
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Strange Palace

There was no light, only darkness without a speck of light at all. There was a rancid smell of blood surrounding the place, but Damian wasn't sure what he was thinking at this point. His body felt so light and he didn't know what to do right now.

The memory of the incident in his room came back, for some reason he was sure this place had something to do with what happened to him. Damian's bead tried to find an opening to get out but he couldn't see anything. This place was very strange and Damian was starting to get scared again.

His legs moved but he didn't know where to go. All he knows, he has to run away and go far from his house after this.

"Do not go..!"

The voice made Damian turn his head towards the direction of the voice, there Damian could see a girl in a long white dress staring at him gently. A feeling of calm was present in Damian but Damian was afraid that in reality, this was just an illusion of the spirits in his house.

His body moved backward trying to get away from the figure of the girl in front of him. But at the time of the third step suddenly his body stiffened and could not move at all. Beads can see the girl's beads that look sad, beads that say a pain that can't go away.

The girl approached, looked at Damian who was getting more and more scared but the girl seemed to ignore and immediately grabbed Damian's face. A sweet scent wafted through Damian's sense of smell, and Damian somehow felt calm and comfortable at the same time.

"I'm sorry.." the girl said softly but Damian could still hear the girl's voice.

There was a feeling that enveloped Damian but Damian didn't know what it was. Damian felt that the girl was not a threat to him. Her bead closed slowly as she felt a soft hand caress her face. His body froze as he felt something stick to his lips.

A soft kiss made Damian open his eyes, seeing clearly how the girl slowly disappeared like a light. Damian was unable to move, his body stiffened until he fell with a shocked look. His frightened and pale body seemed to be starting to return to normal.

Damian felt nothing but a bad feeling about what he had just experienced. His hand moved to touch his still warm lips, his heart pounding until he felt a chain tie one of his legs.

"What the hell is this!!"

Damian screamed as his body was forcibly pulled through the darkening place. There was no light but the girl's apology still filled his mind. This was so strange, Damian somehow felt that what he had been through all this time was natural.

His body continued to be pulled until Damian could see a large luxurious building. The building was lit up by so much candlelight, and Damian could hear the sound of fast-moving water behind him. Damian turned his head towards the back where a large place with various trees, lakes, and waterfalls was greeting him.

"What is this!!" it seemed Damian still couldn't think that this was a natural thing.

He remembered being in his bedroom when he was unconscious and woke up in an endless dark place. But now he was instead in a place like a well-maintained luxurious Palace. Can this be said as a natural thing, of course, the answer is no? All of this was unnatural and Damian tried to step closer to the Palace in front of him.

There are no chains that bind his legs anymore, there is only a form of heaven form that is so charming. Damian opened the large door until he was faced with a very beautiful and wide passage. The gold-coated hallway made Damian sure of one thing, that he could instantly get rich if he sold this Palace.

His feet continued to walk through the hall after aisle until Damian saw an altar with an orange book on it. Damian clearly remembered the book, he was familiar with it and Damian immediately ran to the altar table. The moment his feet touched the altar a light appeared and Damian was quite surprised by it.

His eyes stared at the floating orange book, and for some reason, Damian was even thinking about comics or novels that told fantasy stories. It seems that if you think about it, what happened to him was the same as with comics and fantasy novels. Even though he didn't like those two things but Damian was convinced of his current thinking.

His hand reached for the orange book and he could finally touch the book. Damian was seen who still couldn't believe what had just happened but Damian was happy to know that he could finally figure out what his dream meant.

But when his hand tried to open the book, his body suddenly fell and Damian could see the dark abyss below. Damian shouted with his arms around the orange book, he continued to fall endlessly down there. It took a long time for him to feel water running down his body.

His closed bead immediately opened to see the water that filled this place. A small light could be seen by Damian from there and Damian tried to move up towards the origin of the light. But again a chain tied his legs and Damian couldn't move his way up. Will he die like this?

For some reason, Damian felt that he would die if he couldn't save himself. Damian's body twitched trying to untie the chains until Damian heard another whisper.

'You just need to calm down and take my hand'

Damian didn't understand the whisper but Damian tried to calm down even though there was no one to help him. Her bead closed with the body stopped moving, her hands gripping the orange book tightly until she could feel an air enter her lungs.

His bead opened with a gasping breath staring at the water that made him almost die earlier. His beads circled the place but he couldn't find anyone to help him. It seems that this can't be taken lightly now.

"What place is this?" Damian said still figuring out where he was.

"Are you okay?" a voice rang out from the puddle where Damian turned his head to see a man emerging from the surface of the water.

"Ah.. My name is Theo, are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Damian replied looking at Theo who nodded slowly.

"Looks like you got lost," Theo said looking at Damian who was surprised.

"Where is this?"