
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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School exchange

-Are you kicking me out of Hogwarts? -Soisen's eyes widened in disbelief.

After getting the tears in the kitchens, he rushed to visit the headmaster to avoid any misunderstandings, but he hadn't expected almost all the rest of the teachers who taught him subjects to be present as well.

Even Lockhart was there!

-We are not dismissing you," McGonagall quickly clarified, giving Dumbledore a hard look for expressing the matter in the wrong words.

-Your performance during our lessons is more than outstanding and we are very happy about that, but your classmates are starting to lose confidence because of the noticeable difference, so we would like to propose something that may benefit you more on a personal level during this period of time," said Pomona.

An inter-school exchange! -I wrote to a friend of mine, who teaches Charms at Beauxbatons and after a few letters, she suggested the possibility that after Christmas, you could spend the rest of the school year attending Beauxbatons. You could get a new perspective on magic, make friends somewhere else and she could help you with that interesting project you showed me.

-It's been almost forty years since Hogwarts has done a student exchange between the other schools, but the premise for it to happen, of course, is that you are willing to do it. We can't force you, as you well understand," Sinistra argued, "Besides, since your status as an exchange student has been something that has arisen during the school year, Beauxbatons will provide the necessary teaching materials and they will only ask you to acquire a male uniform to help you integrate.

-You don't have to worry about speaking French either," Dumbledore took over the conversation again, "I happen to have a small accessory that has the convenient ability to translate languages. The others will hear you in perfect French and you will understand everything they say or write.

Soisen was a bit speechless, were they really sending him to another magic school because the other students felt mediocre when compared to him?

Then don't let them! Have a little more confidence in yourselves!

How is it his fault that half of them possess the intellectual capacity of a stone?

His hard-won pass to the forbidden section of the library would lose half its value and he would not be able to look after the juniors in his house, who are now his responsibility as delegate and sole prefect. It would also make it difficult to be in contact with Hermione and Silvia to move forward with new projects and follow up on progress with Hagrid. Pomona's research would still take some time, so it was no problem in that area. He wouldn't be able to keep his promise to train the two witches.

Though come to think of it, he could not only complete the project he taught Flitwick, but he could also learn real DADA for almost half a year without having to put up with Lockhart and his nonsense... A decent DADA after two almost empty years. I could also get some books that have not been tampered with or restricted by the British Ministry and unusual potion ingredients. Beauxbatons also has something of a reputation for its expertise in Transformations.

Wait, was this Dumbledore's plan to keep him away from the castle?

He still remembered how Potter and Ron approached Hermione out of the blue, asking them to help them with their homework. What prompted them to do that?

Was it because they were among the depressed that this happened?

Is Dumbledore still acting behind the scenes to see if he can form the golden trio in their absence?

It would weaken his presence in the school, he could influence the new generation in his house, he could manipulate points so that Gryffindor would win unlike last year?

Too many possibilities.

Or maybe he was thinking too much?

If Snape wasn't absent because of the "family emergency," he could ask him if the old headmaster was having any underhanded plans.

-I can't answer that proposal right now, I need to think about it and consult with my family first," he replied after a few seconds in silence.

He needed time to weigh the pros and cons.

-Naturally," Sinistra nodded, understanding the logic behind his actions, "But remember that we need an answer at the latest two weeks before Christmas, so that the other side can prepare and find a student for the exchange.

-I will provide an answer as soon as possible," Soisen promised before leaving the director's office.

-Albus, do you think we are really doing the right thing? -asked Minerva hesitantly when only she and the headmaster were left.

This year they were sending an outstanding exchange student, but what would they do for the remaining five years?

She couldn't send Soisen to a different school every year with the same idea and excuse!

His social life and contacts would become too confusing.

Even his studies would suffer.

-Of course! We just have to try a little harder during his absence so that the other students regain their confidence and avoid feeling like this in the future. This has been a wake-up call for everyone and we must take it seriously," Dumbledore reassured the Deputy Headmistress, "I remember Gilderoy suggested opening a bereavement club, we can proceed with that for the time being so that the students can handle the stress for the time being.

-But there has to be someone responsible in charge, we can't leave it in the hands of... Gilderoy, Headmaster -Minerva didn't trust the abilities of this year's DADA teacher.

-I'll discuss it with Flitwick, he was a former dueling champion and I'm sure he'll show interest in teaching some of his tricks to the students. But it's too much work for them alone, Severus will be involved as well. I'll convince him when he returns.

-All right, Albus, I'll trust you," said Minerva before leaving the office and leaving the Headmaster alone with his portraits, sweets and phoenix.

-Now that I think about it... I didn't offer him a lemon drop," Dumbledore contemplated the sweets on the table, "Oh, good. More for me," he said as he took one and tossed it into his mouth happily.