
The Exalted Evil

This is my first Fan-Fiction and I will Definitely complete it, please vote with Power stones. Here is the Synopsis: ===================================== It's a shame. It's a shame that I haven't achieved anything with my life, no job, no family, and only crime. Crime never pays people say, crime is evil people say, but for me, it was an ecstasy. I was born into an evil family, with a very despised bloodline and I died a death deserving of it. My name was "Saint Adrik The Terrible" and my reign of crime was stopped the first time I decided to trust someone. My girlfriend for 16 years betrayed me and turned informant, and I died a death where I was poisoned with a hallucinogen and then later fried in my hallucinations. It turns out that my father raped her mother and she was technically my half-sister, I guess I can check incest off my list, right? ===================================== Please go to my profile and give me a like there, please give constructive criticism, and reviews like: "I don't like the story", "a waste of time" will be deleted, if you want to give a 1-star review, please explain the details properly. Thanks, Onii-Chan.

Roselyn_Carter · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

4. And... Check!

Hmmm... let's see the list I made the other day.

■Torture some Fatasses ✔

■Get a slave ✔

■Have sex with a non-consenting woman ✔

■Prove that too much sex can be fatal for women ✔

■Buy some fancy shit ✔

■Get a haircut ✔

■Get rid of your glasses ✔

■Make your eyes able to glow ✔

■Understand more about how your power works ✔

■Try to do wandless magic ✘

■Try to increase the maximum strength of your body biologically ✘

■Research about the charm of a Veela and get some for yourself ✘

Sigh... the last three are a disappointment, my research of biology in my previous life can only take me this far. Looks like I will have to start research, as I have noted that my ability only works if I know the accurate reasoning behind it. But my twisted logic can twist the reality of that fact, it makes me some type of a reality bender or a manipulator.

But there are some advantages to it. First of all, it's godsent that I am not going batshit crazy, well because reality manipulators tend to do that a lot. Secondly, it allows me to have more grasp on reality and be a lot more familiar with my abilities, I mean I have built myself a densely packed muscular body with pink muscles in two days and I have control over each gram of that strength.

Right now I need to find out more about the magical sides of things, but physically I am already built like a machine with endless stamina and endless sexual prowess... WATCH OUT, LADIES!!! For now, I have Occulmency shields provided by the ring, and I am going to build my own when I get to Hogwarts.

[A/N: Picture of Harry Fucking Potter, If I was transmigrated and harry looked liked that I would have fucked him immediately. What can you say? I am a slut and I would have gladly become his bitch.]

About the petunia thing, I mean the last time I had sex, it was in hell with a very loud retarded woman. Can you really blame me? I mean you live as long as me, you stop giving shits, I mean still, I won't go for a man, but for a trap, I am all in... possibly? I mean I was tortured in very weird ways in hell and most of the succubi brought in their male-counter parts too, so I have had traps before, but I am gonna wait for a Hentai universe or an anime one before I get a trap. One thing I promise no son of a bitch is ever going near my ass again, I mean when melted steel is poured in your ass for over millennia, your sexual adventures stop, they never go in that route ever again.

[A/N: The reason I used "I mean" a lot in this paragraph was to show his confusion about his sexuality, I know how homophobia can destroy a story, so before including any traps, there will be a poll and more than fifty votes will be needed to make a decision. Either way, it will take a long time to make that decision and we have a lot of time before going to an anime world.]

As for my eyes, I just adjusted my "eye muscles", until I gained 20/20 vision again. Right now I look like an extremely handsome version of Harry Potter, whose body currently can pick up a bus and has reached the level of a supersoldier. Later I will learn about magic Foci and magical power in Hogwarts and believe me when I would have milked this world of its worth, it will burn. At least the muggle side of it.

Now that I have finished talking to myself, I should put my slave to more work.

"Dobby!!!" *POP*

"Yes Harry Potter Sir" he is so reverent that it is nauseating.

"First steal all the books from the St George's University of London, it is based in tooting. Take my Expansion pouch with you and don't get caught. Also, kill the officer who was suspicious of my report to the police about the owners of this house, make it look like an accident. That will be all, Dobby."