
The Fall of Icarus

Sector 99 isn’t the best. Tommy knows that. But it’s home. As a growing, unnamed vigilante with his best friends by his side, it feels as if nothing could go wrong. That is, until he manages to gain just too much attention. There, he is thrown into a spiral of heroes, villains, pain and family. The life he once knew would soon be turned upside down… ————— Or Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo jump into the hero business having no idea that they would catch the attention of the SBI.

mxplant_ · Video Games
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

"So," Orpheus began, "I was thinking we could go patrol together,"


Tommy looked at Orpheus like he was crazy. His eyebrow raised as he tried to determine whether or not Orpheus was joking.


"I'm serious," Orpheus laughed at the expression Tommy gave him.


"It's not a terrible idea. It's been a while since we've patrolled together," Thanatos added.


The three looked at Tommy expectantly. Tommy let out a sputtering noise. How was he supposed to reply to that?


"If you don't want to, that's fine," Orpheus soothed.


Tommy nodded, "Let's do it!"


The grin under the vigilantes mask was evident. Though none of the heroes commented on it.


"Daedalus!" Tommy chirped, turning his earpiece on, "Any crime nearby, Big Man?" Orpheus and Thanatos perked up at the mention of the technological vigilante. 


"I think a new drug ring moved into Sector 99," Daedalus answered, "You'll have to check it out,"


"Send me the message," Tommy replied. Tubbo had finally finished creating his new device. A GPS of sorts that sent Tommy directions to the location of Tubbos choosing.


The GPS let out a ping. Tommy looked at his wrist where the device sat.


"Thanks Big Man!"


"No Problem!"


Tommy looked back at the trio, "How does bustin' drug dealers sound?"


Orpheus nodded, looking over at Odysseus, then Thanatos. 


"Sounds fine to me,"


Tommy nodded, "Follow me. I got the location," a grin then formed under the boys mask, "If you can keep up," without another word, the vigilante took off running, diving off the building.


"Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Orpheus whined, shooting a glare over at Odysseus when he gave a snicker.


"Good luck, mate," Thanatos chuckled, flying off just moments after he spoke.


"You're on your own," Odysseus agreed, leaving his brother behind.


Orpheus let out a groan, running after them. If this kept up, it would be a long night.




Tommy and Thanatos flew through the air in silence for some time. They kept sending glances at each other. Everytime their eyes met, Tommy would look away, embarrassed. Both of them wanted to say something, they just didn't know what. 


Finally, Tommy broke the silence, "How do you know the other SBI members?"


Thanatos let out a soft chuckle at the question. It was asked often, though depending on the person they always gave different answers. All three of them valued their privacy involving their identities. 


Still, Thanatos answered truthfully, "I adopted the two of them. They're twins,"


Tommy gave Thanatos a bewildered look, "You adopted twin boys?! And Odysseus a piglin hybrid which means-"


"-yes, Orpheus is also a piglin hybrid," Thanatos interrupted before he lost the other avian to his ramblings.


Tommy flew in silence for another few moments, processing the new information. He looked back over at Thanatos, eyebrows furrowed as a new question came to mind, "So why did you tell me? Usually aren't you big on the whole identity thing?"


Because I want to take you in , Thanatos immediately thought, because I want you to be part of this family as well. 


Still, Thanatos replied, keeping his voice calm, "My friends know the truth. All the other heroes at the Syndicate know. I think we could consider you a family friend,"


Tommy gave Thanatos another surprised stare, this time added with a sputter of confusion.


"Thanks, Thanatos…" The boy muttered.


"Anytime, kid,"


Instead of the usual rebuttal of, 'I'm not a kid,' Tommy just flew in silence. He was still trying to process what had happened. What all he had been told. It was… mind blowing. 


Another ping from his GPS broke him out of his thoughts. Tommy quickly shut it off, looking down at the building below.


"This is it," Tommy sent a grin over at Thanatos.


"Let's get it done,"




Odysseus met up with the duo not long after they had landed.


"What's it looking like?" Odysseus asked, looking towards Tommy.


Tommy grew flustered by the question, stammering over his words, "D-Daedalus? Any info for us?"


"One sec, Big man. Let me do something really quick,"


Another ping. This time, Daedalus' voice came from over his GPS.


"Two men guarding the front. Looks like five in the middle room and four in the back," The boy responded. Unlike Tommy and Ranboo, he didn't have something to change his voice.


Tommy tried to ignore the looks from the two heroes beside him.


"Geez! Did you kidnap a kid?" Thanatos asked.


"Hey! I'm older than him!" Daedalus immediately shot back, insulted.


