
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Magic, maybe for the people here all of this is natural. But for Damian, this was still enough to make him dizzy. It was true that he had a book guiding him all along, but still, Damian needed time to get used to everything in this world.

And after time he got used to magic. Everything he thought was strange was starting to feel normal to him, living for more than fifty days there made him comfortable even though he was annoyed that he only had one outfit there.

Moreover, he was still wearing the same white short-sleeved shirt and shorts as when he came to this place. And he had also resigned himself to living with the very talkative Theo.


Damian snorted, choosing to leave the looking annoyed Theo. He stepped closer to a lake that was so calm, intending to wash his sweaty face from the fact that he had just finished training with the sword a while ago.

Of course with Theo because he needed the man's help to use the sword well. If you think about it from the start he just slashed at random even though he ended up winning because of the help of his lightning magic.

"Hey..! Crazy people!"

Damian remained silent, ignoring Theo's words he had been used to hearing for a long time. It seemed that he was already very used to living in this world, even the call Theo gave him sounded normal to him.

Feeling ignored irritated Theo, showing a small smirk before he threw water at Damian. He laughed, satisfied with what he had just done. It was his fault that he was ignored, if only Damian was more friendly he probably wouldn't have done this to him.

Her clothes were wet, of course, even she could feel a chill that pierced her bones without her being able to ignore it. A chuckle before Damian turned his head, staring at Theo with an expressionless look.

His laughter stopped, staring fearfully at Damian's gaze which was the same as before. Looks like he managed to make Damian angry and somehow Theo was scared at this moment "Damian..?"

There was no answer, there was only Damian who didn't budge from his spot at all. Theo cleared his throat, moved to his feet, and then took a few steps back before he was startled by the lightning flashing behind him.

His breath hitched, cold sweat starting to run down his body. It should be remembered, that Damian when angry is very scary, even according to him, Damian is more terrible at this time compared to the monsters that attacked them.

"Da--mian" he stammered, staring fearfully at Damian who was still as silent as a statue.

"I wi--ll...."

"No need!"

Damian's deep voice made Theo close his eyes tightly. His hands were already shaking when he heard Damian's rough sigh.

"There's something you need to do instead," Damian said again then pushed Theo's body towards the lake roughly.

Theo was surprised, both eyes opened wide staring at the water that covered his whole body. His hands moved quickly, swimming upwards before taking in as many breaths as possible.

This was crazy, it felt like he didn't want to bother Damian anymore after this. But this was also Damian's fault for not wanting to answer his question. Wouldn't it be wrong for her to be annoyed and angry at the man? But if this is the result, for some reason he prefers to remain silent next time.

"Hah, hah.."

"You are crazy!!"

Theo shouted, pulling the mane that covered his eyes back. His bead flickered, trying to focus on Damian walking away from him. Fortunately, this is not a lake full of monsters, if so, maybe he would have died being pulled by the Kraken like Damian at that time.

Theo was forced to move out of the water, feeling the chill of the night air that might freeze him to death "crazy! I don't want to disturb Damian anymore!"

Theo shouted, releasing his flames which made his clothes dry quickly. Luckily he was the possessor of fire magic, otherwise, he would have frozen to death this winter. The seasons in this forest are very erratic, even in a day, there can be changes in two seasons at once. Weird, but that's the truth.

After his clothes were dry Theo walked closer to Damian, even every step he took was accompanied by curses about Damian's behavior all this time. If you remember that man rarely shows his heart except when discussing his world.

It wasn't that he didn't like it, it was just that he thought it would be better if Damian could be more open even though the possibility was very slim.

"I dry!" Theo said letting out his fire and then making Damian's clothes dry without taking long.

"Sorry about earlier"

Theo snorted, there wasn't any answer he could hear from Damian. Even though he was kind enough to dry Damian's wet clothes, Damian was lucky to have met him while trapped in this foreign world.

He thought, what would happen if Damian met someone with the same attitude as him. It was possible that they wouldn't be able to get along, and Theo laughed at the thought of it.

"You still want to know about this orange book" Damian voiced, looking at Theo who was choking on Damian's sudden words.

"Cough.. cough.. did I not hear wrong?" Of course, Theo was surprised, he was even ignored for discussing the orange-bound book earlier.

But now Damian was casually showing the book to him. And what surprised Theo, even more, was Damian nodding with thinness he had never seen before.

"You're not crazy are you?"

It seemed Theo had forgotten what had happened to him for doing something stupid to Damian. And he immediately realized when he saw the book being pulled Damian again.

"Eh..! Okay! Okay, I was wrong," said Theo quickly.

Damian let out a slow breath, opening the empty book with nothing in it.


"You are stupid," Damian said with annoyance at what Theo said, it seemed the man had forgotten that he had said that the contents of this book would change every time he opened it. Or maybe Theo just didn't understand what he was saying at that time.

"Who's stupid!" he was annoyed, how could Damian say he was stupid just from being shocked by the empty orange-bound book?

Damian snorted "Do you want to know or not!?" and Theo immediately nodded excitedly.

Not long after an image appeared, an image that looked blurry but they could still see well. An image where there is a door that is tightly closed with fire consuming it.
