
The Dreadlord (HP+Marvel)

Panda_sword_Master · Movies
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Breaking Out

I finally break the chains surrounding me and stand up for the first time in centuries. They must have forgotten about me as I haven't had an visitors in years. I cast a quick tempus and holy shit, the year is 1990. I remember when I went over it was 1700 something. I have to figure out where I am. I break out of the metal room. Their were two people outside, they were both wearing unspeakable robes. They started running to the alarm.

I invade their minds and make them stop. They were just about to press it. I turned them around and had them walk to me. "Go block off any and all communication along with transportation out of this place. I'll go to the elevator." I walk out and to the elevator to leave.

I get a good look at me for the first time in a long time. My hair is brown with dirt. I originally have white hair. I can't see my skin as dust has caked on my skin after staying in their for so long. I'm wearing my original clothes though they are wore out even with all of the enchantments and metals I wove into it. My shoes are nonexistent at this point. I cast a quick Scourgify on me and my hair went back to white while my skin is cleaner and is very tan and clear. My clothes are clean but still worn down to shreds.

I go to the elevator and go up. I'm in a hidden room. I'm going to head to the minister to see what he's been doing. I don't remember the last one that was down their seeing me but I remember killing the woman with him as well as scaring him. I use a point me charm and I just follow it.

Everything is different. Last I remember the ministry of magic was not even a thing. It was a council of three and they all knew about me but they transferred leadership into the leader. They must have made it then.

Many wizards and witches are looking at me in confusion, weirdness, awe, and lust. They are all going to die soon so it doesn't matter. I follow the charm that I performed wandlessly and nonverbally. I go up some stair and down a maze of hallways.

Soon their were what looked like guards leading someone out. I call out, "oh hello boy and girls." Everyone turns and looks at me.

The minister still has the scar I gave him. He looked at me terrified before he started running away. I sent a wave of force at all of them. The closest were disintegrated while the one father back got flung and broke most of their body parts. I walk over the ashes, over the blood and gore, and grasp the minister by the back of his neck.

I do another point me charm while start heading toward the main elevator. The minister is leaking blood and piss so I cauterize his wounds to stop bleeding but not before conjuring some thorns into his wounds so he will feel pain always.

I finnaly arrive at the elevator. Even more people were looking at me and even aurors and other wizards tried to stop me. I just transmuted the stone floor to stab them through their shoes and then split so that they go over the foot to keep them trapped.

I get to the elevator and take it up. I set up a timed spell in the elevator. It one of my personal ones that I used a lot in the ancient world, made people think it was god's judgment on man which was funny. The spell incantation is, fusione strepitus et vita crescit. It's fusion explosion that lets life come back after it. I used many different types of magic to make it, fire magic along with space, protection, and blood magic for the explosion and then chrono magic in tandem with life, nature, earth, and blood magic as it uses the peoples sacrificed in the explosion to fuel the life to come after it.

I set it off and then walked away a bit. People were very strange up on top. They were looking and pointing at me. Then an explosion rocked the underground and fire just sprang up from where I just got out of. Now they weren't really paying attention to me I used another of my personal spells, obscurum ab hostibus sociisque. It bud me from another and everything human, both allies and enemies alike. Now everyone is looking for me and I strung up the minister using his entrails and blood to spell out,

The Dreadlord is Back

Let the Carnage and Fear come Back!

I also put the minister under a spell so he will stay alive though in horrible amounts of fear and pain until he is taken down. Then he will die.

I do say I did a good job. I did another wandless and nonverbal point me to the leaky cauldron and diagon alley. I head their still under the charm.

It still looks dilapidated but more to this time. Their is a more up to date pub right beside it called the flaming cauldron. It looked much better and their were even non magical going into it. I walked into the leaky. As I was walking through most everyone was looking at me. I got to the brick wall and just used my hand and pushed. It opened for me.

I remember when I built the wall. I added a backdoor into it so that I didn't have to do the sequence. I head in and go towards Gringotts and summoning one of my servants. Then I want to head home for a good deep clean with food and a good nights rest. Then shopping and everything for me. I also want to get my fists bloody before I go shopping. Guess I'll have to take it out on one of my male servants, I greatly enjoy beating on them, especially one of the hunters.

I go into Gringotts bypassing the guards who I nod at and see the poem.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

I walk in and the goblins can tell that I'm hiding from the wizards. I head to the head teller and start speaking in gobbledygook while flashing my goblin friendship ring. "Greetings head teller, may your gold flow and your enemies cower at the mention of your blade."

He reasponed with a, "may you gold ever flow and your enemies fall before you in terrors and blood."

"I need to meet with the Manager of the Medo Devol Clan accounts. A servant will also be coming, I need him to come to the meeting as well."

He looked at me and nodded before telling an goblin in the wings to lead me to my manager while also trying to get the wizards that are their out for an hour. It about 6 PM right now and their aren't many wizards or witch's but their are some.

I follows the goblin while also getting into one of my favorite magical servants, Grace Morte Perevell. She was one of the last Perevells, a line that I founded, when she tried to kill me. She was trained from birth to be a deadly assassin, warrior, hunter, ranger, anything and everything, she was trained in to to free the Perevells from me. She was the last straw and I killed all of the rest of the Perevells leaving only the daughters that married into other lines.

