
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


No oxygen enters his body, it feels tight with both legs that are still being pulled to the bottom of the river. There was the sound of Theo screaming frantically at himself, but he couldn't move towards the chatty person.

His bead that was still open began to close, his body felt hot and congested because he didn't get oxygen. His vision started to blur before he saw Theo who went into the water. Damian just kept trying to ascend with a dwindling vestige of consciousness, none of his attempts were successful.

But Damian didn't give up, his beads trying to look down where something was pulling him. He could feel Theo's hands pulling him up but his legs kept on pulling him down, feeling something bothering Theo, and immediately took out his sword.

He swam down towards Damian's feet and instantly cut off the tentacle that was pulling Damian. This was a Kraken and the two of them could taste the riverbed water which was too salty to be called a river. It's seawater but how can they not mix with each other.

Obviously very strange but Theo didn't want to bother, he immediately swam up with Damian he was pulling. But the Kraken's tentacles reappeared and intended to take them both, feeling that they had reached their limit Damian immediately fell unconscious making Ito's even more difficult to move.

Theo clucked out his magic to attack the Kraken, it wasn't easy because he couldn't move freely. But there was no other way than him trying to attack right now, Theo was still doing his best to deal attack after attack on the Kraken.

'No time' thought Theo felt starting to run out of breath.

Theo grasped Damian's hand with his left hand and his right hand continued to move his sword which created various fiery red flashes. Magic is different from the elements, they each have its advantages and disadvantages. And the advantage of magic users is that they can use magic for many things.

In contrast to elements that only focus on that one element. And Theo immediately moved upwards ignoring the Kraken who were still trying to chase them. They survived with Theo pulling Damian towards the riverbank. Theo even looked tired with an annoyed look on his face.

It was clear he didn't like this kind of thing, it felt like Theo wanted to leave Damian who always brought him bad luck. Looking back, it seemed like he had helped the stupid man quite a bit. With a lazy expression on his face, Theo pulled Damian's body towards the mouth of the cave. The reason was quite clear if they were still on the river bank the Kraken would attack again.

He doesn't want to attack underwater and he hates it when his body can't move freely "why are you being so troublesome!!" Theo's lips couldn't stop cursing at Damian.

He felt like Damian's bodyguard now, even though his intentions weren't like this. Theo exhaled roughly, glancing at Damian who was still unconscious. Feeling sorry for Theo immediately gave first aid, of course, he wouldn't do anything stupid by giving him artificial respiration.

It was disgusting, and Theo was only helping to pump Damian's lungs to be able to breathe properly. And sure enough, it didn't take long for Damian to wake up with water gushing about his face. Theo shouted angrily kicking Damian's body mercilessly.

"Yeah.. crazy people!! It hurts!!" Damian was confused as to how this was possible, he who was about to die was kicked when he woke up. It turned out that Theo's status on Damian would increase from time to time.

"You're the one who's crazy, I've been unlucky since yesterday. You are indeed bad luck" Theo said, staring intently at Damian's bead who snorted in annoyance.

"Well, how do I know I will continue to have bad luck, I can predict when the danger will come to me. Hey.. idiot, do you think I'm not thinking about my safety" Damian of course was angry, who would want him to be killed? consider bad luck. What a fool he was to easily accept the baseless remarks of a madman in front of him.

"But you're crazy you idiot!!"

Damian sighed choosing to get up ignoring Theo who was still swearing at him. He walked towards his book which he had left in the cave earlier, then walked away ignoring Theo who was surprised by his actions.

"Hey... Where are you going? Yak!! You idiot don't go alone!" shouted Theo picking up his bag and immediately following Damian.

Damian didn't speak at all he just walked through the streets he didn't know was true or not. But Damian didn't care as long as he wouldn't run into a fool like Theo. But he had only taken a few steps away Theo kept shouting at him trying hard to think which way he should go.

"Where are you going?" still with the same question but Theo is smoother now though not that smooth.

"None of your business!" Damian replied in a harsh tone indicating that he didn't care about Theo anymore.

"Are you angry? Ah.. Don't be like this you are just like a child" Theo's words made Damian stop, the expressionless face looked at Theo calmly.

Theo became scared, somehow he was afraid of that expressionless face rather than Damian's annoyed face. Damian himself easily cast his magic and tied Theo's body to a tree. Theo was shocked with his rebellious body staring at Damian who walked away from him.

"So this is your thanks, wow.. it turns out that humans in your world have no manners" shouted Theo trying to make Damian want to let go, but instead Damian turned and let go of himself. But Damian immediately walked quickly ignoring all kinds of voices from Theo

"Yeah!! I don't want to die from eating monsters!" Theo shouted again with the same hope as before.

Damian didn't hate what Theo said but he felt guilty for keeping Theo in danger. If he had gone alone maybe Theo wouldn't have been so unlucky with him, and that would have been better than them bickering incoherently all the time.

If he remembered how many times he had argued with that stranger, he seemed to be getting used to it. But he wasn't so stupid as to bring people he didn't know into his troubles. After getting far enough Damian immediately cast his magic on Theo, this way he wouldn't see Theo again and he wouldn't have to argue with that person "very easy isn't it..."