
The Fall of Icarus

Sector 99 isn’t the best. Tommy knows that. But it’s home. As a growing, unnamed vigilante with his best friends by his side, it feels as if nothing could go wrong. That is, until he manages to gain just too much attention. There, he is thrown into a spiral of heroes, villains, pain and family. The life he once knew would soon be turned upside down… ————— Or Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo jump into the hero business having no idea that they would catch the attention of the SBI.

mxplant_ · Video Games
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 7

The boys ended up getting home the next morning. Tommy nearly immediately collapsing in the bed when he had the chance, while Ranboo and Tubbo slowly began to get ready for their day. Ranboo began to cook their breakfast while Tubbo got his things together for work.


Their normal routine was interrupted by three soft knocks at the door. The pattern was odd, but recognizable for the two boys.


"Sam!" Tubbo shouted, running to the door to open it. He ignored the shushing of his tall friend behind him.


The door swung open, nearly falling off its hinges from the force the smaller boy used. Tubbo immediately jumped into the mans arms.


"Hey Tubbo," The elder chuckled, rubbing the boys back. He looked up at Ranboo, "And Ranboo. Is Tommy asleep?"


"Hey Sam," The two spoke in sync. Tubbo still refused to let go of Sam, clinging to him.


"Tommy's asleep," Ranboo added after, still focusing on not burning the scrambled eggs he was currently making. He wasn't a great cook, but he was better than the other two.


Sam nodded, shifting so he got Tubbos grip to loosen slightly where he could walk, "Did he just get back from patrol?" He moved towards where Ranboo was cooking, pausing to set down a bag, before taking over the eggs.


Ranboo let out a sigh of relief when Sam took over, "Yeah, we all just got back from the park. I think Tommy was planning on talking to Orpheus or Purpled or someone,"


Sam frowned, "Didn't I tell the three of you to stay away from heroes if you took up this vigilante work?"


Neither of the boys replied. Instead, they looked down, their heads hanging in guilt.


Sam let out a small sigh, "Just be careful, you three. I don't want any of you to get hurt," 


The two boys nodded, moving to get back to their own routine. With Sam cooking breakfast, Tubbo began to set the table as Ranboo started to get himself ready.


"How's the hero life?" Tubbo asked, helping Sam fill three plates with the scrambled eggs. He packed a smaller container of eggs to put in the fridge for Tommy when he woke up.


"It's interesting," Sam nodded, "More paperwork. A lot more boring,"


"And you don't get to see us!" Tubbo grinned. He tapped the table twice, "Ranboo, breakfast!"


The three of them settled down, eating in silence for a few moments. It was comforting. It felt like they were a family.


"I brought a few things for you," Sam broke the silence, "I know I haven't visited recently and I felt bad. I really want to get back into seeing you three again,"


Tubbo and Ranboo shared a look. They knew why it was hard. Tubbos past combined with Tommy being a vigilante. They could get Sam in more trouble than they were worth.


"So presents?" Tubbo smirked, leaning forward in excitement.


"Presents," Sam confirmed with a chuckle. He pulled out a few things from the bag, setting them on the table. A few things for Tubbo to improve his inventions and devices he spent most of his freetime working on. Some new tapes for Ranboos cassette that he was given a few months back. And finally a new hoodie for Tommy.


Tubbo immediately grabbed his things from the table, letting out a few happy shouts. Ranboo took his cassettes, shooting Sam a grateful look.


Tommy stirred at the shouts Tubbo had let out, slowly sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.


"What's going on, Big Man?"


"Sams here!" Tubbo yelled, "And he brought presents!" Sam chuckled at the childish antics.


"Sam?!" Tommy bolted out of bed, running to give the elder a hug. Sam ruffled the boys hair.


"You're in need of a haircut," Sam commented. He ignored the look of disgust from the blonde.


"Can you do it?" Tommy asked after a few moments, looking up at the creeper hybrid.


Sam nodded, "Let me do the other two first. It looks like they have work,"


Tommy nodded in agreement, helping Sam set up along with Tubbo and Ranboo. Tubbo pulled out a chair while Tommy ran to grab the scissors. Sam didn't even have to force Ranboo into the seat.


The four of them talked as Sam cut each of their hair exactly how he had previously, knowing it was what they liked best. The conversation stayed mostly on light topics, avoiding Tommys vigilante situation and what all Sam had been doing. Instead it was on Tubbo and Ranboos work or Tubbos latest invention. They went on about Sams newest idea and even brought up Ranboos upcoming 17th birthday.


