
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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Soisen wrote home to tell his mothers about what had been discussed in the Headmaster's office and spent the whole week mulling over the proposal to be sent to Beauxbatons, were it not for the fact that he understood after the fact that the person who proposed the idea was Minerva, not Dumbledore, he would most likely have refused almost on the spot.

He thought about it so much that he even temporarily paused his research on reflection.

His mothers replied in a letter that they had no objection to him going for half a term at Beauxbatons, after all, the language problem would be solved and would only happen after he returned home for Christmas.

They even joked with him that it was the perfect opportunity to have a foreign romance!

When she asked her two friends their opinion, Silvia said it could be an interesting experience while Hermione made clear her envy at being able to attend two different magic schools. On the plus side, she didn't reproach her for not being able to train them.

But she insisted that she had to bring him a copy of her syllabus as a souvenir!

Seinen only vaguely knew of the existence of Fleur Delacour, her sister Gabrielle and the half-giant headmistress, Maxime, from memories of the Triwizard Tournament.

Oh, and the abraxan horses that are fed malt whiskey.

How do they have the nerve to make them fly, pulling the carriage with the students inside?

Could it be that they have some magical trait that keeps them from getting drunk?

So to help him decide, he asked for more details about the school, which Professor Flitwick explained to him over tea and dancing cupcakes.

For starters, the name of the professor's friend, who served as Beauxbatons' Charms teacher and would be responsible for looking after him if he accepted the exchange, was Cloe Dubois. She was already very interested in Soisen's project when Flitwick gave her an outline and hoped she could help him succeed in his final step.

As for Beauxbatons Palace, according to the explanation she received, it was a castle surrounded by majestic gardens and fountains magically created out of the mountainous landscape and has been standing for over 700 years. In the dining hall, wood nymphs serenade students as they eat.

The caliber of education at the school is similar to Hogwarts, with the difference being that they take their equivalent of TIMO during their sixth year, rather than their fifth as is customary at Hogwarts.

It was rumored that the grounds and castle of the prestigious school were in part funded with alchemist's gold, as both Nicolas and Perenell Flamel met there during their youth.

In fact, a fountain located in the center of the school's park, believed to have healing and beautifying powers, bears his name.

Maybe that's why all the students there say they are attractive?

That's cheating!


Maybe he had to think about installing something like that in the garden at home?

Speaking of the students, the majority of their population is female and they have hardly any male students, the opposite of Durmstrang school. As for the uniform, they are known for wearing pale blue robes made of fine silk. So when Soisen bought her uniform, at the very least she is clear that it will be comfortable. Although unlike the female uniform, the male uniform does not have a matching hat and replaces the small blue cape at the shoulders with a gray knight's cloak sporting a silver chain.

-And how would my stay there be handled? -Soisen asked after taking a bite of the second muffin, "Would I need to be sorted into one of your three houses?

-Since the exchange will only last half a term and you cannot be awarded points, you will be exempted from the need to be sorted into the house of Doué, Souple or Vantard. This is also in consideration of giving you greater freedom and no barriers to meet all the students," Flitwick explained to him after taking a sip of tea, "While you will be required not to leave the Palace as if you were at Hogwarts, Chloe has very kindly suggested that she will accompany you once a month so that you can go out and do some sightseeing and some shopping, as it would be a shame in her opinion not to show you the local market equivalent of Diagon Alley and the beautiful scenery in the surrounding area. You should know that Miss Chloe is a very busy lady, so remember to thank her appropriately for that.

-And how would you travel there? I understand that shuttles and apparitions are restricted between countries.

-According to Chloe, you would initially be asked to travel in the normal way to France and from there, she will pick you up personally. But after speaking with Headmistress Maxime, she agreed to momentarily connect the Hogwarts Flu network to the nearest town to Beauxbatons to make your journey easier. No wonder, actually, this school has always had a warm relationship with the others and their attitude shows that care.

-Didn't the French Ministry give them trouble for that?

-Problems? -Flitwick laughed, "Not at all, we are doing an exchange between schools to maintain or even improve international relations. They would rather ask you if you needed anything else! -He raised his hands theatrically.

-What about the curriculum? -Soisen came to the critical part of the question, "If I'm going to receive the same lessons as at Hogwarts, it doesn't make much sense for me to leave temporarily so that the other students can be "encouraged". I think you are well aware of that, Professor.

-About that... -Flitwick coughed somewhat embarrassedly, it really did seem like he was being held back for being too outstanding. But the sad truth, was that the contrast was too great- Headmistress Maxime is aware of the situation and you will be tested in every subject when you get to Beauxbatons. Once you are finished with her, your curriculum will be adjusted accordingly so that your potential can be stimulated. You won't suffer any loss, you don't have to worry about that.

Soisen narrowed his eyes and looked at Flitwick, who lowered his head to look at the remains of the teacup, as if he were making a very interesting divination.

Why did he have the feeling that he was missing something?

-All right, I'll participate in the exchange with Beauxbatons.