
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Another Dimension

Wait Damian seemed to feel something different, the language the man used was indeed strange. He had never heard of that language, where exactly was he and how could he understand that strange language.

Damian was confused, he didn't know what to do right now until a hand touched his shoulder "are you okay?"

The man looked worried, it seemed he was also confused by Damian's attitude. Damian was acting strange, he still couldn't accept everything that was happening to him. And wouldn't it be natural for him to show a bewildering attitude like now?

Damian nodded his head looking around which seemed very foreign to him "where are we?"

Damian was shocked again when he heard the language he spoke, what the hell with his own words. This is crazy..!!!

"Oh.. we are in the forest of the four seasons," said the man looking at Damian who was increasingly confused.

"Four seasons forest?"

"Yeah, are you lost?" asked the man looking at Damian who was silent in his place.

What else was this, a name he had never heard of? This was very strange and Damian immediately got up to look around what was indeed so charming to say as an ordinary forest. The forest of the four seasons, what kind of forest is it?

Damian was curious and Damian was very curious about it, his legs started to move anywhere as long as he could get answers to all his worries now. The man followed Damian, he was aware that Damian was the one who was lost.

Maybe this was crazy but she couldn't let the man get any further lost "where is your house? I'll help you get home"

Damian turned his head to stare confusedly at the man, could he trust a stranger at this time. Hah.. just thinking about it made his head almost explode, why did he have to feel something troublesome like this.

If he remembers, he had a strange dream for a week then suddenly he was unconscious and kept getting strange things. And now he was free from all that but instead he was in a strange place and it was very unreasonable for him to accept.

Wait!! It looks like he's carrying the orange-bound book, where is it?

"You looking for this?" the man showed her an orange-bound book.

Seeing the book in the hands of a stranger irritated Damian, and his hand took the book roughly. Her eyes glanced at the man before looking at the orange-bound book again. The curiosity grew so much that Damian opened the book.

The first thing he saw was a picture of a door in the middle of two different places, wait!!. The image seemed familiar and Damian stared intently at the lake. One of the places in the picture is indeed a picture of the lake.

Damian laughed feeling funny at what he had just seen, and another picture was clearly in his room. He clearly remembered where the things in his room were and the picture was the same as the one in his room.

"What country is this?" Damian asked looking at the man who was weighing his answer.

The Four Seasons Forest is on the border of three countries and if you remember it looks like they are in the Northern State "Florence area if I'm not mistaken" the man said looking at Damian who was surprised again.

"Where is the State of Florence in this world!"

Damian couldn't believe this was so unreasonable. All this time he lived in America and during that time he had never heard of the State of Florence as the man said "Tell me correctly where are we?" Damian asked again.

He was just confused and that's what made him act like "which part of America is this?" Damian shouted shaking the man's body.

"Hey.. calm down, I don't know the details but this forest is in three countries and if I'm not mistaken it is Florence" replied the man, still not understanding what Damian was thinking.

"Your name is Theo isn't it, have you ever heard of Florence in America that doesn't exist. So tell me the truth, where are we?"

Damian was confused, for some reason his mind was focused on one thing. One thing he couldn't take for granted.

"America? What territory is that?" Theo replied making Damian sure of his thoughts now.

"Ha.. ha.."

Damian laughed mockingly at himself for being stupid, how could this possibly happen to him. How could he cross a dimension like a story in his world? This is crazy and makes no sense to him. Damian sat down staring at the orange book that had brought him here.

Actually, what book is he, why is he even facing things like this, ah.. just thinking about it is already very troublesome for him? What's more, he had to accept the fact that he changed dimensions. Damian glanced at Theo who was confused by his attitude but Damian didn't care.

"Where is the nearest village here?" Damian asked looking at Theo who was smiling awkwardly.

"Why? Just tell me the closest way to find the village?"

Damian felt something was off but he couldn't immediately think negatively first. And he wanted to make sure his thinking was wrong, but that awkward laugh was annoying to him.

"There is no way out of this place" Theo's answer made Damian stare at him in disbelief.

Turns out his guess was right, ah.. he was stranded in a strange place and now he can't find the nearest village. What's with this place, just pissed him off.

"Then why do you intend to take me home?" Damian asked looking suspiciously at Theo who was laughing again.

"Just as a formality" Theo's answer was useless and Damian thought he would go crazy if he continued to be with that man.

"But, aren't you lost and I do intend to help even though I don't know how to get out of this place but isn't there always a miracle that will help us" continued Theo looking at Damian who was tired of hearing his chatter.

"Hey.. Listen, there must be away!"

Is Theo a very talkative person, for some reason Damian doesn't like the man even more "Never mind, don't follow me" Damian said choosing to walk away from Theo.

But instead of obeying, Theo just followed like a pet making Damian glared at him "what are you doing?!"

"Following you"

Damian took a deep breath and immediately continued on his way, he was too lazy to deal with the man now. So leave it alone for now until he finds a clue to get out of this place.

Damian stopped, he heard a strange sound from four o'clock until a large monster appeared intending to attack them "monsters? Why are there monsters here!"