
The Flash: Godspeed

So this is how I die? That was the first question that came to my mind when I was struck by lightning in the middle of the night while I was walking home from work. My name is Nathaniel Lang, I am 23 years old and as you have guessed from my name I'm half-American and half-Chinese. Before I got into my current crisis I was someone who inherited the good genes of my parent with my dad being a blonde handsome man and my mother is a beautiful black-haired Chinese woman who had many men chasing after her when she was young and with both of their perfect genes created me who was considered the most handsome guy when I was in high school but not anymore. I had shoulder-length blonde hair, a very handsome face and a very athletic body. Because of my good looks, I was very popular with the girls when I was in high school and it was the same when I became an adult which made me the enemy of any man who has a wife or girlfriends, especially those I used to work with. Thinking back to those days were I used to enjoy life with no care at all makes me feel a little happy even though I am about to die but all in all it was a good life that I led before my tragic end especially when I remembered how I screwed my boss's wife in the bathroom earlier today. Now thinking about that makes me think that what happened to me was the handwork of karma, it's no wonder they call her a bitch. Cold! As I was reminiscing about my life, I felt my extremely damaged body go cold and my consciousness began slipping into the darkness. I knew immediately that death has finally found me and was about to take me into her cold embrace, although I don't regret the life I lived until this point the only regret I have now was not being able to f*ck my crush when I had the chance. Damn! Thinking about how I spent my life bone the girls of other guys and never got the chance to f*ck the one I truly loved made me feel like sh*t but there is nothing I can do about it now, can I? With that thought in my head, I fully let myself into the embrace of death and died with a smile on my scorched face as everything went dark for me. #### This is the life of Nathanial Lang, are world famous womanizer that died from a lightning strike while on his way home and was reborn as the twin the twin brother of the world's fastest man alive or so he would have became if Nathanial hadn't been born. #### A/N: Hello, this is my second story and I'm still working on the other that will come later. If you want advance chapters you can visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy.

UchihaIzuna · TV
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30 Chs

Chapter 21

"He wants to talk to me?!"

"That's right. You have ten minutes to answer his questions."

Hank got up from his chair and left the interrogation room with Alex leaving Kara alone at the door.

"Are you coming in or not, Supergirl or should I call you, Kara Danvers? We only have ten minutes to talk."

Nathaniel spoke out to get Kara's attention when she didn't enter the room even after Hank and Alex left the room and it worked as Kara came rushing in upon hearing her name.

"How did you know it was me?"

The first question Kara asked upon entering the room was how Nathaniel knew her true identity. Nathaniel shook his head when he heard her question which in turn brought another question to his mind.

How has no one been able to recognize that Supergirl and Kara are the same people unless she tells them? This question also applies to Kara's cousin, Superman whose real name is Clark Kent. The only difference between their two identities is that one wears glasses while the other doesn't but yet people aren't able to find out their true identities.

It only took him a few hours of digging to find out who Superman was yet Superman's enemies had taken many years and still couldn't find who he really was.

"How do I know you are Kara Danvers? Well, it was quite easy finding out when the only thing separating you two is your glasses and the same applies to your cousin. Anyway, that is not what I wanted to talk to you about but instead, why did you tell the DEO about me? You are the only one who saw my real face after saving the plane from crashing and even though I was wearing a mask, that couldn't stop you from knowing my identity with your X-ray vision. So, why did you tell them about me."

Nathaniel really didn't care about being snitched on by Kara but he wanted to know why she did that.


Kara became mute when she heard Nathaniel's explanation of how he found out about her identity and then his question about why she snitched on him.

Why did she snitch on him? That question resounded in Kara's head as she thought about it. To be honest, she didn't tell the DEO about Nathaniel because she felt threatened by him or anything like that, no. But instead, Alex asked her if she knew him and since she couldn't lie to her, she told her everything but what she didn't expect was that they would go and arrest him.

"Well, I told my sister about you when she asked me if I knew who you were but I didn't expect them to come and arrest you and for that, I apologize."

Kara sincerely apologized to Nathaniel after thinking everything through and realized that his arrest was indeed her fault.

"I don't care about that, all I wanted to know was the reason behind it and that I know it wasn't because of some stupid jealousy or competition, I will forgive..."

Nathaniel forgave Kara and began some small chat with her to waste the remaining minutes that they had until the door suddenly opened and Alex stepped inside without Hank this time.

"Kara, your time is over. You can wait outside or stay quietly... Now, who are you and where do you come from."

Alex told Kara that her time was up and she could leave the room or stay quietly in order to not interrupt her while she proceeded to ask Nathaniel who he was and where he came from. Kara wanting to listen to what Nathaniel was going to say decided to stay.

"Well, as you might already know, my name is Nathaniel and I can run at superhuman levels of speed, I also come from Central City."

"We already know that, what I want to know is who or what you are. Are you an alien like Supergirl or are you are human and if it the latter, then how did you get your powers?"

Alex laid down a bunch of questions after Nathaniel's answer.

"Hmm, I am Meta-human."

"Meta-human! What's that?"

Both Alex and Kara became interested when Nathan said that he is a Meta-human, a term that they haven't heard before.

"Well, Meta-humans are humans who had their DNA altered when the particle accelerator exploded in Central City and awakened superhuman abilities."

Nathaniel explained what Meta-human's is but they became confused when they heard Nathaniel say that a particle accelerator exploded in Central City.

"I know you two are confused and I will explain... you see, I am not someone from this earth."


Nathaniel got up from his chair and easily broke the cuffs then ran out of the room but he came back a fraction of a second later with a whiteboard and a marker in his hands. This sudden move of Nathan caused Alex and Kara to become alert due to them not being able to the speed at which Nathan moved out of the room but they relaxed a second later when they realized he had no bad intentions towards them.

"Now, I want two to imagine that there are multiple versions of Earth and on each Earth, events happen differently or some people do not exist or have not even been born. Now, I want you to imagine all these earths exists in the same space-time continuum but they vibrate at different frequencies making them invincible to each other..."

"If so, then by running at an extremely fast speed, you can open a space-time breach to travel to multiple realities."

Alex interrupted Nathan when he was about to end his explanation and continued as she just understood his words but Kara on the other hand seemed to have been lost.

"To put this in simple terms, the earth I come from has D.E.O, no aliens. Well, they may be I just don't know and there is definitely no Superman nor Supergirl as I have never heard of them."

"What about me, do I exist on that earth?"

"I don't know but the Alex that I have on my earth doesn't have any siblings, in fact, I'm her foster brother and also her boyfriend."

Nathan sat down and allowed the two girls to think among themselves and digest the information that he had just given them.

"OK, I understand. You can leave here any time that you want, Kara will show you the way out."

Alex got up from the chair and left the interrogation room after solving everything out in her head but she gave Nathan a slightly curious look before she left as she was curious about him due to his relationship with her variant on Earth One.

Nathan and Kara stared at each other quietly after they were left alone in the room with the latter increasingly becoming nervous for some reason.

After a while of silence between them, Kara decided to break the silence and asked an exceptionally important question (according to her)

"Uhmm, you didn't tell me that you had a girlfriend?"


https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy. You can visit my patreon if you want to read advanced chapters.