
The final gate

Back in 2030, swift technological advancements were in motion when a startling phenomenon occurred. A radiant beam descended on Earth, transforming it into a realm void of any technological influence. This realm was divided into three distinct worlds, each possessing unique abilities, relics, and specific forms that enabled individuals to gain dominion over the world. Reo embarked on an expedition into the unknown, driven by the quest to recover his lost memories. In the process, he will try to unearth the historical secrets of the world as it was before the inexplicable transformation by this enigmatic beam of light.

Grader · Fantasy
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55 Chs


I have resided with the Vermont family for an entire year as of now. My age is around seven years, however, due to memory loss, I am unable to confirm my precise date of birth. Today, being a Saturday, signifies a work-free day for John. On the contrary, Sonia's job nature differs. Despite it being a weekend, she is required to labor as she is associated with a firm studying a substance termed "sorrow blue." Amelia, at this point of time, is in her room engaging with her dolls and playthings.

Ro found this an opportune time to inquire from Mr. John if a visit to the library could be arranged. John's excitement uncontained on discovering Reo's captivation with books. Without any delay, he switched his attire. They then proceeded to a white edifice located just around the corner, which turned out to be the library. It was not far from our residence as initially thought, and the path was undemanding. It would be near improbable for an individual to lose their way.

Upon their arrival, Reo selected three distinctive books. The titles were "The 3 World", "The Energy," and "The Artifact", respectively. He eagerly presented these books to John, leaving him astounded by their enormity. John observed that they seemed to be dealing with a highly intelligent child.

As John perused the trio of books, he speculated that "The 3 World" might stir up some memories if he originated from a different world. However, the other two selections were notably intriguing. It's important to note that in their world, individuals could be born possessing elemental powers. Only Amelia, from both John's and Sonia's families, was graced with such an element. John had previously intended to enroll her in a unique institution for developing her elemental skills. But, the thought of Reo potentially having an elemental capability started to dawn on him now. Therefore, they promptly carried the books home, with Reo eager to dive into them.

The initial text he delved into was utterly captivating, presenting an intriguing world that engaged my imagination from beginning to end. After spending two days immersed in the narrative, he gained remarkable knowledge and insight. One particularly intriguing aspect was the existence of three distinct worlds, each under the reign of a separate king.

Residing in the world ruled by King Alexander, he discovered a leader with a focused dedication to training exceptional elemental wielders. The king's prowess in mastering the elements was awe-inspiring.

In contrast, King Charles, the reigning ruler of the second world, had an inclination towards technological progression. This world astounded Reo with its exceptional inventions and innovations borne out of this unique realm.

Ending the triarchy, King Arthur held the throne as the inaugural monarch. His fascination with remarkable beings such as dragons and enigmatic entities was clear, as was his fascination for objects with veiled capabilities. The distinctive methods they governed their respective kingdoms were indeed intriguing. They effectively utilized their unique competencies and interests in their rule.

The realm I presently inhabited belonged to the final king, Alexander, who dwelled in the imposing metropolis of Luke Burg. This city was distinctly matchless, celebrated as the most splendid across the globe, treasured for its esteemed institutions, and their superior teachings about controlling elemental capabilities.

Currently, I found myself in the petite township of Union Valley, situated far from Luke Burg. It would necessitate an approximate fortnight to tread the distance. Luckily, an array of transport options was at our disposal throughout. Options ranged from the conventional horses to even fantastical beasts that could serve as a means of travel.

Worlds =planets