

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chp10: Union and Race Against Time

Here we go guys, things finally starting to kick off. And some things will be brutal to read but bear with me. Also, thx for reading and supporting the story. If you guys have any thoughts and ideas, you want to run by me just write them in the comment section. Now let's Smash some Skulls :)



[Earth, New York]


In the city of New York, Manhattan specifically.

All manner of creature no matter if its rats, all types of insects, and even the aliens themselves. No matter what it was they all stopped what they were doing and looked up for they felt terror from the very bottom of their existence.

And the source of this fear. Above the atmosphere a very bright green energy is seen smashing straight down to earth.


In the sky the clouds burst opened as to make way for a glowing green monstrosity approaching the earth.

The very heat emitting from this green energy burned all that came in contact with it. Even the air itself was set ablaze.

The source of this green inferno is none other than the Hulk himself.



The sound and sight of Hulk tearing though the sky terrified all who saw.

Even the heroes themselves were starting to have second thoughts on this fight. 

Hulk seeing the ground fast approaching decides to clear the areas of all Buildings and anything that would hinder his path.

Closing his eyes and breathing slowly for a moment, Hulk the snaps them open and his power erupts from him even fiercer.

The wind wails, the earth trembles, as the World Breaker makes his smash landing in Manhattan. 

As Hulk smashes down an incredible burst of green gamma erupts from him like a nuke.

Devastating the entirety of Manhattan as a whole.


Building after building incinerates immediately as his energy washes comes in contact with them.

Along with the roads, trees, cars, and any other thing in Manhattan. 

"Now let's clear the debris can't have dust getting in the way can we." Hulk boasts.


Hulk smacks his hands together creating a massive shockwave. Blowing all dust and debris away from him and along the coastline behind him.


The sound of residue from burnt structures sound, as Hulk takes in his work. Nodding to himself

Hulk then thinks, "I think that I'd have some remorse for this, but oddly enough I don't give a shit."

"I agree." Banners voice sounds in his mind.

Hulk raising his right eyebrow says, "really you were always about less destruction and not endangering people."

"Yeah, but time and time again the people of this world kept criticizing m-, no, stopping for a moment and then smiling as he says, "criticizing us both and hunting us."

"They never gave us peace." His voice angrily yells.

" So, I don't care what happens to this planet."

Hulk surprised at Banners heartfelt speech says, "I always thought you hated me as you blamed me for everything and all the destruction I caused!"

Hulk yells this, as some of his emotions come up.

Now you might be surprised as Hulk has feelings other than rage!

Yes, he does.

Some people seem to forget Hulk in some ways was like a child throwing temper tantrums all over the place and they never really saw he just needed someone to talk to.

And to explain his feelings, so he like us all, he then can grow from his mistakes.

Banner accepting Hulks rage smiles and says, "yeah at first I did, but after the memories we received my view on life changed, as did my feelings for you." 

"Hulk, we are one in the same." "I need you and you need me." As he says this both Hulk and Banner feel something lifted off their souls and the energy in them rises in momentum like tsunami rushing to the peak of the second stage of the mantra.

Hulk feeling the effects shows a heartfelt smile to Banner. "This is surprising me and you accepting each other as a whole seems to have made us stronger."

Banner says after a moment. "Yes, it would seem it has." Hulk replies. 


Hulk feeling Banners emotions can't help but roar like a king announcing his presence.




As they roar the earth beneath them trembles and the space around then distorts a bit. Then a green and reddish energy pillar shoots the sky signifying the union of them both as one.



All across the world the people and hero's stare in shock and horror as the being known as Hulk makes his presence known.

In the sky, approaching Hulk Tony in his Hulk Buster suit stops at the sight around him and the devastation Hulk has already caused. And just with his appearance as well. Horrified he presses a comm link to strange. "Yes Tony?" Stranges voice says. Though you can hear the quivering as he speaks. "Do want you have to do and get SENTRY HERE NOW ASAP!!" Tony yells into his comm. Thought he shouldn't have done that as not even 1000 feet Hulks face turns towards him. Then tony saw something that haunt him for the rest of his like. 

The HULK smiling. "STRANGE HURR-" He never finished as Hulk blasts of the ground and cross the 1000 feet as if it was nothing. 