I also founded some other lines that I have oaths of fealty for their lines, including at least two in most magical and non-magical countries. I wonder how the Grindelwald, Omens, Winters, Shadegroves, and others are doing. I pass other doors, each having names on them. Finnaly we stop in front of the one with Medo Devol Clan on it.

The goblin knocks on the door and lets me step through. "Hello Deathclaw, may your gold flourish and you enemies drown in rivers of their blood. It's nice to see you again."

He was an older goblin, he got up and walked to me. He was in fine blue dragon leather with metal protections on him. His left hand was covered in metal and the fingers were clawed and sharp. He could still move his hand just not use it.

He hugged me and then spoke, "my your gold grow and your enemies die in droves. It's really good to see you again as well."

"How's my properties and money?"

"Good, but before we do anything, I want you to take an inheritance test." My power started lashing out. "Nothing will get out. My time has come." My power stopped lashing out but my eyes told a different story of talk or guts will fill the air. He went to his seat and I went to the one in front of his desk. He took out a cigar and handed me one as well.

"It's been about two hundred years since we last saw each other you know."

"Aye, I do, and I'm dying. I'm at the head of my clan for two hundred years. Countless challengers have fell at my feet with their blood on my claws. I will be killed, I'm not measure if you to the youngens and they will take my spot. I have a plan when I die so it will transfer over to the kings client as you are already a goblin friend.

Your vault and properties have been our leading account for generations and the king will do right by it. After all you gave us the go ahead to manage it and we get 25 percent of the coin based profits and your making us tons of money. Your stolen artifacts and copied books are all safe in the deepest, darkest, most protected vaults. And I gotta say, how the fuck did you get books from Atlantis, but that's not the problem right now. The problem still is I'm dying.

But before I die, either by the young or my your hand, I want to at least know your name, the name of my friend and most ardent supporter and goblins supporter."

"Fine, but we're doing several unbreakable vows as well as a Geas."

"I'll get the stuff out, what the fuck is a Geas?"

"I was in Ireland and raping some nymphs after Odin locked up Hela and I lost my will to live for a bit. Making everyone and everything's life hell as long as mine was. It was the Nymphs last resort against be that a stole and made better. I made it as an unbreakable vow but worse with their help using magic as both the binder and the aggressor. I still have the Nymphs as plaything at my home after I corrupted them. Geas is a more unbreakable and much more violent adaptation of an unbreakable vow. You both must have the same thoughts about the contract and if any party thinks or tries to get out of the Geas, the parameters brought by the caster, it can hurt, paralyze, and or kill the offending party."

"Shit." That's what came out of the Goblins mouth as he set a knife and some paper in front of me. "So are we going set it up?"

"It's already in affect when you agree to be in a Geas. Just agreeing and me being the binder will make it so you can never betray or anything against me again."

He just had a deranged smile on his face as he forcibly put on his mask of politeness. I get the paper and cut my knife. "Seven drops of blood, no more, no less."

"I know." I dropped the blood on the paper and healed my wound as well as clean the blood of the blade. I was looking at paper on it for the first time in thousands of years.


Hadriana Dracule Morrigan (Potter)


Mother - Lily J. Potter neé Evans (Muggleborn, dead-1981)

Father - James Flemont Potter (Pureblood, Dead-1981)


Sirus Arcturus Black

Minerva McGonagall

Remus Lupin

Frank Longbottom

Alice Longbottom

Severus Snape





Master of Death

Deaths Friend

Goddess of Death's Beloved

Murderer of the Fates



Destroyer of Atlantis

Messer of the Sacred Timeline


Goddess of Darkness, Destruction, Time, Space, Chaos, Evil, Torture, Pain, Pleasure, Witchcraft, Magic, Necromancy, and Nymphs


Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble and Evil Clan of Medo Devol

Progenitor of Perevell Line

Progenitor of Grindelwald Line

Progenitor of Pendragon Line

Progenitor of the Emrys Line

Progenitor of the Lefay Line

Progenitor of Hogwarts Houses

Progenitor of Ilvermorny Houses

<Under Blood Glamor>


(Contents not worth listing)


(To many to properly list)


9,573,082,326 Galleons (Not including Properties)

Wizengamot Seats:


ICW Seats:


I handed him the paper and he looked it over and was looking toward the paper and back to me several times.

After he was done he asked, "If I can ask you one more thing?" I nodded and he continued, "can I see you with your glamour?"

I realized it and it showed my scars and tattoos and brands.


The eyes with the scar looked as if it was alive in its own right. I did make the eye out of the soul stone and some of my home brew alloy of deathly metal. Both me and Hela made the metal and I have some weapons made of it.

My scars cover my whole body and I have a camp tattoo on my right arm for when the Magical's, thinking they were mutants, we're out into extinction and experimentation camps. I could not die so they just kept hurting and hurting me. I still have the hate for non-Magical's, mutants, and everything living but mostly my old friends. They will die suffering under my hands. The whole world will feel my pain.

I took the paper back and burned it. "Can you take me to my vault. I'm pretty sure I have some emergency clothes in their.

"Yes, yes we can." We went to my vault and I changed back to good clothes and shoes. I also got the stuff to reapply my blood glamor and did it.