
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

The lost child

Date: 23rd of October, 5025

This was a day characterized by harsh weather—the sun beaming with all her might in the sky. A solemn shopkeeper, while on his journey to his medium of livelihood, could not resist shaking his head in perturbation. He found himself impelled to speak the rhetorical question aloud, "Why must you torment me in this manner?" He was making reference to the relentless heat.

In the course of his commute, he was faced with an unexpected sight. A young lad occupied the front environs of his shop, covered in rag-like clothing. However, what drew his attention was not the state of the lad's clothing but rather his hair—vibrant blue—and his eyes as red as embers. This display of distinctive physical attributes by the boy brought the shop owner to wonder what tales could be hidden in the life of such a boy and why he decided to sit under the relentless sun of the day.

Upon the shop owner's arrival, the young boy's gaze fixed upon him revealed a man with dark, black hair and brown eyes. This man was the shop keeper, who was donned in a formal, crisp suit.

At last, the shopkeeper arrived at his destination - a busy store thronged with customers queuing to peruse and shop. This specific store retailed a variety of clothing and accessories, drawing customers from various backgrounds. It was an intersection of fashion and taste, giving the shopkeeper great pleasure in delivering the finest choices to his customers.

The Union Valley town on the East side was renowned for its popular gathering spot; it had one of the most bustling shops around. Despite the consistent influx of patrons, there was an unsettling factor discouraging customers – a child loitering around the premises. This situation worsened as troublemaking children passing by would harass the kid, throwing food and hurling offensive names at him.

For the shopkeeper, after an exhausting day of managing the shop and dealing with this issue, he felt compelled to rectify this. He decided to interact with the youngster, requesting him to leave. However, unexpectedly, the child did not react, remaining utterly silent and unfazed.

Baffled by this response, the shopkeeper attempted a gentler approach, offering the child some food to persuade him to leave. Even then, the silent child did not move an inch, nor did he accept the offering. The astounded shopkeeper finally resorted to asking the youngster for his name in his increasing bewilderment.

Without uttering a word, the adolescent elicited continuous queries from the store owner, who was keen to hear his voice. After ten agonizing minutes of frequent questioning, the youngster broke his silence. Confessing, "I cannot recall my name, nor my origin, let alone who my parents are." This revelation intrigued the store owner, who recognized similarities in age between the boy and his own daughter. Promising the boy assistance in his predicament, he queried if the boy could recollect any pertinent details - a home address or the face of a loved one. The boy declined, only shaking his head in response.

The shopkeeper felt compassion for the boy, but was also skeptical. His store was situated in a neighborhood notorious for theft, and there was a chance this could be an elaborate scheme. But the boy's insignificant age - potentially being 5 or 6 years old, the same age as his own child, tugged at his heartstrings. Apprehensive of the harsh reality a child of that age might face on the streets, he finally overcame his skepticism. After much internal debate, he resolved to provide the youngster with a refuge in his own home.

He resided in a comfortable two-bedroom apartment, comprising a bathroom, living room, and kitchen, sharing the space with his wife and daughter. Upon the child's entrance into the dwelling, the daughter charged down the stairs in an eager manner. She ceased her commotion in a surprise at the sight of the boy, her father had escorted home. "Who's this? He seems malodorous!" She voiced her objection, to which the shopkeeper responded in a peaceful accent, "He's a temporary member of our family. Kindly guide him to the restroom for personal hygiene."

Subsequent to indicating the bathroom's whereabouts and providing him with a change of clothes, they patiently elucidated on operating the shower. Redressed and refreshed, the shopkeeper's progeny approached and cheerfully introduced herself. "Greetings, I am Amelia Vermont," she proclaimed. Amelia's beauty was accentuated by her mesmerising brown eyes and a grayish hair. She further introduced the man who had offered him shelter. "This is my father, John Vermont. Presently, my mother is not around." Reframe this text in a proficient manner while maintaining basic markdown language. Amelia was attired in a blue shirt and black shorts.

Amelia led the boy to her father, John, within the family kitchen where the mouthwatering scent from the stovetop pervaded the whole house. Observing the little boy with sharp eyes, John noted the slightest improvement in the child's appearance. He pondered for a moment then declared, "Until your memory of your place of origin and identity returns, you'll be known as Reo. There's a likelihood that you're a native from some other region; this is Union Valley town."

Once their dialogue ended, the boy's appellation was firmly established as Reo. The household assembled around the grand kitchen table, ready to partake in the meal. However, before Reo could occupy his seat, the front entrance creaked open, unveiling an incoming silhouette.

The kitchen, with its voluminous design, accommodated a sizable table, a snug hearth on one side, a cooking range, along with a storage desk and cupboards on the other side where culinary operations were in full swing.

Amelia, in sheer excitement, ran towards her mother and declared, "Mom! Dad has invited a new friend!". The newcomer was a lady with blue eyes and greyish hair, adorned in an elegant white dress. She began her dialogue with Reo, presenting a friendly "hi." Subsequently, she moved towards the kitchen to greet John, using her term of endearment "honey" for him. She couldn't contain her astonishment and quietly remarked, "I wasn't aware we were having company tonight." John, without delay, put her worries to rest and clarified the situation, although, it brought forth numerous mysteries, such as his memory loss.

Wanting to understand more, she engaged Reo in a conversation and identified herself as Sonia Vermont. He acknowledged her with a casual "hi" before resuming his meal.

Following his meal, he was courteously instructed on how to carry out household jobs to contribute during his tenure. Demonstrations for sweeping and dusting were given, as these were his allocated duties. Subsequently, he was directed to a bedroom, coincidentally shared with Amelia. Fortunately, an additional bed was provided alongside bedding and a pillow. Overcome with fatigue, he displayed a noticeable yawn before surrendering to slumber.