
Harbinger Of Chaos [2]

"You… IDIOT!" Laura slammed her fist into his chin, connecting it together, almost sending him flying, if not for him blocking it with his palm.

'Close…' He slightly sweated," YOU REALLY THOUGHT THAT I WOULD HATE YOU FOR THAT?! YOU DUMBASS!" Laura did not stop there, as he threw another punch at him, who he was forced to dodge.



Ren groaned as he drank from the cold drink in his hand. He felt very tired, today was supposed to be the day he tested his Chaos Exo Particles, but he was not really in the mood to do that. He only wanted to rest, thanks god it was Saturday…

"You feeling dizzy?" He heard a voice, Kashmir. He was wearing some casual clothes, and was holding a water bottle in his hand. " You didn't come to training today." He said,"Why didn't you come?" He asked.

Ren groaned, he had forgotten he had to train… "Great… I was so tired from yesterday that I forgot about it. Sorry, I'll make sure to join tomorrow, I'll double my training for tomorrow! To compensate for my loses today."

Kashmir chuckled lowly," Don't worry about it, I was just worried that something happened to the great 'Hollow Slayer'." Ren cringed at the nickname he received from his 'new' friend. " Dude…." He wanted to say something, but it would be so out of his personality.

Ren was a bit occupied in his thoughts, thinking about the Crimson Hands, the organization Rei had created after surviving the battle with him. He used his spy network to find out that it was created solely by S Rank Slayers and higher.

It was made out of 10 members, one for each finger a human has , the strongest was of course Rei, followed by several S Rank Slayers. Ren kind of sweated at the thought of controlling so many S Rank Slayers.

It must be known that the total number of S Rank Slayers did not exceed a hundred, even in the entire world. To have ten of them in a single organization… Only the Council Of The Ten Seats had done so.

"Anyway, you going to that trip being organized by the Academy, to celebrate the new year for the academy. I heard we are going to go to a exotic island in the middle of the Kingdom Of Sarea."

Kashmir grinned as he thought of the hot weather there, him in the beach, looking at hot girls. That was truly haven. Ren sensing his ill intent when talking about the 'trip' glared at him and sighed. Boys would be boys…

"Anyway, my team wanted to chill, so we decided we'd invite you guys to the nearby pool, to prepare for the trip! Ah speaking of the trip again, we are going to leave three days later, make sure your team tells your more info about it."

Ren smiled," As for the pool, I'll come, I'm not sure if my team wants to come though , if they do I'll tell you."

He hadn't gone to the pool in a while. It would be good for a change… To remove himself of the 'murder' intent he had been having for a while now.

"The pool trip is scheduled for tomorrow, so there is a lot of time left to discuss! If you agree meet us at the Academy Gates at 7:00 AM!" Kamir grinned as Ren left to go to his own Dorm Room.


Ren entered his dorm room, feeling fine. Alice was in her bed reading a book, Albion was taking a nap, while Laura and Alex were doing a small spar, in the small space they had in the dorm room.

"Did you hear about this trip Kashmir informed me about?" Ren asked Laura, who looked at him and nodded,"Welcome back. Yeah, they announced it yesterday, while you weren't here. That's why you missed it."

Alex looked at him, wiping his sweat and added," They said the trip would be held in this island called 'Worvel', you know, that famous island, which is very popular for its beaches, seems our principal somehow managed to 'borrow' it for a week for our Academy."

Ren raised an eyebrow. Such a large island would take millions to borrow, for a week that is too! His total assets, including hidden credit cards, were only worth at around 119 million, so that would dry him very quickly.

"That's a lot of money wasted… on Newborns." Why'd the Academy waste money on a trip to celebrate something, which happens yearly? That was very suspicious.

"From what I've heard, that happens every year. Sometimes the Academy returns with less students than it went with… It's really creepy." Albion added his own opinion, waking up from his 'nap'.

He was not really asleep, he was just 'meditating' which helped him calm his mind. It was a very nice way of resting too. Ren did that sometimes," If you say that, Albion, it must be very serious I guess." Ren glared at his teammate.

"Anyway, Kashmir invited me to go to the pool tomorrow, you guys wanna go with me? His team is also coming."

Ren looked at his teammates and said with a yawn. Albion raised his hand, he missed the pool, he would of course come. Laura slightly blushed as she also raised her hand. Alice frowned at the idea of Alex seeing her almost naked, but still raised her hand, and Alex grinned like the idiot he was, and raised his hand.

