

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chp9: Your Time Is Up

Alright, Guys Hulk's first big battle is about to begin. Also, I'm going to put a little twist on his upcoming fights. And many more things are going to happen in this fight that didn't happen in the comics. So, hope you guys enjoy and like always feedback is very appreciated along with any support. Thx!


[Avengers Tower]



The sound of Tony's thrusters stopping and him walking as he lands back on the towers bridge sounds. Tony already mentally preparing himself for the questions coming from his team steps back into the room of heroes. 


The sound of Captain America also known as Steve Roger voice booming across the hall catches his attention. Tony looking up at the source and already preparing his response is caught off guard as Steves Sheild hits him dead center in his chest banging him against the wall.

/BOOM/Getting up and fixing his posture he is met by Steves figure already in front of yelling at him.

"TONY!" "Please tell me what we heard just now was not the truth!" Steve angrily asks him.

"You got to understand Cap," Hulk was a risk that the earth nor we coul-' 


he never finished as Steves fist knocks his head back. Hitting the ground again Tony saw stars for a moment. Then anger overcame him, and his suit bursts to life and blast towards Steve with blast from his left hand. Steve already expecting thisrasies his sheild to intercept.




The force of the impact destroys the surrounding chairs and floor apart. Along with the glass and walls. Tony getting up starts to float and blasts off to Steve to fight. Steve already ready run to Tony. 


Not even a second later were their hands and feet bound by the whips and strings of magic from none other than Doctor Strange. "We do not have time for this petty squabble amongst ourselves!" His voice boomed out. "We have to prepare for this attack from the Hulk and deal with this alien invasion form these four-armed creatures." He says to them both and the people around the room. Seeing them quiet and calming down he releases them. 


The sound of Tony's feet hitting the ground sounds as he looks at Steve who is putting his shield on his back while also starring daggers at him and Strange. Then Steve looks at Strange.

"Strange!" Steve practically growled out." Is all of what Hulk said true." There was pin drop silence as Strange was silent for a moment. The he said. "The sending him off to another planet is true." "But the bomb part I had no knowledge of." "Tony!" he yells out.


"Yes, to what!" Steve demanded.

"Yes, to both" says Tony threw his clenching teeth. 


"How could he!"

"To his own teammate as well!"

Strange looked on in surprise as he didn't know what to say, though he begins to suspect something is going on in the shadows. Especially from his earlier encounter. Thinking of that shadow like being makes his skin crawl.

Steve looking on in shock, then rage, as he breathes heavily. He then bawls his hands to a fist. Then he looks at Tony and says, "after we find a way to settle this mess that you both have made, and behind our backs as well no less! "Me and you are going to have words!" "Same to you Reed!" Susan yells to her husband. Reed just looks down in shame.

"Hmph." Tony grunts in response.

Steve then says, "Avengers we are the A team who is responsible for Hulk and his crew. Along with the Fantastic Four, the Defenders and all other are responsible for finding and dealing with the hive mind center." They nod in agreement. " Oh yeah, Ben I'm going to need you for Hulk." " Right on Cap, its clobbering time! Me and big green need to settle the score between us anyway.

/Bang/ The sound of his fists echoes as he smashes them together

Nodding at him Steve turns to, "Fury. I'm gonna need you and shield along with the cops to clear New York City as a whole." Fury with his ever-constant frowning face nods and makes a call.

"Alright everyone let's go!" After his degree they all run out to get started. Steve passing by Tony just says, "You can just do whatever, because you have enough already!" After saying that he jumps into ship with the rest of the Avengers.

"I'm going to get the new Hulk Buster suit what about you?" Tony says after a moment.

Strange the only other person in the room says, "I'm going to increase the wards around the planet just in case something decides to take advantage of our predicament." Then thinking of something for a moment and hoping he doesn't have to.

He says, "I'm also going to pay the only person who could match the Hulk in a fist fight and stand on equal grounds with him a visit." Strange replies. Tony stops as a familiar golden-haired person comes to mind.  Along with his great power. "How has he been doing, since you know that whole alter ego thing." Tony asks. "Well, he has recently made peace with himself, and it made him stronger for it." Strange says as he disappears. 

Tony left by himself thinks, "hopefully it won't come to that." But remembering how Hulks eyes practically glowed with power earlier. He knows it's just wishful thinking. "Whelp, I'll just do what I can." He speaks. But he doesn't notice a black flash moving across is eyes.  Walking ahead to the basement his footsteps echo's as he leaves.

As leave the building we can see the heroes of earth preparing themselves for the upcoming fight ahead. But the heroes of earth aren't the only ones making plans.


[Central Greece, Mount Olympus]

Far across the world and dimensions of space. In a realm forgotten by time there awaits a majestic mountain. And own this mountain lies a grand and imposing palace of unparalleled grandeur and wonder. Its makeup of white pristine marble and gold make its appearance even more majestic. As we come closer, we can hear arguments going on. And see the skies gradually darkening. And the winds picking up fiercely. 

"But we can take advantage of this situation father!" A voice of power and bloodthirstiness yells.

"O spare me of your foolishness's Ares!" An equally powerful voice sounds out.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Athena!" Ares roars back. 

"Oh, you Lit-"




  A voice filled with such power that the skies turned dark and white lightning streaked across the sky as it illuminated the heavens with is stark whiteness'. And the owners voice was echoed by the surrounding thunder. Shaking the very hall, they were in.




