
The Editor Gets A Second Chance

James gets transported back to 1977. After living for 39 years, and being an editor for many film franchises, can he take advantage of his skills to get ahead of the entertainment curb? This novel was originally made by me, but I'm re-uploading it as a fan-fic because Webnovel won't let me change it in the settings. Hopefully, this increases viewership. Discord: https://discord.gg/eDW5tDmH #showbiz #hollywood #writers #writing #director #movies #screenwriter #secondchance #sliceoflife #Real #Reallife #Realistic #Reborn #Films #business #BusinessManagement

TMHisOurSavior · Movies
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March 29th, 1980

2 weeks after the film was completed, James heard that the studio had made two separate trailers for the movie. They wanted James to decide which one he liked better, so they could hurry up with the promotion. James honestly didn't care about the trailer, so he didn't bother to watch them.

It wasn't until John asked him 2 days later, informing him he had a deadline for that day, that James hurriedly suggested they just use both trailers.

James suggested that they just use both trailers, either at the same time or use one and then the other when the premiere gets closer.

James suggested this half-heartedly, but apparently, the board liked this idea and they went with it. John also apparently took half the credit for this as well, saying they both came up with it.

James didn't care though, it wasn't exactly important for him as a filmmaker or screenwriter, so if John could get something out of the idea, then more power to him.

Ever since the studio held that small screening, using the small theatre room that they owned, James had been getting multiple invites to parties.

Arnold, staff, and other actors had been the ones to invite him. These parties were the usual ones that happen all around Hollywood 24/7.

Most of them were held at multi-million dollar houses. No one knows who these houses belonged to except when it was held by a BIG celebrity.

James didn't want to go to these parties, but if he can get connections to bigger studios, then it's probably worth the discomfort.

He decided to accept an invitation to someone's birthday party, he didn't know whose birthday it was, but was supposedly a famous actor.

This party started at around 5, but when James got there it was already full. It appeared the party started last night, some people were even being kicked out.

"What the hell?"

"Hey James!"

"John? What the hell is going on? And isn't that watch worth like 10k?"

"This? Hahaha. I was put on the board finally, I just decided to treat myself a little bit. I've also been getting invited to tons of these parties, so I should probably look the part. Want me to introduce you to someone?"

"Well, sure, thanks. How long have you been here anyways?"

"Ah, yeah, I got here like 2 hours ago. Some people have been here since yesterday, the owner likes to throw a lot of parties, but he's kicking people out now to make way for the A-listers that are coming later tonight. He just wants to make sure that the party isn't too small or too full when they do."

"That's smart, I guess." (He kind of sounds like a dick and a snob though.)

"Yeah, I know, right? Anyways, follow my lead."

"YEAH, HAHAHA, JAMES THAT'S SO TRUE. Anyways, James, this is Steve and Miss Jackson. Steve is a part of another studio, slightly bigger than our own. And Miss Jackson is a young actress looking to make her way. Right, so Steve, this is our latest director and screenwriter who wrote Alien." John said as he very nonchalantly introduced themselves.

"Ah, yes, you told me about him. But, actually, I'm currently talking to Victoria here-"

"OH, my gosh! Did you say you were the screenwriter for Alien? I LOVED that movie. Well, it was actually pretty disturbing, but I saw it with my friends, and we were terrified! And we LOVED Sigourney Weaver, she was SO COOL! Do you still talk to her?"

"Ah, yeah we talked a lot on set, she was very professional for it being her first movie. I would've really regretted if we didn't cast her. It seems she's doing well, and hopefully we work together again."

"Oh my gosh, wow, that is so amazing. I would love to work with her too~. I can't believe that was actually her first movie like you said, I would love to get a chance like that too~. Ha~."

"Right, anyways, it was fun meeting you guys," Steve said, fed-up at not getting his chance to talk to Victoria alone.

"Steve, wait up a bit, lets catch up first!" John said, walking after Steve.

James got to talking with Victoria for over 20 min, about how each of them got by so far in Hollywood. Victoria was still trying to make a comeup. James had basically "made it," but no one knew who he was. So far, he had one good movie as a scriptwriter, but that wasn't enough to separate himself from any of the other scriptwriters in Hollywood.

The only thing that was going to show his worth is if his new movie became a hit. He was not only the scriptwriter and director, but he was also working with more reputable actors, like Arnold and Carl Weathers. It was a step-up and a proving ground for someone like James.

When put in this context, the Predator movie was very important for James' career. If it was anyone else, I'm sure that this point in their career would be very nerve-wracking. They probably wouldn't have much confidence in themselves either.

This was a good and bad thing for James. Although James was still nervous, he had the assurance of the future. He KNEW his movies would succeed, and even if they didn't for some reason, he had a huge list of future hits he could still use. The only downside is that this confidence can't exactly be shared. He has to figure out ways to convince others of his success.

Convincing someone that he is "for sure" going to succeed isn't very reliable. If anything, his assurance can make others think of him as less reliable and untrustworthy. He might seem like a dreamer with no grasp of the real world.

In this regard, James has a lot of cheats. He has his editing skills, a great memory of movies, knowledge of the future, and the unexpected drawing skills of his body double. His drawing skills have been a huge help in convincing studios to take him seriously. When they can SEE what his movie is going to look like it helps visualize and trust in his vision. His assurance begins to seem a lot more reliable and not as far out.

This is also why James has started to feel guilty about people like Victoria who DONT have any assurance, or cheats, and no real way to make their dreams come true.

"I hope your dreams can come true too, Victoria," James said, leaving here to go familiarize himself with as many people as possible.

As much as James wanted to help her, he doesn't have the time to try and use actors with unproven success. As much as he had cheats, he has no way to turn a nobody into a star. He had enough trouble using PROVEN actors to make a good movie, much less unreliable ones.

He also didn't want to change any variables that could affect his movies or even his success.

James met many studio staff, some were in prominent positions, others were trying to market themselves the same way James was. Many of the less prominent would brush off James when they understood he couldn't benefit them as much as they thought.

Only those who seemed to be at the very bottom of the totem pole and those who were very ambitious made sure to make a connection with James. The ambitious people varied in success, but they seemed the easiest to make connections with. Conversations with them were very business-like, straightforward, and generally more cordial than the rest.

James decided to treat everyone he talked to with respect. Many of these people could become someone that could benefit his entrance into Hollywood. And you never know when one friendly conversation could be of use in the future. Maybe not now, but maybe someday.

As James felt like he talked to most of the notable people at the party, and when he felt like going home, it seemed the party was starting to ramp up.

He had just finished having an hour-long conversation with another studio head interested in his sequel to Alien, upstairs, when he found that multiple celebrities had made their way into the lobby of the mansion. James had been so absorbed talking to the studio head in one section of this giant mansion, that he totally missed how big the crowd had gotten.

When he got downstairs, he even recognized someone.

It was Sigourney Weaver.

"Hey, James."