200 dollars. And I'll let it pass.

Kalvin: But.

Noel:(winds down his car screen and stretches out his hand to give Sherry some money.) Here take this as your compensation money.

Sherry:(Although she couldn't see his face, she Clearly saw his wrist watch which was a rare kind, it was made with clear and pure gold, and it was also a customised one. She collects the money from him) Thank you! (smiles)

Kalvin: Well I'll leave now. Sorry! (he goes back to his car and drives off)


Ning: Sherry! you made it.

Sherry: Mr Ning! Good morning!

Ning: Good morning! I see you made.

Sherry: Sorry Mr Ning! I'm late. Something unfortunate came up

Ning: it's okay. Come and see Noel, he's in his office.

Sherry: Okay! (she follows Ning! and he takes her to Noel's office)

Ning: Noel! here she is.

Noel:(Turns his chair and faces her) New intern?

Sherry: (thinking) Wow.... He's handsome. Can't believe it, so he grew more Handsome than he was back then. He's really Handsome. And he has become a successful man. I wonder if he'll still recognize me?(to Noel) Ye..Yes!

Ning: I'll leave you both (he leaves)

Noel: Well for now, the only intern vacant position for us, is an assistant to the lead actress of our company. And by assistant I mean messanger. I'll be paid $100 as an intern. And if you pass the probation well, you'll be given a better position in the company. So do you accept?

Sherry: Yes!

Noel: Okay! you can leave. (he goes back to what ever he was doing hoping for Sherry to leave. But instead of leaving, she still stood there staring at him)

Sherry: (thinking) Looks like he doesn't remember me. Should I tell him who I am? or would he react badly if he finds out? I mean we weren't so close back then. Well I'll just tell him anyways.

Noel: (after seeing that she wasn't ready to leave) Is there anything else?

Sherry: Hm.. actually I wanted to ask if you remember me?

Noel: Remember you?

Sherry: Hm.

Noel: Sorry, I don't think I do.

Sherry: Well actually I'm.....

Kalvin:(enter and caughts her shut) Me Austin! we just received a message that Miss Olivia is on her way to see.

Sherry:(thinking) Olivia! could it be the same old Olivia? Didn't they break up already?

Noel: Okay! Let her come in when she's ready.

Kalvin: Okay Sir.(He turns to leave, but ends up noticing Sherry) You! (points at her) Why are you here?

Sherry:(Surprised as well to see him) it's You? Well are you here?....(she finally realized what was happening) You...(her eyes went to his watch and she saw that it was exactly the same watch with the man that has offered her the compensation money) You! you're the man?

Noel: Compensation girl?

Sherry: Don't call me that.

Noel: So that's why you were asking if I recognized you? you? you're the one who billed me of $200 today? Okay! it's great that you're here. Since you already collected $200 from me, I'll deduct it from your salary.

Sherry: Don't you Dare. That was the compensation money.

Noel: Well too late. You already work for me. (Olivia comes in)

Olivia: (a beautiful young woman about same age with Sherry, she had a long blonde hair, and was wearing a mini length red gown with a half armed fluffy peach jacket on top of it., with high glass heels.) Noel!

Sherry: (surprised) Wow....(thinking) Olivia! my God! when did she become this beautiful?....

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