"Team Apocalypse, seems y'all coming! Let's turn this pool into our playground!" Ren had an evil smirk in his face.

This was going to be really a lot of fun…

'I should be doing the test for my Chaos Exo Particles…'

Ren felt a bit better now, so he decided to test it, he told his teammates he was going somewhere, to test a technique, and that he'd be back in a hours or so. He went towards one of the locations used for training, and occupied one of them.

He threw the 'Soul Reaper' in a corner of the room, which was way bigger than their Dorm Room, and took a deep breath. Exhaling the air, he gained a dark expression in his face and roared.

"Spirits Of Evil, Darkness Of My Soul, Extinguisher Of Light, Destruction, EXTERMINATE!"

He thrusted his fist forward, which was suddenly coated in a dark red/orange color energy. There was a difference between his Void Exo Power and his Chaos Exo Power.

Void was Empty, it absorbed. It did not destroy it's surrounding, it merely ate it. It was something which was not supposed to exist. Imagine a Black Hole, merely in a more 'tame' but more dangerous feeling.

Chaos was different. Chaos was 'Wild'. It was 'raw' power. It was extremely hard to control it, due to the fact that to contain it's wildness, you would need to make your Chaos 'weaker' which was useless.

Basically, if Void was Calmness and Peace, Chaos was Anger and Destruction. The two could not co-exist, unless the user was extremely skilled in his Exo Control. Ren himself was a very good controller, but he still found it impossible.

He swung his fist, and the Chaos Exo Particles formed, in the shape of a dragon's head, and slammed into the walls of the room, leaving a large hole. If not for him holding back, the raw energy emitted from it would've destroy the whole Training Ground Building.

Ren couldn't believe what he just witnessed. " Did I just… Just… Control my powers?" He was in deep shock. He was suddenly empty, and the next moment he was extremely happy. He could control it!

He would no longer kill anyone.. Who was innocent at least, he wouldn't be bothered by killing scums. That was what he did for a living before coming to this Academy. That's how he got this rich… By assassination and battles.

"Let me try this…"

Ren licked his lips, as a wild expression entered his face.

He took a fighting stance, he raised his foot into the air, and slammed it downwards, The floor cracked open as Chaos Exo Particles surged out, exploring every corner of the room. If anyone else was in the room, they'd suffocate from the lack of oxygen in the air.

Not only that, but it felt suffocating just because of the pressure released from the Exo Particles of Chaos. Even Ren who controlled it couldn't help but grin from the pressure he himself was slightly feeling.

"Yes… With this I can with no doubt defeat my uncle! A SS Rank Slayer! I can defeat one!"

The number of SS Rank Slayers in this world was less than 25, and most of them were either part of the Ten Seats, serving as Honorary Members, or Rogues. His uncle himself was a Rogue.

If he could technically beat his uncle, it meant he was part of the 25 SS Rank Slayers, now thus making it 26 registered SS rank Slayers. Not to mention, his uncle was a SS Rank Slayer, but he was also invited to join the Ten Seats, as a seat himself.

He refused.

This could mean two things, he was either not interested,but possessed the power to enter it, or was just forced to refuse due to him being too weak to be one of the ten seats. Ren knowing his uncle, probably knew it was the former.

Ren never saw his uncle's full power, but what he saw could easily rank him as a 'SS Rank' Slayer, that was why he said he 'could' beat his Uncle. But of course, when you are not even sure he is 100% at that power, he could only estimate.

"Let's hope I can do it…" If he could defeat his uncle at full power, then he was going to get to know who killed his parents. That was a promise his uncle had made to him. If he could defeat his uncle, Uriel on a battle with both of them at 100%, then he'd tell him who killed his parents.

Ren let out some steam, when he thought of his parents killer, he always got very angry. He took them from his life. He took his childhood. He was going to make him PAY dearly… No matter who it was…

That was a promise.

And Ren Deathbringer… Never broke one…

Little did he know…

1,7K words... Man this is gonna get hard. I'm writing another 1K words for my other novel, The Golden Age Of Pirates, so I write around 3K words daily... This Is harsh.

I also have plans for a 3rd novel AFTER I finished one or both of my novels...


ElionAVLcreators' thoughts