The eyes of the person yelling lit up with white bright lightning. Crackling with such power the very room they were in starting to shake and the very air smelt of burning ozone.

"Zeus calm yourself." said a very beautiful voice. Zeus looking taking a moment then looking at his wife Hera beside him nods and slowly the white in his eye's fades. And then turning and looking at his children he says, "Both of you go back to your thrones."

'BUT FA-' with one quick look from his father whose eyes were still spewing lightning, Ares shut his mouth and went to his throne. Athena. sneering at him also went back to her throne.


Zeus sitting back on his throne breaths out and calms his mind. The skies and the wind outside also calm down as if to show their owner mood.

"Now back to what we were discussing." Zeus voice booms out. "This arrival of the savage beast called the Hulk has made waves in the cosmos with his power echoing his very rage. "Also as confirmed by Odin himself, there seems to be divinity in him."

"WHAT!" All of the Gods rose up in shock.

"HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!" The voices of his pantheon filled the room.

That's why we should interfere with this FAT-


/CRACK/ THRUM/ Thunder and lightning blast all across Olympus shaking the very heavens and silencing the Gods.

"Now. as I said before he has divinity in him but it seems to be slumbering, like a beast waiting to be awakened." "But its presence has marked him in his every action." "Making it known he will soon ascend to Godhood." The hall is quiet. Nodding Zeus continues.

"Now, Ares wishes to go out and fight and make us known to the world and its masses and ushering in a new age where we ruled out in the open like we did in the past."

"But Athena veto's this train of thought as the humans are not like the ones we used to know." As we have seen some use power of the darkest and cruelest before. "And we have prime examples of mortals matching the powers of the divine." "And the Hulk is one of them."

"So. I will put this to a vote." Zeus says. 

"All in favor of Ares raise your hands." The hands of Hades. Aphroditie, Dionysius, Hermes, and surprisingly Demeter went up. Zeus arching his brows up at Demeter in surprise. Demeter looking around and the confused stares says, "what, I want to smack some people senseless is all for the treatment of the planet."

Shaking his head Zeus says, "all in favor of Athenas idea raise your hands." 

And so, the hands of Poseidon, Artemis, Apollo, Hephaestus, and Hera went up. Zeus looking at Hera in surprise drops his mouth open as so his two brothers and does the rest of their pantheon. "What?" Hera said. 

/Cough/ /Cough/

"Ahem, nothing," Zeus coughs out.

"That leaves you father." Ares says expectingly and smiling at Athena as if victory is his.  Athena frowns as she knows her father's personality and his rashness. But she is destined to be surprised and Ares distraught.

"I'm in favor of Athena."  Zeus Voice echoes. Pin drop silence as the entire pantheon is dumbstruck.

"WHAT!!!!" Ares voice screams out. 



As the smell of ozone filled the air.


And a white lightning bolt the size of a plane blasted him through his throne and out to another mountain. 


Destroying it in the process. As we look closer, we can see a miserable Ares in a crater the size of two football stadiums. Back in the throne room we can see Zeus sitting back down and his eyes losing their white glow and returning to their usual sky piercing blue.

"Now!" his voiced boomed out. Catching everyone's attention to him. "Hephaestus. fix the walls but leave his throne as is."  He can fix it himself after some time in the dungeon." Hephaestus nodding goes to work immediately while laughing in his mind.

"So," patting his garments Zeus says, "Athenas idea is what we will go with." "Any questions." Getting no response, he says, "alright then." Turning into a bolt of lightning he shoots into the sky. The rest of them still in shock also calm down and begin to leave as well.

Only Athena remains. Thinking to herself." I hope I made the right decision as the grim fate I saw if we intervened was horrifying." Images of a destroyed hall, with the bodies of her fellow gods thrown around. And the clouds were pitch black as the wind sang a song of grief and pain to represent the tragic fate of all of them.

And along the previous hall of the gods, it now lays in a green flame. And that very flame is burning the very mountain they were on. As she turns her head and looks to the center of all of this destruction. She sees a tall, massive green figure standing surrounded by an ocean of green and red energy encompassing everything around him. And in his hand, the head of her father and crushing it.


Her fathers head splashes all on the ground. Then he turns to her and she is frozen in fear and his presence. The energy around him rushes towards her with destructive intent. The last thing she saw was him roaring to the heavens.

Shaking her head of that nightmare, she is thankful her father agreed. "Now all we have to do is wait and see the fate of the world." She thinks as her eyes peer into the very cosmos.


[Space, Hulks Ship]

Standing on the bridge of his ship Hulk is looking down on what he used to call his home. "Home," he says." What home, never had a moments peace down there anyways." "Always someone trying to either kill or control me." He growls out.

"My king the timer is up!" Hiroim yells out to him. 

Hulk then says, "don't forget your rolls I have given each of you, your opponents, and places to post up at." "Of course, my king," Hiroim  responds.  "Also, when I tell you to retreat then obey and don't refuse my order." Hiroim creases his brows together but nods in angrement.

Hulk grinning roars out. "THE LET US BEGIN!!!"

As he roars this out, his power explodes around him as his shoots off the ship. Surrounded in a green inferno Hulk blasts off in explosive speeds, breaking the sound barrier. Looking like a comet, Hulk is encompassed in a green flame like aura with hints of red in it. Rasing his arms in above his head as if he is going to smash the very earth itself, he roars out,