
The Fall of Icarus

Sector 99 isn’t the best. Tommy knows that. But it’s home. As a growing, unnamed vigilante with his best friends by his side, it feels as if nothing could go wrong. That is, until he manages to gain just too much attention. There, he is thrown into a spiral of heroes, villains, pain and family. The life he once knew would soon be turned upside down… ————— Or Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo jump into the hero business having no idea that they would catch the attention of the SBI.

mxplant_ · Video Games
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 6

Tommy walked along the sidewalk, glancing over to see his taller friend hunching over slightly and the shorter of the three skipping along beside him. The three had decided to go out on a walk, possibly stop by the cafe or a convenience store and turn it into a picnic in the park.


Tubbo was chatting loudly. Ranboo nodded along with him while Tommy decided to insert his own opinion here and there. The conversation went by extremely fast, moving from parks to bees to haircuts in a matter of seconds.


All three of them desperately needed a haircut. Though they would probably just do it for each other. Now that Sam had left, they could no longer ask him to do it for them. Tubbos hair was the worst, with it falling in his eyes - though, to be fair, that was preferred by the boy so it covered up the scars that marred the side of his face and helped hide the horns peeking through his head - and the tangles were growing terrible with the coarse texture. Ranboos wasn't as bad, though it had grown out to the point where he complained about it. He too enjoyed the longer hair, though his reason was to hide his two different eyes. He kept it clean but even then he could only handle so much hair before growing annoyed at its length. Tommy probably fared the best with his long hair. He boasted about how he looked more like Thanatos with long, blond hair and blue eyes. Though even he could only do so much with it before growing annoyed, and even now it was tied back to keep it from his face.


"I don't see why we don't just call Sam," Ranboo finally muttered his own opinion. He wasn't sure how he would feel about Tommy cutting his hair - he was afraid the younger boy would stab him - and even Tubbo was questionable to say the least. Tubbos quick changing moods were a mess to deal with and Ranboo was afraid for his life when it came down to Tubbo feeling angry, or destructive.


"Sams been busy," Tubbo shrugged, "Y'know, he's now gone big and all,"


A small silence fell over the trio. The only sounds being their shoes hitting the concrete and the fidgeting of the boys. Tubbo found his beanie suddenly extremely high up and tugged it down as if afraid it were to fall off, while Tommy wouldn't stop shifting with the uncomfort of his wings being bound. Ranboo silently counted their steps in his head, trying to distract himself. Though even he was fidgeting with the black mask covering his mouth and nose.


The trio stopped in front of the convenience store. Tommy was the one to run inside to grab something for them to snack on. Tubbo was too scared with the thought that he may be recognized while Ranboo was just an anxious mess.


Tommy was out minutes later with a grin and a bag of chips and candy. It was one of the few days the trio agreed they could get something that wasn't needed and screwed up their budget ever so slightly.


"We should have invited Sam," Ranboo thought allowed, "I think he would have enjoyed it,"


"Sam doesn't want us to contact him unless it's an emergency," Tubbo voiced, "He's afraid we'll get caught or that we'll be used against him,"


Ranboo gave a nod. He glanced back over at Tommy for a second. He knew the uncomfort of his wings being bound was the only reason for his odd silence.


"Toms, you good?" Tubbo asked. He only gained a small nod in response.


"Maybe you can unbind your wings in the park. If we go to our normal spot, no one should see us," Ranboo commented. Tubbo nodded in agreement, grinning excitedly.


"Maybe," Tommy nodded, though even he seemed more motivated to get to the park.


When they did get to the park, the group settled down. Tubbo removed his beanie and Ranboo removed the mask on his face. The duo then helped remove the binding from Tommy's wings. The two ignored the chirps of relief that left the avians mouth, knowing it would only embarrass him.


They sat on the grass, opening the candy and chips. Tommy and Tubbo lead the conversation. Tommy tried to pick on the two and rile them up in order to drag Ranboo into the conversation. He eventually succeeded after the many times he called Ranboo 'boob boy' and the teasing jokes he said against Tubbo.


Later in the day, as the sun began to set, they found themselves curled up with each other, Tommys wings wrapping around his friends. Ranboos eyes began to close as he grew comfortable while Tubbo and Tommy pointed up at the stars and named them off. 


It wasn't until the moon grew to be high in the sky that Tubbo let out a soft noise and his own eyes fluttered shut. Though he forced them open again in order to look at the very awake Tommy.


"You know you can go out and patrol, Big T,"


"I know," Tommy mumbled as a response. He had considered it. Leaving after his friends fell asleep. His own sleep schedule was screwed after the nightly patrols and later wake ups.


