
The Fantasy Boyfriend

Karma is on no one side. Lai thought he can get rid of her problem by blaming the innocent for her selfish love crimes. Little does she know with action comes with consequences.

Artist_Emoji · Others
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3 Chs

“What A Strange Boy”

Finally, your here, you said in a high pitched voice. Dragging her towards the living room for a family game night. Lia, you'll join us on the next game until we're done playing. "Guess That Law" she giggled at Sammy's boring game choice. Here, the family enjoy one another's company while others abuse love for one's sake.

Grabbing her luggage to Sammy's room, she started to feel for her brother and the strange boy. Knowing that he's probably sleeping in a restaurant dumpster, for all she knows. The touching of her shoulders brung her back to her senses and also scared the life out of her. Ready for the most perfect movie of life, Lai? She gave him a circumstantial look as she shook him from his upper-arms as to attend to punishment. For violently interrupting her train of thoughts.

They watched a movie based off the friendship they committed for the past couple of years, knowing one day the two would never be separated because of Sammy's love interest in boys.

The laugher of teenagers whispered under the door as they were surprisingly enjoying how the women screamed in the horror movie. A sound of footsteps appeared then playing dead in the bed and on the cozy carpeted floor. It was Sammy's father whose eyes had swallowed the tension in the bedroom, leaving the room 5 minutes later.

Sammy, are you awake?, said Lai in a shallow voice. He must have been in a trance because of the amount of force she put into slapping him awake. Sitting back on the floor leaning on the hard rock pillows. He sarcastically gave me it as a joke. Staring into the darkness that lurked within the room, a hard scuffle was made. Assuming it was probably Sammy, she searched past him. It continued with added along knocking and soon a knock was hard as if it was against glass.

She climbs out of the window onto the intruder. Only to look towards the other to hear someone say Boo! Only find out it was the strange boy from the police department. To see that Lai was gonna go face flat to hug the peeling roof. A bit of weight stopped her gently placing her back on the freezing roof of Sammy's house. He smiles and shimmers with his uncontrollable brown hair.

At night when the stars shimmer against the roofs, sit by myself, I talk to the moon.....so you talk to a rock miles away every night?! He stares at her with a mischievous smile as he begins to tackle her body in tickling. Pending on as Lai gasped for air, begging him to stop. He paused to say," Do you promise that whenever I'm not around you'll talk to me on the other side? Lai responded with a nod as she still glanced at night when the stars shimmered against the roofs. Sit by myself, I talk to the moon.....so you talk to a rock miles away every night?! He stares at her with a mischievous smile as he begins to tackle her body in tickling. Pending on as Lai gasped for air, begging him to stop. He paused to say," Do you promise that whenever I'm not around you'll talk to me on the other side?" Lai responded with " Did you steal that from a song?" as she still gasped to breath, to breathe.

Lai's jet-black hair collected multiple frosted leaves from the trees above. As they laugh about their meeting, not knowing one day, they'll become something great.

When he realized she was passed out, he stroked her string of hair out of her mouth. Just to notice her blushed-out rosy cheek exposing her beautiful smirk. Leading her to a premed blanket palace on the ground, leaving a special gift for memories. With the whistling of the wind, he disappeared into total darkness as climbs off the roof.

The next day, the sound of Sammy's singing in the shower awakens her while feeling the coldness of metal on her lap. Her mind went into straight chaos as she saw an unknown leather jacket lying there without its owner. Searching for a name, she sees the words Ditch. On top of the brand name tag, besides the printed year of 1978.

"Sammy?!" screamed Lai. As she sees him holding onto a towel on the top of his body and bottom. With a rubber ducky tattooed above his shiny brown nipples. She giggled at his entrance, "since when did you have a rubber ducky tattooed on your nipples, Sammy?"He reacted with embarrassment as soon as the bathroom door slammed shut. Lai giggles at his reaction and waits gracefully for him to get dressed.

The both of them walked to school as they searched for the owner of the leather jacket. Lai you're making a big deal out of nothing, let's just take ownership of the old rag?! She agreed with his amendment and followed right behind the footsteps he left for her with disappointment.

Hearing a recognizable voice, Lai pushed her hair to the back of her ear where pearled earrings hung. Revealing her mixed peachy skin to the uninvited visitor that had their walk.

Lai blushed as soon as she noticed Cameron's existence. Feeling her leg turning into jelly, she collapses on to the concrete. Make her ripped jeans even more ripped than they already were.

Sammy rolled his eyes as Cameron raced towards her. She looked across his shoulder to see Sammy giving her the stink eye. Having the vibration of stampeding jocks come their way around the neighborhood, they went past. Sammy made a disgusted face at each and everyone of them. Pulling Lai away from them, Lai remembers his face by heart. Knowing this was the face he made at last year's season, fashion models outfit, right before he vomited on her cashmere sweater.

He joined the rest of the jocks and waved at the two as he left. Sammy waved back as any human would do. While Lai...just...well, she fainted in Sammy's arms as if she was high on drugs.

"He waved at me Sammy," said Lai as she was held in Sammy's arms. He drops her without a second thought, so where's the owner of the jacket." He continues to walk as if he dropped a 16-year-old girl on the sidewalk because she got grease on his tropical Hawaiian shirt. "Wait for me,"Lai said out of breath. Lai tensely grabbed his shoulder. Noticing that he had stopped before walking, he had to go to the school grounds. Look at what made him pause from their destination

Glancing off into a crowd of students, seeing that they're not in the category of reputation. The harnessing sound of the bell numbed their ears, but everyone was still out in about as if the ear bleeding warning bell never happened. Sooner or later, multiple professors come charging out of the school with mics in their hands; "all you beloved students must attend your daily course." Still, no attempt at movement was made until the principles were shown. The second the front doors flew open, it was left without a second to close.

Sammy and Lai got shoved into the clustered halls of their obedient acquaintances. Not having enough room in any other direction than straight ahead. Unable to stay connected to one another by hand. Due to the leather jacket, the two drifted away on separate courses at the university. She drowned within the waves of the students that carelessly let her get stumbled upon. rigid grasp the back of her long red t-shirt. "Lai Murray, aren't you supposed to be attending in your first course." She looked at the professor with a questionable expression. "So you're telling me that your don't witness me being trampled on by 75% of the students that attend here. Oh, just stop, with excuses and get to class. You're already violating the dress code," he said, frustrated.

Lai stressfully grips her back straps leading to the doors of the classroom. The class stare into her soul as if she's guilty of killing. Analyzing the search for a seat, she saw only one person wasn't paying attention to her appearance. "What a strange boy", she said under breath.