
The Eternal Battlefield

[A dynamic plane of war, existing for aeons is now in the process of devouring your planet!] [Welcome to the Eternal Battlefield!] [It is a place where extinction is frequent and technology can dissolve stars, a complete battle zone where you must kill to gain levels and skills.] [You have been identified as a human, a non-mana based being. Starting enhancement process...] [Process complete you are now Lv. 0 human (No class)] [Enter human. I wish you good luck] . . . [You will need it...] _____ Summary: Noah and Alice are childhood sweethearts that have been separated for years due to circumstances. In a dramatic reunion the two discover a new world called ‘The Eternal Battlefield’. Living up to its name, this game like world isn’t as peaceful as it seems. Under the skills, magic, monsters and dungeons is the fight for survival of the human race. Currently on volume 1 [Protected Zone]

GoldSoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

My Idol!

The group rested after killing the Dungeon Lord. Kira was on the ground her hands still burning now with a red flame. She hadn't noticed the colour change during the fight since it was so gradual, but now she could see the complete difference from what she started with.

[You have formed the emotional flame: 'Flames of Ferocity']

[Flames of Ferocity] (Red)

-Increase physical attributes (Strength, Agility and Physique) by 20%

-Increase damage of fire magic and fire element skills by 50%

-Gives user 'Intimidation'


Frighten monsters around you, lowering their attributes by 10%.

'So it was because of my talent.' Kira thought. The talent was a lot better than she had initially thought. Fire was at her beck and call as she fought.

Tasha came close and looked at the red flames burning, the bright blood red made them attractive, "What's up with the flames?"

"It's my talent," Kira answered waving the flames out.

"They were really pretty," Tasha responded, "You were really cool, I can't believe it was your first time in a dungeon."

Sofia came close as well, "True, it was amazing how you shot that Flamming Javelin, it was so much stronger than the ones I cast!"

The girls opened up to Kira, and Kira did the same, she had also been impressed by how well they fought. Alice in particular had fought really well, she now understood why Noah taught Alice to fight like that.

As for Noah, he had been at the sidelines, watching over the battle. She didn't get to see much of his strength but she could tell C Class dungeons were nothing to him.

After collecting the drops the girls moved onto another dungeon.


Today was the seventh day Kira had been in the Eternal Battlefield and also the last. The group was in another C Class dungeon.

They walked into the Dungeon Lord's Lair. A faint toad made of stones and rocks stood in front.

[Solid Stone Toad]

C Class

Level 47

Kira looked at the Dungeon Lord then said, "I want to try fighting it by myself."

The others heard her, seeing the resolute expression they nodded and stepped back. Kira showed amazing progress, combat was in her blood. She wanted to test herself so the others agreed to her request.

Kira walked forward, she turned to look at Noah. Noah floating above buffed her and debuffed the Dungeon Lord.

Kira ran, she dodged to the side as a grey tongue smashed the ground next to her. She punched the stone body, with the Flames of Ferocity burning on her fists. Hitting the toad, she then jumped to use the toad's body as a platform and pushed herself back off it.

Launching off she landed on her hands first. Continuing the flip, she landed on her legs, her boots grinding against the dirt ground, her body bent forward as she slid to stop.

Spikes came out from the Toad's body, they then shot out, like homing missiles going towards Kira.

Kira ran forward, the flame on her hands increasing, she grabbed two and threw them back to hit two others. She ducked against one and caught the last one exploding it with flames.

The four watching the fight were impressed.

Alice seeing the fight was reminded of the time where she wasn't even able to stand a move of C Class Dungeon lords. She had forgotten about the deal Noah had made with her, but he had kept his end of the deal. It had been a month and she was able to fight C Class Dungeon Lords herself. At the same time, it didn't matter as much, rather than fighting alone with Noah, she liked fighting in a group.

Tasha watching the battle, held her chin as she thought Kira looked familiar, she had felt this way since she had first seen Kira now, it had gotten stronger.

"She's Kira Lancer from Country S!" Tasha squealed in excitement as she finally remembered. She didn't think she would ever be able to see Kira in real life.

The rest looked at her for answers.

"You guys don't know her? She's famous in the martial arts community! I only started learning two months ago but I've heard all about her!" Tasha gushed out. "She is known as a genius, reaching international level MMA fighter at the age of 18. You can find almost all of the fights she's been in online. She is a martial arts goddess, with millions of fans worldwide, even more popular than a lot of celebrities."

Tasha's eyes gleamed like stars at Alice, "How did you meet her?"

"Noah and I grew up with her," Alice answered. "But, I didn't know she was this popular online."

"Kira doesn't really post much on her account it's usually other people, she wasn't that popular until Noah Sinfero followed her back 2 to 3 years ago. That's when a lot of people discovered her and she gained popularity like crazy outside of the martial arts community."

"Oh? Noah Sinfero?" Alice turned to look at Noah.

Noah remembered doing that, Kira had followed his account. Kira had talked about how she had messaged him about Alice, which he never got. Naturally, he had done the same, following her back asking about Alice but never getting a response.

He had later figured out that his entire phone was hacked and monitored. All messages related to Alice he was sending were being cancelled. He had tried getting another phone, or even removing the software himself but it didn't work.

"Are you a fan of his as well?" Tasha asked seeing Alice's reaction, "Then again who isn't? have you seen him smile, or when he cries... just imaging it makes me sad. I went all the way to country A last year to meet him, who knew he would leave this year..."

Tasha went through a rollercoaster of emotions, she took a deep breath and calmed herself. She still hadn't gotten over Noah's sudden leave from the industry.

Alice listened to Tasha burning a hole at the back of Noah's head with her eyes. She wanted to know how Noah was feeling, having a fan so close.

Noah was unperturbed, he was focusing on Kira's fight.

The fight was still going, Noah was keeping the buffs on and even casting mana screen whenever things got dangerous.

Kira retreated back and started casting, the Toad did as well. Her hand stretched out and her wrist rotating to form a circle with her fingers, a magic circle appeared above her hand as a red spinning wheel of fire formed around her hand. Spinning the wheel faster, Kira flung it at the Toad, like a boomerang it curved around and hot from the side.

The weakened Toad died. She was tired, but she felt stronger than she ever had.


With a Flash, Kira now stood in the middle of a pool of water, with a waterfall in the background. Going back to the Inn and resting, her Seven days had ended, and she had finally returned back to earth.

Noah and Alice were waiting for her with the shoes she had taken off getting into the water.

Getting out of the water, she wore her shoes and walked back to the yacht with them. The three got back on and sailed to the city again.

"See you two later." Kira waved as she got in a taxi.


Getting out of the car, Alice walked into her apartment building feeling refreshed, the seven-day trip was fun. It was nice to relax with a change of location after training so much every day.