He carded his hand through Tubbos hair, avoiding the hated bumps of the horns. Tubbo nestled into his hand, relaxing against the light touches of his friend.




Thanatos sat up on the building that he was told the avian usually visited. He had heard enough rants about the vigilante from Wilbur and he could tell that even Techno had grown a soft spot. It felt about time that he met him for himself. Not just when he was chasing after the poor boy.


He didn't expect the vigilante to take as long as he did. Thanatos was just getting ready to leave when he heard the noise of feet hitting the rooftop and feathers shifting. He turned to face the younger avian.


"I think it's about time we formally met. I'm Thanatos,"


The avian looked stunned for a moment. His eyes were wide in surprise and despite the mask, Thanatos could practically see the boys full expression. The avians jaw dropped and his mouth hanging open.


Thanatos let out a quiet chuckle, "Well?"


The vigilante sputtered, shaking his head as he tried to regain his composure for a moment. "I wasn't given a name yet,"


"I'll tell Odysseus to work on it," Thanatos smiled. Though the vigilante seemed to miss it due to the smile being hidden by the large mask he wore over half his face.


"No no no! It's fine!" The avian rushed out, distressed chirps leaving him before he could choke them down, "I don't mind not having a name yet! I know he's working on it!"


Thanatos' expression softened, both at the chirps leaving the younger and the scared expression the boy held.


"Then I won't tell him," Thanatos settled. He wanted more than anything to comfort this boy. To take him in. But like he told his sons, they had to wait. Clearly if the vigilante was this stressed about making them mad there was still some work to be done.


The vigilante nodded, letting out a small sigh of relief. The chirps began to quiet down as he calmed himself.


Thanatos gave the avian a sad expression, examining his appearance. As Wilbur had said, his wings were an absolute mess and his clothes were even worse. The poor boy was practically covered in mud. Seeing the look he got from the vigilante though - a cold, hard stare - he decided it was best to make conversation with him.


"So, why'd you become a vigilante?"


"I wanted to help people," the soft reply followed, "I- I know people in this world aren't great. Maybe they aren't supervillains and shit- but heroes can only do so much. I don't have to be all popular. I just- my friend- he-" the vigilante frowned, thinking of how to continue, "My friend had some of his own struggles and he couldn't get help from heroes. Instead his own hero came in and saved him. One that wasn't on the papers or big screens. I want to be a hero like that,"


Thanatos listened, thinking for some time. It made sense. No one even came out to Sector 99, yet he had realized that it was filled with crime. Crime that he, and other heroes, didn't stop. Instead it was vigilantes and even mercenaries who did the job.


"Was your friend Charon or Daedalus?"


"Daedalus?" The avian questioned, looking at the elder in confusion. "Oh is that-" he stopped himself, though Thanatos understood.


"The friend in the earpiece?" Thanatos tapped his own ear as a way to show.


The vigilante nodded, "It was Daedalus," he muttered, "He was- uh- saved by Sam,"


He knew he shouldn't have said anything. The way the heroes feathers bristled and the surprise that flashed across his face.


It was only giving them another clue towards his identity.


Though it was Thanatos who left first. Without another word, the hero was flying off, back to his home in Sector 1.




"I found their connection to Sam!" Phil yelled out as soon as he entered the home. He earned an odd look from Techno and a curious gaze from Wilbur.


"Well?" Wilbur asked.


"He had helped Daedalus before he started working for the Syndicate,"


Wilburs jaw dropped, "Then what are we doing?! Shouldn't we go ask Sam? He could tell us an identity!"


"We shouldn't force their identities from them. They should be the ones to tell us,"


"Besides, Sam probably doesn't remember everyone he's saved," Techno added.


Wilbur let out a frustrated groan, throwing his head back.


"Why do you even care?" Techno questioned, "You hate vigilantes,"


"You are oddly soft for this trio," Phil mused.


The two of them remembered when Wilbur was so focused on capturing vigilantes. He had done it for months before Phil forced him to go on a break.


"They- they're just- Vigilantes aren't Schlatt!" Wilbur huffed, "I realized that. Not everyone will have the same fate as Schlatt and maybe we could even help them become heroes. It'll prevent them from becoming villains,"


Unbeknownst to Wilbur, Techno and Phil shared a look. Phil giving a smug smirk while Techno even managed a small smile of his own.


"That's a good realization," Phil nodded, "And we will find Schlatt." He decided.


"I know we will," Wilbur muttered.