
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Runaway Princess

The two of them got up, staring in shock at the figure of the man who was seriously injured. They looked at each other before Theo snorted at the memory of who it was, turning his face away without caring about the man's fate.

Damian was confused, he fell silent feeling strange when Theo looked annoyed. Usually, he would make a fuss and approach a foreign man who needed help but the situation was different this time, there was only a sense of dislike for Theo's presence.

Do they know each other?


The stranger made a sound, his gaze full of his inability to survive. Seeing and hearing that naturally made Damian come closer, staring at the man with a body covered in blood.

Even though he is a person who doesn't care but he still can't ignore someone who is hurt and is asking him for help "what happened?"

"Mons--ters attac--ked us, I beg yo-u to save Prin--cess Cathe--rine" said the man before he breathed his last.

Theo who heard that immediately turned his head looked surprised at the figure of the man "Princess!?"

He ran away leaving Damian who was still processing what had just happened. Who is this man? Why is Theo panicking? And why did Theo immediately run when he heard Princess Catherine's name? Who is Princess Catherine? Then what is Theo's relationship with Princess Catherine?

He was thinking too much, but one thing he knew was that someone was in danger right now. Damian ran, following in the footsteps of Theo who was far away from him. Trying his best to match Theo's steps before he was surprised by a group of monsters preparing to eat a woman.

Her bead rounded, seeing the girl's lime green mane "she's yesterday's girl!" Damian was surprised to wake up from his daydream when Theo slashed the head of the monster carrying the body of the girl named Catherine.

Damian jumped up, used his magic to go even faster, and caught the girl. He looked at the beautiful face of the girl who was fainting and then looked up when he saw a leg standing in front of him.

"Take him to a safe place," Theo said running away.

Damian was silent, staring at Theo who was attacking the monsters again. His beads were scrutinized, looking around the area full of corpses of monsters until he could see a stone that was the same as the one he had found earlier.


He rose, lifting Catherine's body carefully. Taking the girl with him before picking up a rock that looked exactly like the one in his trouser pocket.


There was a soft voice that could take Damian by surprise, searching for the source of the sound before he saw a man with blonde hair lying on the ground with long nails piercing his stomach. Damian grimaced, seeing so much blood flowing around the man.

Choosing to walk closer, observing the condition of the foreign man who called the woman in his arms.

"Hey.. can you move?"

What stupid Damian, how could that man be able to move when his body was already numb from the long and large nails that pierced his stomach. Her bead flickered, revealing a smile before trying to move her finger with difficulty.

In the end, he really couldn't do anything, it felt so bad because the promise he made earlier he couldn't keep until the end. Ended up a pathetic death when everything started to go their way. He was an idiot, he should have known that this would be a waste considering he and that woman had been locked up in this place for almost a year.

What a waste, it would be better if he didn't make that promise in the first place. He'd better not follow Catherine's advice to the Four Seasons Forest. He wanted to laugh, but there was only a voiceless smile that confused Damian.

'Princess sorry .., I can not keep my promise to you. Maybe for the best, I died in a place foreign to us. Sorry..'

Damian panicked, staring in disbelief at the closed green bead "hey.. wake up!"

"So--rry" the man said one last time before a light shot out from the man's body.

Damian moved backward, staring dazedly at the golden light that enveloped the man. Trying to think about what happened but he couldn't think of a suitable possibility for this situation.

"Put me down!"

A voice made him look down, looking at the lemon-yellow bead that was wide open in front of him "uh..!"

"Put it down!" said the girl again with an annoyed look looking at Damian.

"Are you awake?"

There was no answer, only a rash movement from the girl that made Damian understand the current situation. Staring at Catherine who seemed to be breathing heavily, directing all her magic power that was starting to expand until Damian was surprised by the girl's transformation.

Her green mane was starting to fade, the silver color that was so beautiful began to replace Catherine's mane. His eyes were closed, his palms pressed together with his head down.

Catherine's body lifted with the man's body also lifted, is this real?

Damian chose to remain silent, observing everything the girl did. Ignoring anything that might lead him into a terrible circle of destiny.

The golden glow began to fade, to be replaced by the stranger's wounds healing. Catherine fell, taking in as many breaths as her body ran out of air. Ignoring Damian who continued to observe him non-stop, then smiled faintly as she managed to save the man.

The woman looked up, pulled the man's hand for him to hold "Nora.." he said slowly with a lot of worry over what had happened to the man.

Not long after that, the emerald green bead opened, staring at the very beautiful woman nearby "Princess..."

"You're finally awake," said Catherine happily.

"It turns out I saved a princess who run away"

Damian spoke, glaring coldly at the female figure who was glaring at him. He wasn't a fool who didn't know about this strange situation, remembering the foreign man's words, Theo's reaction, then the words of this man in front of him and the truth he had just seen made Damian know that the girl was a princess.

Hiding his identity then changing the color of his hair and eyes made Damian one hundred percent sure of his current thoughts "and you are the Princess bodyguard who helped the Princess to escape" Damian said again looking at the completely healthy man.

The man growled furiously intending to raise his sword before Catherine stopped him "what matters at this point!" she said glaring coldly at Damian who laughed mockingly.

"No, it's just that it looks really interesting"