
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

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55 Chs

The diary pages

Now, seated in the carriage with two seats positioned facing each other, I occupied one while Amelia occupied the other. I proceeded to retrieve three pages from my bag, which I had taken the initiative to prepare in advance. Addressing Amelia, I reminded her of my desire to unravel the enigmatic realms, while never revealing the nature of these mysteries. Consequently, I presented her with the first diary page that I had stumbled upon within the trilogy of books.

Amelia's astonishment was palpable as she marveled at the sight before inquiring about its origins. I promptly disclosed that it was a diary page belonging to Professor Burns, a notable explorer who roamed the world back in 2030. The sheer magnitude of this revelation left Amelia truly awe-stricken, as I had anticipated.

I proceeded to inspect the contents of the two pages discovered by John by reaching into the bag. Sitting beside me, she observed as I carefully examined the diary pages that had been handed to me. One of the pages displayed a map, while the other contained a written entry dated January 2, 2031. This entry detailed a time when a group of individuals, ventured out in search of sustenance. It says Throughout our journey, we encountered various types of animals and creatures, ranging from cows and sheep to enormous monsters such as dragons and giants that rivaled the size of mountains. In order to ensure our safety, there were instances when we sought shelter and concealed ourselves from these intimidating beings.

The presence of these menacing creatures posed a formidable challenge, leaving us with no choice but to seek refuge. On that momentous day of March 1, 2031, as I ventured across various corners of the globe, I bore witness to a mesmerizing array of otherworldly beasts. However, it was the colossal monstrosities like dragons, wyverns, and giants that truly instilled terror in our hearts. Thankfully, we found solace in the fact that creatures like ghouls and other lesser monsters possessed distinct vulnerabilities, making them somewhat more manageable.

Armed with spears, swords, shields, and an assortment of blades, we had devised our own means of combatting these creatures. The unholy creatures, ghouls, could only be defeated through the power of holy water, a potent elixir capable of repelling malevolent spirits..

On March 6, 2031, I ventured into a mysterious, fog-filled forest. I, along with a group of ten others, were drawn to discover the secrets it held. As we traveled deeper into the woods, every one of us started to experience an eerie and chilling sensation - it was as if we were not alone, as if unseen eyes were scrutinizing our every move.

For safety and reassurance, we clung to each other, holding hands to avoid being separated by the pervasive mist. After what felt like an eternity, we arrived at a central location engulfed by the dense fog.

Here, we were met with an unsettling sight: the remnants of a once-magnificent structure were scattered haphazardly across the forest floor. Directly in front of these ruins lay a shattered tomb.

Despite our uncertainty regarding the potential value of this unusual item, we felt compelled to reconstruct the tomb. As the final piece slotted into place, a bright light emanated from the tomb, growing in intensity until we were forced to shield our eyes.

Upon reopening them, we were confronted with a sight beyond belief - the figure of a dragon, unbelievably real and grand, stood before us. But before I delve further into our discovery, I feel compelled to ask a question: Do you believe in elemental gods?