
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Meet Again

Step by step Damian continued through, the day was starting to get late and there were no problems after he had left Theo earlier. Damian didn't know what kind of place this was but he would rather be alone than with the talkative Theo. His eyes saw a tree with fruit that looked fresh.

Feeling lucky that Damian immediately jumped with the help of magic, he sat quietly on a tree branch. His eyes sparkled with pleasure looking at some ripe-looking fruit, his hand grabbed the fruit and immediately ate quietly without caring about anything.

"This is cute" he mumbled happily.

It didn't take long for Damian to finish the fruit quickly, even though the fruit on the tree was depleted with nothing left but unripe fruit. Damian immediately closed his eyes, feeling the calmness he could feel. But his eyes opened again, remembering the book he had to read to the end.

Annoyed he opened the book with the orange cover and read it from the first page. I don't know if it's just his feelings or what but he feels that the book is always changing. And it seemed Damian wasn't thinking about that right now.

He continued to read the book and during that time the day was getting ready for the night to come. Damian's beads started to get heavy and he started to close his eyes hoping that tomorrow would come soon. But the sound of screaming from the direction of two o'clock made Damian open his eyes. He looked surprised as he stared at the two o'clock that cast bright blue magic.

He was certain that it wasn't Theo's magic and Damian headed straight for it to make sure. Damian ran through every tree until he saw a woman in a white robe who was badly injured. In front of the woman was the same monster that Damian had encountered with Theo.

Whether this was a coincidence or not but Damian immediately took out his sword and slashed at the monster without a word. The woman was surprised but she also felt relieved until a man appeared with an irritated face looking at Damian.

Feeling that Damian's gaze returned the person's gaze and he just realized that the man was Theo.

"Finally found it"

Could he not be separated from Theo, even though he had only left Theo this morning but he had to meet that chatty man again. The woman who was seriously injured could only stare at the two men in front of her who were arguing with each other.

He wanted to thank her but it seemed the timing wasn't right and the woman healed herself calmly. Damian and Theo were busy alone in their world, mocking and swearing at each other over a trivial matter. But that's what makes these two like someone who already knows each other.

Although in fact, they are not someone who is considered to know each other "why did you come again!!"

"Hey.. you have no gratitude huh!!"

"Indeed, then why?"

Theo stared intently at Damian before glancing at a woman who was resting. Theo started to remember that he came here to save that woman but he saw Damian's black magic so he forgot his original purpose. Theo came closer to look at the woman who looked better.

"Are you okay?"

Bastard, a question like that was a useless question for a woman and Damian immediately sneered when Theo said that. Feeling that Theo's sneer glared at Damian who was walking towards the woman, Damian immediately crouched down in front of the woman.

"Everything is fine okay, are your wounds healed?" Damian said making the woman nodded.

"I can heal myself, thanks for the help" the woman replied with a smile that made Damian feel relieved too.

Damian immediately stood up and glanced at Theo who was getting more and more annoyed. He was aware that Damian was mocking him right now but what would Theo do but remain silent without saying anything.

"Then I'll go, you can go alone can't you?"

The woman silently stared at the corpse of the monster that was there. He again thought that if a monster came to kill him, obviously he could die if that happened "if you don't mind can I come with you?" the woman asked with her head lowered not daring to look at Damian's beaded surprise at this moment.

"I don't want to disturb. It's just that I'm just a healer who can't fight, maybe I'll die if you don't help. And since I'm a healer can't you use me when you're injured, I'll be happy to help"

The woman seemed to have no hope other than relying on Damian, if she went alone she wasn't sure she could live much longer. He was a person who had just entered the forest this season four and he did not know why. All he remembered was that he was hunting with his two other friends until he lost track of them.

It felt like the woman wanted to cry because she didn't know why she could enter the forest where there were so many monsters. Damian sighed glancing at Theo who looked sorry for the woman and finally Damian stretched out his hand making the woman smile widely.

The pink bead squinted with an upward curve of her lips. It felt like she was given a chance to live longer and the woman immediately grabbed Damian's outstretched hand "thank you"

Damian nodded and looked at Theo who immediately approached him "So Damian you have to take us okay" Theo said making Damian ignore Theo.

Again Damian used his magic and immediately tied Theo up making Theo scream in annoyance "hey!! Damian why are you so mean to me!"

Damian didn't care and immediately walked away leaving Theo followed by a woman behind him "oh.. wait what's your name?" Damian asked feeling forgetting to ask the woman's name.

"Just call me Rin," the woman said making Damian realize that she didn't want to say her real name.

"Alright, call me Damian like the idiot just now"

The woman nodded with a small laugh feeling funny at the attitude of the two men she met at this time "is he not your friend?" the woman was curious because of their apparent closeness to each other.

They go back walking "no! He's just a troublesome idiot"

Theo again shouted cursing at Damian who said that, their distance was still not too far so Theo could hear him even though quietly "Watch out for you Damian!! I'll kill you!"