
The Editor Gets A Second Chance

James gets transported back to 1977. After living for 39 years, and being an editor for many film franchises, can he take advantage of his skills to get ahead of the entertainment curb? This novel was originally made by me, but I'm re-uploading it as a fan-fic because Webnovel won't let me change it in the settings. Hopefully, this increases viewership. Discord: https://discord.gg/eDW5tDmH #showbiz #hollywood #writers #writing #director #movies #screenwriter #secondchance #sliceoflife #Real #Reallife #Realistic #Reborn #Films #business #BusinessManagement

TMHisOurSavior · Movies
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Working Something Out

August 28, 1979

It had now been 2 weeks since James signed the contract.

The only real problem is that James was going to have to film at a different location this time, unlike in "Alien" where they could film with premade sets.

This worried James greatly because he remembered the original was filmed somewhere in Mexico. He remembered there being all sorts of problems on that set as well. Things like food and water not being safe to drink. The jungles in Mexico also weren't the most hospitable for a gigantic set and crew.

This led James to have to think about potential filming locations, that could give the same wild effect as the original. Unfortunately, this was not James' field of expertise. It's not as if he knows good filming locations around the world.

Were there actually any jungles that were safe to film in?

James just asked the studio to make sure the filming location has an accessible water source so the crew could take showers.

James also made sure the entire film crew was accounted for and that enough food was packed, so they didn't have to risk eating anything questionable.

The most cumbersome task was that specific terrain was needed for specific parts of the movie.

James needed to head to the filming location ahead of time, to map out the best filming locations. That way the actors could just show up and they could knock out scenes one after another.

The faster they got scenes done, the less time they needed to stay in the jungle. If James couldn't find a suitable location, then he asked John to get it constructed to make it look natural.

"So, you want me to make the jungle look more like a jungle?"

"Yes, unless you know someplace in the jungle that looks exactly like this," James showed him his storyboard. In the scene there were many conveniently placed logs and areas of mud, that were too complex to be natural.

John was a bit pissed. John has to explain each expenditure to the budget committee. Having to hire people to terraform part of the ground, in the middle of a jungle was probably hard to explain.

But, it was fine, as James' project was fairly cheap. James' storyboard and ability to have the entire movie in his head were great for cost-effectiveness. James could clearly explain what he needed instead of constantly experimenting with various props.

He could also draw the wardrobe for each of the soldiers, design the Predator suit, and also already had an idea for each scene he wanted to film.

This led John to talk with the board, suggesting James be in charge of the directorial work.

"You want our screenwriter to be the new director?" The board asked.

"He is more than qualified, he's already got an idea for each scene. He also worked as a co-director on his last movie."

"But, dammit, John, that isn't the same as being the lead director."

"If you saw how well he's done you'd know I'm right, actually I think he went to film school right? Just graduated? James told me he was his professor's best student,"

James was still undecided about his major.

"Okay, well, that's all well and good, but why can't we just get an experienced director?"

"Oh, c'mon, you know there aren't any directors that want to film sci-fi, and all the good directors already have movies. The only guys we are gonna get aren't even gonna be that experienced. And, listen, James also said he doesn't want some chump of a director fucking up his movie-"

"-He said that?"

James never said any of that, he was fine with anyone directing.

"Yes, and what if the director we got didn't want to include any of James' scenes? What if this caused trouble on set? How much of our poor actors' time do you want to waste out in the jungle because those two guys can't get along?

Food and water for the crew... it's just gonna be money straight down the drain. But! If we get James as the director, we can just hire some expert cameraman, and it'll all work out fine. The vet cameraman can just make up for some of James' faults. I mean, we are using James' scenes anyways, that's why we hired him right?"

With that, John convinced the board to hire James as their director. Now all he had to do is convince James of the same thing.

"So, James, I was talking to the board aaaannnnd they want YOU to be our director. Exciting right? They actually chose YOU to be the director for your OWN movie! I mean, I don't think that EVER happens, except for like a few times, but anyways congratulations man," John says as he pats him on the shoulder.

"What the fuck. John, what are you talking about? What happened to getting a director? Why aren't we getting someone else to direct?"

"Well, you see, the board heard about all the work you've been doing, how you've already made most of the scenes for shooting, and how great your storyboard is looking. They were just blown away at the level of detail and work you've been putting in.

And you know what they said? Someone said, 'Well, why don't we just make him the director?' and you know what? I said that's a great idea, and I ran over to tell you about it. So, what do you say?

-Well, actually, before you say anything, I need to show you this draft of a contract that I set up with Edward. This is what we wanted to pay you to direct, it might be a little low because you are a rookie, but I've taken into account your contributions with the set and it seems pretty fair."

John passes the contract to James.

James flips to the payment, which has an extra $600,000 salary and 1.5% box office share.


This made James suck in a breath. The money made his vision go blank for a second, he needed a lot of money to accomplish his dreams after all.

"Well, I mean, I think, I have to go talk to my lawyers, so I'm gonna have to go, but I'll get back to you," James said as he took the contract into his bag, wanting to take it with him before anyone changed their minds.

"You do that," John said. "You have to give me an answer very soon though, we need to get started on filming right away."

For those who are confused as to why John wanted James to be the director, it was very simple. John saw the potential in James and figured if he was the one to recommend them, it would show the board his capability. Also, the budget so far was very cost-efficient and if the box office turned out anywhere near "Alien," then it would be one of the most profitable movies the studio has ever produced. He was hoping that a lot of the efficiency and low costs would be accredited to him, so he was doing anything he could to make the board realize this.


"Is this studio crazy? Are they out of their minds? They're just gonna let you direct their movie, just like that? For this money, I'd direct the damn thing."

James ignored his agent and looked toward his lawyer.

"Yeah, there is nothing here that binds you, it's obviously extremely favorable, payment-wise. The only thing is that if this goes wrong, you're definitely going to get a lot of the blame."

"Yeah, but, who cares, just take the money. As long as you make something half-decent, you're not liable to anything," James' agent said.

James didn't need to think twice.

"Yeah, I have to sign this then. It's just too much money," James shrugged.