
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

We are The Same

The girl chuckled, glaring disapprovingly at Damian who was smiling lopsidedly at her. It turned out that he mistakenly thought the man was a good man, in the end, the man was just like the nobles she met in the Palace.

She shook his head, trying to shake off the memory of what had just happened. Taking a cup of tea in front of him and drinking it without remaining. Snorted for the umpteenth time with a look full of displeasure until a voice made him turn his head.


It was Nora, staring worriedly at the state of Catherine who had just used up too much mana. But Catherine looked annoyed at the call Nora had just made.

"Call me Rin," said Catherine with an angry look.

Nora was surprised, chuckled before nodding a little "sorry.. maybe I'm still not used to Rin"

"That's better," replied Catherine with relief.

After that they were silent, staring at each other in the direction of the fire that separated them. Catherine sighed again, starting to lower her face to look down. Nora realized it, feeling the same way about what had happened just a moment ago.

Death was natural, but Catherine couldn't just let people die in front of her. Possessing the best healing power, she was considered the daughter of God. Even though she was just an ordinary human who got this power accidentally.

But Catherine couldn't stand still when everyone thought she was so special. She had fought a lot during these two months before his father said that she should marry the Duke's son.

Catherine could not believe that it was all her sister who was jealous of her. Just because of power his brother brought him misery. She who knew the Duke's son's attitude immediately refused, but his older brother didn't just let him go.

And she gave up, choosing to leave because there would be no point in fighting back. Indeed, who would care about the daughter of a concubine, there was only a sneer for all her actions.

That's why she's here, even though there's something else that's the reason why she entered the forest of the four seasons.

"Harry must be happy if Rin is also happy," said Nora showing a big smile.

A smile that would make Catherine feel better and Nora would do it for her.

"I feel guilty for Harry's death"

Nora fell silent, choosing to be the listener this time.

"If I hadn't hidden my form I would have noticed the existence of those monsters and Harry wouldn't have died either" Catherine continued rubbing her face roughly.

"I should have understood better that I shouldn't be selfish, but all I did was think about myself being stuck in this place"

"Sorry.. hiks.."

Eventually, Catherine burst into tears, venting her guilt over her selfish attitude. If he hadn't hidden his identity none of this would have happened. They would hide from the monsters and no one would die.

But the reality was so terrible that Catherine kept blaming herself for her actions. As a Princess, she should not think only of herself, even though for whatever reason other people are more important than her.

"Rin, I want to know one thing" Nora replied, sitting next to Catherine who was still hiding her face behind her legs.

There was no answer and Nora chose to stare up at the ceiling of the cave, took a deep breath then smiled faintly at what he was thinking "To Harry and me your safety is more important than our lives, not because you are an Imperial Princess. But because you are an Imperial Princess, you"

"From the first time I met you and knew about our similar circumstances, I felt like I found family. Life is not clear in this place and I'm really lucky to meet you Rin because if you weren't there I might have died on the streets of starvation"

Nora remembers the events in the past that allowed her to live until now. It's only been three months but it feels like it was just yesterday that it happened, his meeting with Catherine and how he had helped him to make her his bodyguard when Catherine already had a bodyguard and that was Harry.

At that time he was so afraid that Harry felt his place was replaced by him, but over time they became close and became Catherine's bodyguard well.

It feels so happy and Nora will not forget all those memories "to us you are precious, more than a lady and a bodyguard. But more to a family" said Nora again showing her bright smile, looking at Catherine who looked teary.

Catherine wept, hugging Nora for the first time since their meeting. Trying to organize his heart and mind for what has happened at this time "hiks.. I'm a crybaby huh.." Catherine said with tears wetting Nora's clothes.

"It's okay Rin, I understand"

"Hiks.. sorry.."

Nora smiled, this was better than seeing Catherine hold back her tears. It hurt to see Catherine do something like that and Nora would try to be the perfect bodyguard for Catherine, because he was all she had now.

"What do you want to eat?" Nora asked when Catherine had finished crying, staring at Catherine who was roughly wiping away the tears from her eyes.

"Roast deer," the woman answered, her voice hoarse from crying earlier.

Nora nodded, walking away leaving Catherine in the cave alone. Catherine chose to remain silent, ignoring everything before a man walked in with a look of disdain.

Catherine chuckled, lazy to deal with the man before she was surprised by a necklace that the man threw.

"I found it earlier," he said then turned around, intending to leave before a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Thank you" the little hand took her necklace, the necklace she originally wanted to give the man.

Damian sighed harshly, turned to Catherine with a cold look "I'm sorry about earlier" he said then left leaving Catherine smiling between her pale lips.

'You shouldn't have to apologize, because I was wrong this time too'

"One deer is ready to be cooked!" Nora's voice made Catherine get up, put on her necklace casually, and run over to the man with the blonde hair.

"Wow.. it's huge, I'll cook it" said Catherine impatiently to enjoy the venison.

Nora nodded, bringing the deer to help Catherine "seems that man came here?"

Catherine was surprised to look at Nora who looked angry "you don't like her?"


Catherine chuckles "but he's just like us Nora"