
The Exalted Evil

This is my first Fan-Fiction and I will Definitely complete it, please vote with Power stones. Here is the Synopsis: ===================================== It's a shame. It's a shame that I haven't achieved anything with my life, no job, no family, and only crime. Crime never pays people say, crime is evil people say, but for me, it was an ecstasy. I was born into an evil family, with a very despised bloodline and I died a death deserving of it. My name was "Saint Adrik The Terrible" and my reign of crime was stopped the first time I decided to trust someone. My girlfriend for 16 years betrayed me and turned informant, and I died a death where I was poisoned with a hallucinogen and then later fried in my hallucinations. It turns out that my father raped her mother and she was technically my half-sister, I guess I can check incest off my list, right? ===================================== Please go to my profile and give me a like there, please give constructive criticism, and reviews like: "I don't like the story", "a waste of time" will be deleted, if you want to give a 1-star review, please explain the details properly. Thanks, Onii-Chan.

Roselyn_Carter · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

5. Ah shit... Here we go again.

With everything ready, I am leaving for the train station, I am confident about it this year and from all the books I bought from Diagon alley, I have been reading the ones about the magical creature, especially the Veela.

They are disgusting creatures, perfect to make bed-slaves, and nothing more. From all that I have concluded about reading books on them, I can only state three things.

Number 1: They have an amazing affinity to fire magic.

Number 2: Their allure is soul magic, contrary to people thinking that it is mind magic. The way it works is that a Veela imprints its natural beauty on the soul of the target and as all Wizards have no protection and knowledge against Soul magic, they become bumbling fools in a Veela's presence. People with Occulmency can only control and hide their desire and are not immune to a Veela's Allure.

Number 3: To even think about replicating this kind of magic a person has to have a lot of information on Soul magic, or in the other case have a cheat-like ability which is really not possible. Haha, life sucks for normal people.

I am going to make a new understanding, I know that it is not the right time to do this, but I don't give a shit about headaches and body aches also Fuck Hogwarts schedule, I am my own boss.

[I have clearly understood the fact that souls exist, the body is the suit of the soul and is controlled by the soul, it is our soul that gives and controls our brain.

My logic is that if a soul can control how the body works, then why can't the body control how the soul works, if the soul has an innate understanding of the body, then why can't the body have that knowledge too.]

*Splurt* *Splurt*

'Oomph that was a large amount of blood that bled out of my nose, it seems like I am gaining all the information about the functions of a soul, and looks like the bleeding ain't stopping anytime soon.'


*POP*"What happened to Harry Potter Sir? Bad Dobby *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*"

"Stop hitting yourself and listen to me clearly, cook all the red meat and liver meat you can find, steal if you have to, I am gonna faint and you will have to feed it to me forcibly, stop after the bleeding stops, now go!!!"

'Body start extreme blood regeneration after you receive the necessary nutrients from my stomach, also try to clean all the "impurities" from my body using the excessive nutrients. I think this will be over soon.'

Damn, I always wanted to copy the Wuxia Mcs.

'Now make me unconscious I want to have some sleep.'

=====5 hours later=====

So black gunk does come out of your skin pores! It was unbelievably smelly and I think I have reached the ultimate limits a normal Human body can have and also the Ultimate flexibility.

I have gained control over my soul but I don't have time to delve into that, because according to my calculations, the train is on its way to Hogwarts and anyone with a ticket can get onboard.

"Dobby get the showers ready, I banish all the gunk off me and I am clean already, but I still want to take a nice shower."

=====15 minutes later=====

"I think Harry has missed the train guys, otherwise I would have found him on the train," Hermione says to her other two companions.

"I am worried too, what if they expel him," Ron says to comfort Hermione but instead makes her more worried.

"So what, he is Harry Potter no one can expel him, don't worry about it, Mione," Noah says to Hermione, trying to ease her worries.

"Noah what if they do, we have to do something. I know you are my childhood friend, but Harry is my best friend too."

"So what have you got in mind?"

[Noah King Pov]

It has been 14 years since I was born into this world, at first I was surprised and almost shocked to find out that Hermione Jean Granger was my neighbour, but then I did what I do best, I adapted. Too quickly, to be honest. I made plans, plans on what to do If I don't get magic and plans on what to do If I do get it. But a mistake I most certainly made was that all of them involved one Hermione Jean Granger.

And slowly I fell for her, trying to befriend her I fell harder for her, trying to train her to be the perfect lover, I fell into the abyss known as the love of Hermione Jean Granger. But at the start of this year, her personality started to change, as if she was obliviated, she forgot all of my training. The reverence she held for me was all gone. And instead, she started focusing on Harry Potter, if I wasn't sticking to her all this time, I may have thought that it was done by a sinister piece of Dark magic.

In my previous life, I was a Lawyer, I didn't have time to delve into entertainment for long, but I certainly did dabble into books from time to time. I know all about the future events of this book, but about the lore, I know nothing and that is why for all the previous years I have worked hard to improve myself, to be the best.

I have gotten good at both Occlumency and Legillemency, I have completed courses till 6th year and tried to prepare myself best for Voldemort. I know that the only person who is powerful enough is either Dumbledore or one Harry James Potter. Dumbledore is a good man, and once I told him about my intentions on becoming the strongest, he has supported me fully, he has even supplemented me with potions and stuff. After he promised to not read my mind deeply and remain on my surface thoughts, I even learned the mind arts from him, the man is simply a legend.

[A/N: If anyone can guess what happened to this poor chap, explain in the comments. He is a reincarnation if you didn't already know that.]

And Harry is nothing remarkable, he is nothing more than an abused child, and if anything he should learn more from the great example of Albus, yes he allowed me to call him that. I can't let the fate of this world reside in the hands of a scrawny malnourished boy. And Ron, he has set his eyes on my Mione, I guess I have found a person to practice my Legillemency and I am gonna make him dumber as the price of even thinking about her.