
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Exactly at twelve o'clock at night, a man woke up from his sleep. The man's body shook violently with his hands tightly gripping his blanket. The man's breath catches with beads that move restlessly staring at the corner of his room. The feeling was getting worse with cold sweat dripping down his pale body.

The memory came back, the memory of the dream that had been the same for a week frightened him. The dream that always wakes him up in the middle of the night, always and never changes. He didn't know the reason and what the dream meant but the feeling was so bad.

He felt that something was coming his way, but not now. Her dark brown bead began to stare at the clock on the wall which showed one minute past twelve. He sighed again with his bead tightly closed trying to calm down.

"Again the same dream"

The man muttered taking a glass of water from his study table. His beads were still moving restlessly glancing around the corner of his room in the hope that nothing bad would happen. He tore off the blanket and walked over to his study table. Her bead stared at an orange-bound book that always appeared after she had a dream.

His hand tried to reach the book but to no avail, the book disappeared like dust. The man sighed again feeling that everything would be in vain. If it's always like this he will never know the meaning of his dream.

It's true, every time he wakes up in his sleep after a dream there must be a book with an orange cover on his desk. But the book always disappeared for no reason when his hand tried to reach for the book. He had tried many times but the result was always the same and it seemed like he was going to give up now.

"What does that dream mean!!"

The man was annoyed with both hands ruffling his original black hair. Her red lips kept moving saying various curses about the things she had experienced this week.


The man lay serenely staring at the ceiling of his room, the darkroom made him feel calm. Even though he was confused about the same dream he was still thinking about but he just wanted to calm himself down for now.

If only any clues could help her she wouldn't look so agitated as to be like this. Again he sighed feeling the calm in the silence that existed. His beads began to close slowly but a voice startled him.

The dark brown bead was wide open with the body sitting staring at the corner of the room. This was strange, he heard a voice mocking him. But there was no one else in the house but him. For some reason, the man began to be frightened by various thoughts if there were spirits in his house at this time.

That's right, what he's been going through all this time is also very strange and it seems the thought that his dreams are due to spirits gives him the chills right now.


The man was startled with goosebumps when he heard his name being called softly. His feeling was that this was a bad situation and Damian quickly got up. He sped up his feet quickly trying to grab the door handle of his room.


Again and again, the voice sounded and Damian looked very frightened now. Why didn't he think about it for a long time, why didn't he think that what happened to him had something to do with spirits. Why..? Why is he so stupid.

If only he knew maybe Damian would leave the house, but he was trapped now. Even though there was a way to escape for some reason Damian wasn't sure that he could escape alive. His eyes glanced at the clock on the wall, it was half-past one in the evening. The feeling of dread still enveloped him but he seemed to be interested in one thing.

Namely the book on his desk, the orange-bound book reappeared on his desk. And Damian was interested in taking it. But if he doesn't go, will he still be able to live. Then what about the curiosity that Damian had all this time. Curiosity about the meaning of his dream for this week.

The same dream shows a dark place with various things that don't make sense. Of course, it didn't make sense because there were so many strange things that he had never seen. But Damian didn't seem too foreign to it, he felt he had seen or used some of them.

Why did he even think so much at a time like this, Damian immediately sighed and looked at the door to his room which he started to open. The door opened revealing a dark room because of the light she had turned off before going to bed. His feet tried to step out of the room but his body couldn't move.

For some reason, Damian could feel something approaching him from behind. And again he saw the orange-bound book floating with various sheets of paper scattered out. Damian closed his eyes as the wind blew hard even though his bedroom window was tightly closed.

Damian tried to move again but to no avail, no change occurred. His body was still standing stiffly in the doorway of the open room. It felt like something was keeping him from moving right now. Damian was getting more and more scared with a cold sweat that kept running down his increasingly pale body.

Bead saw a chain tied him "what chain is this?!" this time Damian was certain that there was something strange in his room.

But he has lived in this house for many years, so why is he only now being disturbed by spirits. A hand touched his neck causing Damian to scream in fear but the hand tightened around his neck making it difficult for him to breathe.

He felt a chill around his ears until a whisper made Damian rebel "I'm with you"

This is crazy..!! And Damian had never imagined something like this would come to him until the wind was blowing strongly again. Damian's body hit the wall with his bedroom door tightly shut. Is the ghost in his room, and is he not allowed to get out of this room.

Damian was getting more and more frightened as his beads could see the chains surrounding his room. The walls, floors, and doors were all covered by rusty iron chains. His body could move freely now and Damian tried to stand up but his hand felt something wet.

Something that made him scream, underneath was a red puddle. The intense red-colored water and the rancid aroma wafting through his senses made Damian sure of one thing now.

"This is crazy..!!" Damian said before everything went dark.