Odysseus scoffed, not believing the boy behind the screen. Even though it was, in fact, true.


"Sure kid,"


Tommy looked back at the building's entrance, "So what do you suggest, Big Man?"


"Obvious. Each of you enter a room. Preferably you get the one with the least amount of people because you still have work tomorrow and we can't have you as bruised as you were last time." The more Daedalus spoke, the more angry he got.


"I'll be fine Big Man," Tommy rolled his eyes. He sent a glare over at Odysseus, who snickered at the lecturing. He didn't dare even look at Thanatos, who he was well aware of laughing, afraid his impulsivity would lead to chaos.


"Fine! Don't come to me when you get hurt!" Daedalus scoffed.


"Daedalus, if you're going to continue lecturing me, at least switch to the earpiece before Orpheus gets here,"


"I'm going to continue to bug you until you-"


"I will break your fucking GPS,"


The ping of the device signaled Daedalus returning back to the earpiece.


Orpheus ran up to the trio of supers, leaning over to try and catch his breath.


Odysseus let out another quiet laugh. Tommy joined in, unlike Odysseus, he was unafraid to rub it into the hero's face that he was 'slow' and 'out of shape'. With the added comments from the vigilante, even Thanatos laughed.


"So-" Orpheus straightened, still panting, "-What's the plan?"


"Are we following Daedalus' plan?" Odysseus looked at Tommy.


Tommy shook his head, "I think we should split up. Half in the front, Half in the back. That way they can't find a way to escape,"


The heroes nodded in agreement. It sounded like a plan they would come up with (Other than Odysseus. He would say just to charge through the front). The main reason they were seeing what the avian thought was to see if he would be a good addition to the team. Not that they were planning to force him into it-


"So what're the teams?" Thanatos asked, curious on what the youngest would choose.


"Me and Odysseus. You and Orpheus," Tommy responded immediately. "I know that you and Odysseus are most experienced with fighting. Orpheus has powers but those risk all of us getting hurt with the use,"


"So why're you with me and not with Thanatos?" Odysseus asked, amused.


"No reason!" Tommy immediately spat, sending a glare at Odysseus.


"Let's get going then. Come on kid," Odysseus began heading to the back, only pausing to glance back and check if Tommy was following.


"I'm not a kid!" Tommy snapped.




They finished, all four of them ending in the middle room. Odysseus was now carrying his axe - one he had easily summoned with the help of his powers. He was the only one who didn't look slightly bruised. The other three relied on more close combat, unable to use a weapon like Odysseus could. Orpheus had ended with a busted lip while Thanatos was spotless, though there was probably a bruise under his suit. Even with Odysseus' help, Tommy knew he ended with plenty of cuts and bruises. The most obvious bruise being the black eye he was now sporting.


He was so dead when he got home.


"How are you a vigilante and you still look like that?" Orpheus snickered at the appearance of the bruise.


"I could ask you the same!" Tommy snapped back.


"It's just a busted lip!"


"It's just a black eye!"


"Oh my god… Child-"


"I'm not a fucking child!"


"Both of you!" Thanatos broke the argument, glaring between the two of them. Orpheus ducked his head slightly in embarrassment whereas Tommy laughed.


"Anyways," Tommy checked the time, "It's been fun, but it's late," he tapped his invisible watch, "You heard Daedalus, I have work tomorrow,"


Before any of the heroes could stop him, he had ran off, making his escape.




"The avian wasn't there," Quackity scowled, throwing the mask he had been wearing. He ignored the haunted look the jester mask gave him, turning away, "He denied the first option,"


"So what now?" George spoke up, looking over at Quackity.


Quackity gave a toothy smirk, showing off the gold tooth, "Plan B, boys!"


George cringed slightly in his seat at the thought, though gave a nod. Schlatt, however, looked a lot more excited. He gave a happy 'whoop' before throwing his head back as he took another swig of his drink.


"Gogy, the idea is to do this as quick and as soon as possible. I need you to find out when we will see the vigilante alone," Quackity ordered. George gave a nod of acknowledgment.


"Schlatt," Quackity turned to the other man, "You'll have the most fun." The smirk on the villains face only grew, "Once we get the avian, you'll be the most help convincing him,"


Schlatt nodded in acknowledgement, "I still need my side of the payment,"


"We'll get your payment when we get this avian on our side," Quackity spat, turning vicious in seconds, "With the heroes gone, it'll be easy,"


Schlatt gave the man an unamused stare before giving a nod. His gaze looked oddly fuzzy, either from the alcohol or some other factor.


Quackitys face split into another, sadistic grin, "Boys, let's get ready to move out with Plan B,"