"STARK!!" Hulks voice boomed out into the air. And before Tony could react a fist the size of an elephants leg smashed into his chest dead center in the arc reactor.


Launching Tony, down beneath the rumble on the ground.


/Tremble/ The ground where Tony crashed into trembles and breaks like an earthquake.

Tony shaking and breathing heavily, struggles to get up. As his hand reaches up to grab the edge of the crater he is in, the sound of the winds whistles as,



The ground shaking as Tony looks up to be horrified by, he sees. A large shadow with green eyes that looks like two miniature suns. All Tony can say now is,

"Fuck Me."


[New York Sanctum]




"SHIT!" Strange after not getting a response runs out and shoot into the sky and he begins to accelerate his speed to his destination. His target, the man with power of a million exploding suns.


Speeding up. He thinks to himself, "Hopefully I can make in time before anything horrible happens."

As he is shooting away, he doesn't notice a golden green glow appear in the inner sanctum. The glow itself reveals Loki smirking as he looks a Stranges figure flying off in the distance.

"Well, this was far easier than I expected." he says to himself. Thanks to that green monstrosity." He says with a hint of fear. Shaking his head of those thoughts. Loki then thinks, "Now let's do what we came for and prepare this precious little thing." As he says this, he pulls out a pitch-black knife that looks as if it is absorbing the light itself.

"Now time to find a mirror." Loki says, as he walks further down in the corridor.


[Deep Space]

In the depths of darkness that is space, a sudden bluish light appears, and it would as if it is moving at incredible speeds. Now we might think this blue light is harmless, but we'd be farther from the truth as the light approaches an asteroid group it incinerates them in their entirety. 

And the source of this blue light is none other than 'The Mighty Thor' himself. And, that blue light is his aura along with blue lightning. 

"Faster, faster, I must get to earth quickly before anything happens." Thor thought. You see a couple weeks ago after his argument with Loki he went to go find his friend Hulk and his planet. But upon reaching his destination and seeing the destruction he was distraught. Then he swore to himself he would have words with stark and the rest of those fools. But then he thought to himself, "how Loki knew this." Better yet why did he tell me.

Thinking this Thor went to find Loki for more information. Returning to Aagard he could find Loki nowhere. So, asking his father for help all he got was two pieces of information. First, he learned of Loki's true self, that being a Frost Giant and he wasn't prepared for the next piece. "What Hulk has Divinity! he shouted. His father nodding then said to him, "Son, the upcoming fights and wars that are coming will be yours to handle, to prove you are fit to be king."

Thor still shocked of what he heard breathes heavily. Then he says, "I will not disappoint you father." As he says this, his eyes light up in a blue glow showing the thunder in his eyes. His father nods as he leaves to his destination. 'Jotunheim'

Odin looking on in pride says, the seed of the Odin force is in you. In time you will recognize it and will it to your control." "And with its power along with your green companion, you will strike down those in the shadows." His voice growled out. Then the hall as well as Asgard was quiet. 

Once Thor arrived, he searched every corner of that realm for four days. Thinking he would not find anything he prepared to live and go to Midgard. Until he sensed that familiar energy of magic.

"LOKI!!" HIs voice thundered out as he blasted towards the mountain where he sensed that energy from.


/BOOM/ Shattering half of the mountain, he fly's inside just in time to see golden glow disappear.

"DAMN IT!" he roared out.


Then he eviscerated the mountain entirely with a bolt of lightning. Shaking his head, he began to leave until his divinity caught signs of dark mystically energy. Moving to where he sensed it. Moving some ice and snow he caught sight of pitch-black blood. Probing it with his divinity, he couldn't help but reel back in disgust as the blood was purely evil as corrosive. 

"Loki what have you done." Thor thinks. Fearing the worst yells, "HEIMDALL!"

Confused at getting no response he yells twice more. " HEIMDALL"


Getting ready to yell again his caught his father voice in his ear. "Like I said son for this upcoming battle and war you are on your own to prove yourself that you are worthy to be king." Thor although annoyed nods in understanding. Then he thinks to himself.




Erupting in a pillar of blue lighting Thor shoots off into the cosmos heading to earth hoping he can make it in time.


The board is stacked, and the pieces are moving, now let see their resolve to see their wills through.