
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs


Knock knock!!

"Good morning, it is time to arise," John announced as he rapped on the door. As I woke, I was greeted by the warm rays of sunlight streaming through the open windows. Filled with anticipation, I swiftly vacated the bed and proceeded to neatly arrange the covers. Eagerly, I made my way to the bathroom, where I diligently brushed my teeth and indulged in a refreshing shower that Amelia had already completed, having awakened long before me.

Knock knock!!

"It's Amelia; Dad is summoning you," she informed me. With expediency, I exited the bathroom after my shower, heading downstairs to the kitchen. There, we enjoyed a morning meal consisting of pancakes, eggs, and invigorating mint tea before embarking on our preparations.

Clad in a sleek black suit acquired from John's esteemed establishment, I adorned myself with a stylish red bow tie and polished black and red herringbone shoes. Amelia donned an elegant dress adorned with delicate blue floral patterns, gracefully reaching her knees. Together, we gathered our well-prepared suitcases and positioned them in the living room, ready for our departure. Amelia exhaled heavily, resigning to the fact that it was now time to bid farewell. She proposed that we pay a visit to Nora first, followed by Miss Vern. Accompanying her suggestion, we proceeded to Nora's residence, where we intended to bid her farewell. Nora opened her door with tear-stained cheeks, rushing toward Amelia for a final embrace, fully aware that this would mark the end of their time together for a considerable duration.

Having said our goodbyes to Amelia, we proceeded to the elegant and amiable Miss Vern. Adorned with blue diamond-like earrings, glasses, and a yellow dress complemented by her red hair, she warmly embraced both of us, cognizant of our impending departure. As we retraced our steps back to the house, we bid adieu to Miss Vern.

Upon reaching our home once again, we directed our attention to the living room where our luggage awaited us. Methodically, we gathered our belongings and transported them outdoors. Serendipitously, a carriage arrived, pausing in front of our abode. Weird, instead of being pulled by a horse, the carriage was being pulled by a strange creature. This creature had purple skin, yellow eyes, and six legs, almost like a lizard. It was quite a sight! As we stared in amazement, a man emerged from the carriage. He was dressed in a black and white suit, with brown eyes and black hair. He carried a wooden cane with a golden handle.

"Hello," the man said. "My name is David, and I have been sent by the school of elements to retrieve Reo and Amelia Vermont."

Reo and Amelia looked at each other and then stepped forward. "That's us," they said. "But could you give us a moment to say goodbye?"

David nodded understandingly and placed his cane down. He began to pack the luggage into the carriage while Reo and Amelia talked to John and Sonia. John handed me a broken pocket watch while expressing its significance to him and the significance he attributed to our relationship. He emphasized that whenever I looked at the watch, I should remember that we stand by each other even if we are not bound by blood, but by a sense of belonging as a family. This pocket watch was bestowed upon me by my late grandmother. Its accuracy has proven invaluable in times of emergency, so please take good care of it.

Shortly thereafter, Sonia beckoned Amelia and presented her necklace, which she cherished and wore consistently. She reminded Amelia that she would never be alone, urging them both to support and protect one another. Sonia emphasized that they are united in this world and can achieve anything they set their minds to. Upon bidding farewell, Sonia and John extended their arms for an affectionate embrace. Moments later, we reluctantly boarded the carriage, our eyes welling up with tears. As our departure commenced, we observed individuals from the neighborhood emerging from their dwellings, having received word of our imminent departure. In a mutual display of gratitude, we reciprocated their farewells with heartfelt waves. Thus, embarking on a voyage projected to span a duration of two days.