
The Exalted Evil

This is my first Fan-Fiction and I will Definitely complete it, please vote with Power stones. Here is the Synopsis: ===================================== It's a shame. It's a shame that I haven't achieved anything with my life, no job, no family, and only crime. Crime never pays people say, crime is evil people say, but for me, it was an ecstasy. I was born into an evil family, with a very despised bloodline and I died a death deserving of it. My name was "Saint Adrik The Terrible" and my reign of crime was stopped the first time I decided to trust someone. My girlfriend for 16 years betrayed me and turned informant, and I died a death where I was poisoned with a hallucinogen and then later fried in my hallucinations. It turns out that my father raped her mother and she was technically my half-sister, I guess I can check incest off my list, right? ===================================== Please go to my profile and give me a like there, please give constructive criticism, and reviews like: "I don't like the story", "a waste of time" will be deleted, if you want to give a 1-star review, please explain the details properly. Thanks, Onii-Chan.

Roselyn_Carter · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

3. Freak

Vernon Pov:

It has been six hours since the freak started torturing us. My wife has already passed out or maybe she is dead, but he isn't stopping. I knew from the start that this son of a bitch was evil, I should have choked him as a baby, he has chopped off my balls and made me eat them, while my dick is in my ass stopping all the bleeding. I hope I die soon, death will be a relief over all this.

It all started when we caught him eating OUR food from the fridge, he has killed my son, raped me and my wife, and may have already killed her too. It has been three years since he joined that freak school and he was gonna leave for the fourth time, we were gonna have our peace back.

But why God, why did this have to happen to us. We believe in the God and Queen, so why did this have to happen to us.

=====2 hours later=====


'Finally, the shit pieces are dead, I think they got off lightly I should have tortured them for some more time too.'


Ok, so that takes care of all the evidence, "Dobby!"


"Take me home, Dobby."

'It's time to visit Diagon Alley pretty soon. But first I have to use my new power and get empowered'

=====2 hours later=====

I look all clean and dolled up, just like a babe, I think this was the doing of the Fart system, I mean I look pretty handsome for a 14-year-old emaciated boy. I mean the donger on me is huge like I mean pretty huge. "Dobby bring me dinner on my bed, I am gonna lie on the bed"

Oooh, this is such a nice mattress, that fatass really knew how to spend money on comfort.

Okay so first I have to say out loud an understanding, then I have to provide my logic behind it, and bam, I would have efficiently empowered myself. But first, let me eat something.

=====15 minutes later=====

My God! these slaves really know how to cook the best food, although Fish and chips is not that fancy, it was delicious enough.

"I have clearly understood one fact that mind is the master of the body, it controls everything unconsciously and gives a person the ability to perform more tasks consciously. It helps a person control body functions and contains all the information on body functions, but what if it allows a person to control the body consciously.

My logic is that if a person can manage all of his body, the way he wants to, he can figure out what body functions to perform consciously and what functions the body performs unconsciously. My understanding is complete and I will never change my understanding."

Oh!, blood is coming out of my nose, so much information, if I was a pussy I would have been screaming from the pain, but this like goes on number 2 on my pain scale, and the scale is out of a hundred.

=====12 hours later=====

I just had the most amazing sleep, the pain still isn't gone but who cares, it may take another 12 hours, and I have gained a lot of control over my body, for example.

'Dampen my pain receptors and let me sleep until the pain is over.'

=====12 more hours later=====

"Ahoy mateys I feel chipper this morning."

"Top o' the morning to ya"

'Okay, now that people think I am Irish or Scottish I can reach The Leaky Cauldron safely, no one wants to stop an Irish guy.'

'Body start distributing the nutrients from the food I ate in a way that gives me a muscular body, remove all the unnecessary fats and give me a muscular body in an ideal shape. Use all the food I eat in maintaining my body and shaping it. Focus on increasing my stamina and muscle density, just don't buff me up too much. Just make me look healthy.'

'Now that all that is done I can eat however much I want till I get a healthy body.'

=====10 minutes later=====

Those creatures are so short, and they are so ugly, anyway, I will just try stretching them one day. "Hello, can I see my trust vault I don't have the key on me?" I say to the obnoxious creature, how dare he sit above me!

"If you have a vault, give a blood test and pay 100 galleons for the new key."

"Well, I just exchanged these pounds for Galleons, lets just get the test over with."

=====1 hour later=====

Phew! I got myself an heir ring too. Those creatures are awesome, plus this thing gives me Occulmency protection. I got money, I got magic, and now I am about to get some drip.

[Madam Malkins]

*Ding* *Ding*

"Oh, hello dearie are you here for Hogwarts robes, or are you here for something personal."

"I want both, give me some expensive ropes, provided with all the charms, like the self-fitting one, the heating ones, the self-cleaning ones."

"Alright dearie we already have those, you just need to select the different colors you want for those robes."

=====5 minutes later=====

"And done! Dearie you are ready to go."

"Also, can I have those pouches with the featherweight and extension charms, I want to put my clothes in there."

"Yes dearie, the total comes to 400 galleons" I pay her the money and I hear a voice.

"Thanks for shopping with us, please come again." Oh God! that woman won't shut up, after she saw my scar, she felt me up in places I wouldn't want an old woman to. Hmmm, or would I?