

This tells the story of Sherry Williams, a poor and low class girl, and her contracted marriage with a rich handsome CEO ........ Sherry Williams a 25 year old hardworking girl, was desperate to get money no matter what it took, just so she could satisfy her mother and brother, who were all abandoned by her father decades ago.....Luck makes her to run into Noel Austin a Rich Cold CEO who was bugged to get married by his grandfather....Noel and Sherry comes into an agreement to get married for a year and half, and produce a child... At first for both they were Just Party A and B. But after much times of romantic interactions and helping each other that heal their woes, both parties began to fall for each other and soon realized they were unwilling to let go of each other.... And with the contract coming to an end, they soon realised that they didn't want a contracted relationship, but a real romance...

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Epiosde 4: Marry me

Sherry: What? No!

Mr Fred:Why? you don't think he's good enough for you?

Sherry: No! it's not it, it's just that! No!

Mr Fred: Sherry! I like you, I want you to be my daughter in law.

Sherry: Butt..

Mr Fred: What? You don't like Noel?

Sherry: I..I like him,No I don't like him.. It's.. it's complicated.

Mr Fred: Okay, I understand. you're afraid he doesn't want to get married now right?

Sherry: Yes! Mr Noel wouldn't want to marry now.

Mr Fred: Nonsense! He told me that he'll bring me a wife soon. I'm very sure that's why he sent you here.

Sherry: Grandpa! that's not the case! I think you misunderstood.

Mr Fred: Fine I won't argue with you go back to your work.

Sherry: Thank you Grandpa. (signs) So troublesome. (she goes back to her cooking)


Mr Fred:(on the phone9 Noel! where are you?

Noel: Grandpa! I'm with Olivia now, is there anything important?

Mr Fred: Yes! come to my house quickly, there's something important I want to tell you so be quick.

Noel: Okay!(he cuts the phone)

Olivia: Is everything okay?

Noel: Sorry! Olivia, but I have to go now, grandpa needs me urgently.

Olivia: I'll go with you!

Noel: No need I'll be fine. Get a taxi and go home.

Olivia: Okay! (he leaves)

Few minutes later

Noel: Grandpa! what's so urgent?

Mr Fred: Why?

Noel: Why? what do you mean?

Mr Fred: Why didn't you tell her about the marriage?

Noel: Marriage? tell who?

Mr Fred: (stands up angrily) Stop pretending. she told me everything, that you don't want to get married now.

Noel: Who did?

Mr Fred: Sherry!

Noel: Sherry? Sherry told you that?

Mr Fred: Stop pretending! Why are you dating her if you don't want to get married to her?

Noel: Grandpa! Maybes you're mistaken. I'm not dating Sherry.

Mr Fred: shut up! you better make a proposal soon, unless you want me to disown you.

Noel:(in a shocked tone) Grandpa!

Mr Fred: (leaves angrily)

After some minutes

Sherry: Grandpa! I've severed the table come and have lunch.

Grandpa: Okay! Tell Noel to join us.

Sherry: Mr Noel is here too?

Grandpa: Yes!

Sherry: Okay I'll inform him.

At the table

Grandpa: Sherry! you're cooking skills are indeed Wonderful. Did you learn from your mom?

Sherry: Yes! Grandpa!

Noel:(to Sherry) Grandpa? You shouldn't call him that.


Noel: You..(before he finishes the statement his grandfather hits him with the spoon) Grandpa!

Grandpa: Brat! What do you want to say! Better eat your food and say nothing more. (to Sherry) So! how's your mom's restaurant?

Sherry: Hmm.. Quite good, although we don't get much sales now.

Noel:(thinking) They Even discussed about her parents? Looks like I underestimated this Sherry.

After some minutes Sherry packs the dishes away from the table....

Mr Fred: (Gives him a dead stare)

Noel: Grandpa! why are you looking at me like that?

Grandpa: Brat! when are you going to propose to her? Or do you want me to do it for you?

Noel: Grandpa I'm seriously not dating her.

Mr Fred: Shut up! Can't you see? she's Beautiful, hardworking, kind and has great cooking skills. she's perfect. why don't you want her?

Noel: Grandpa! I....

Mr Fred: I'm telling you now, if you don't propose to her forget about me being your Grandpa....


Noel: Kalvin!

Kalvin: Yes! Mr Austin!

Noel: My Grandpa wants me to marry Sherry.

Kalvin: What? why?

Noel: How will I know? tell me what's your opinion?

Kalvin: Well! Miss Sherry Isn't so bad, she was really nice to me when we were coming here. So I'm sure she'll be a great Wife. But I don't know if she'll agree to get married to you.

Noel: Why won't she? she'll be overwhelmed.

Kalvin: Well I don't think so.

Noel: I'm the one who isn't willing to marry her.

Kalvin: Well you shouldn't say that, it's not like you'll Marry her for real, it's just a contract marriage.

Noel: you're right.

Kalvin: Besides finding a woman now, is the hardest thing for you. So it's best if you just marry the one available.

Noel: (thinking) The one available!


Noel: (walks up to Sherry who was washing the dishes) What are you doing?

Sherry: Oh! Mr Noel! I'm washing the dishes. Why are you here?

Noel: Marry me!

Sherry:(surprised) What?

Noel: Marry me! I won't say it again.

Sherry: what do you mean? are you okay? how can you ask me to marry you?

Noel: Isn't this what you wanted? you talked with my grandpa and made him like you, you even called him Grandpa too. So now he wants me to marry you. But don't get it wrong, it's just a contract marriage for a year and a half...All you have to do is be my wife for a year and half and you'll be paid a sum of 1 million dollar.

Sherry:(Thinking) What? one million dollars? that's a lot (to Noel)You.. You're trying to buy me, because you know I'm poor!

Noel: Of course not. I'm actually helping you. Do you think I want to marry you? it's all my grandpa's doings, not mine. It's not like I have feelings for you or something.

Sherry:(Sadly) Yes! it's not like you have feelings for me. (angrily) You don't like me, so please don't bother me. I will never get married to you. (she leaves Angrily)

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