Tubbo and Ranboo ended up calling into work, both saying they were sick. Instead, they hung out, watching television on the couch until Tommy fell asleep. Tubbo then took the time to steal Sam away from Ranboo in order to get his help, only for the same to happen to him when Ranboo wanted to show him the new tape he had bought at a cheap price.


Sam only took the time to wake Tommy up when he was going to leave.


"You're leaving? Already?" Tommy whined.


The creeper hybrid ruffled the boys hair, "I'll be visiting again. Hopefully sooner,"


Tommy seemed to take that, wrapping Sam in a tight hug. One that Tubbo joined. Then Ranboo followed.


The three teenagers only let go after a few protests from Sam, followed by a light threat of not returning for another three months.


Their home fell oddly cold and quiet when Sam left.




Sam unlocked his apartment door, entering his home. It still felt surreal. The fact that he now lived in Sector 1. He knew it was because of his sudden placement as a hero, and the fact that he was high ranking at that.


"Ponk? Hannah? Either of you here?" He called as he closed the door behind him. The two were his best friends and he had given them both a key. It was no surprise when they randomly showed up in his apartment.


Having silence answer him, Sam dropped back on the couch. Exhaustion filled his entire body. He loved the kids but they were chaotic and filled with energy. He placed a single hand over his eyes, relaxing into the couch. He started to drift to sleep…


A sharp knock at the door interrupted him. Sam let out a groan, standing to open it.




Sam was surprised to open the door to Wilbur. He wasn't sure what to think of him. He just knew Wilbur wasn't a huge fan of him and seemed rather aggressive when he was nearby. Unless he wanted something, that is.


"Hey Sam, can we talk?"


Sam gave a nod, opening the door and stepping aside to let the other hero in. He led him to the couch, settling back down.


"I needed to ask you about something important," Wilbur began, "Do you remember the people you saved?"


Sam paused. Something was screaming in him to not reply. To avoid the question. Though he pushed the feeling away, giving a short nod, "Some of them,"


"Did you ever save some kid?" Wilbur questioned.


"I've saved plenty of kids,"


There was a silence between the two of them. Sam wanted to finish this up. The bad feeling only growing within him.


Wilbur rolled his shoulders, pausing for a moment to meet Sams gaze. He was dead serious as he spoke.


"I'm looking for the avian vigilante in Sector 99. We think you may have the identity of one of his friends which we dubbed Daedalus,"


Everything in Sam came crashing down at once. For a moment, Sam couldn't see. His mouth felt like sandpaper. There was a loud pounding in his ears and… god he had to calm himself down.


"Have you seen what Daedalus looks like? Maybe I can tell you based off that," Sam choked out. He knew Tubbo wouldn't show himself. It was the safest opportunity to avoid the trio.


"No. Did you see any boy with blue eyes though? And gold wings. Or an enderman hybrid with them?"


Sam shook his head, not trusting his voice.


Wilbur let out a hum, thinking. What else was there that he could connect to Daedalus? What could he possibly use?


"Oh!" An idea came to the heroes mind, "Daedalus likes inventing and technology and shit," Wilbur explained.


"Cool kid, then," Sam mused, "Wish I did know him so I could help him out with that,"


Wilbur let out a defeated huff, standing.


"Well, that is all. I should be going,"


Sam gave a nod, opening the door for the other hero.


As soon as Wilbur left, Sam collapsed back on the couch. He felt way too close to getting them caught. If Wilbur had just looked on one of the shelves, there was a picture of all three boys. One where Tubbo was riding on Ranboos back while giving Tommy bunny ears. Tommy wasn't even looking at the camera, instead seeming to be arguing with Ranboo at the time.


He was so glad that Wilbur wasn't as observant as his dad and brother.


However, that didn't mean Wilbur didn't feel as if Sam was hiding something.




Tommy was always told to call Sam if there was an emergency. To be fair, it wasn't an emergency. Just some suspicious message that was left on Tommys rooftop.


Tommy had seen the envelope as soon as he landed. He pulled it from its hiding spot, opening it.




I hear that the SBI and other members of the syndicate have been giving you trouble. I'm here to offer a deal to you. One I feel as if you can't turn down.


In return for you joining my team, we will help drive the heroes out of Sector 99. We will give you a new place to stay with any equipment that is needed.


My associate will be here three nights from now. If you wish to join, please meet with him.





Tommy scoffed at the letter. He already had a team. His team. He didn't need some bullshit team that they were offering.


He crumbled up the letter, trying to avoid the feeling of a knife in his stomach. He then chucked the paper off the rooftop. He never wanted to see that name again. Who the hell names themself Quackity?


With the sick feeling in his stomach, he decided it was best to go home. Though he failed to mention the letter to Ranboo and Tubbo. He wanted to forget about it and the feeling it left.