
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Gem Necklace

Damian looked tired with the body lying on the grass, he looked calm with his bead covered ignoring the girl who came with him. Even though he didn't like her presence a little, he couldn't leave her in the middle of the forest like this.

If it was Theo, he would happily leave her without a second thought. And Damian didn't care if that man was going to face even the most terrifying monster. The girl was sitting staring at the small lake that was so beautiful she could ignore it.

His hands wrapped around his body trying to dispel the cold air that made him cold. Now and then the girl sneezed, disturbing Damian from his sleep. With a bead still heavy to open, Damian looked at the girl with an appraising look.

He sighed "already know it's cold why don't you tell me!!" Damian was indeed insensitive and he didn't like having to be sensitive to someone, because he thought it was a bother.

"Ah.. sorry, I must have disturbed your sleep" the girl looked uncomfortable.

"It's okay, let's go in a little while tonight," Damian said getting up from his seat.

The girl nodded and followed Damian who was walking in front of him. They were still strangers who accidentally met and awkward circumstances always existed in these circumstances.

The two of them stepped ignoring the cold temperature that was both piercing their bodies. The clothes that can't keep out the cold air make them have to prepare for something like this.

"Sorry I don't have warm clothes for you," Damian said glancing at the girl who immediately stuttered.

"No! I've troubled you and you're also cold now," said the girl with a sweet smile.

And Damian refocused on the street that looked the same from the start. Only trees and trees were the scene in that place and Damian was getting tired of it. He exhaled roughly starting to feel hungry at this point.

And the girl immediately approached, gave a bread that she had for Damian "I know you're hungry" the girl said looking at Damian who was happy.

"Thank You"


The two immediately turned their heads to look at Theo who was running towards them, Damian just thought he could feel eternal calm. But it is a hope that will not be achieved at all. Theo immediately approached Damian who could only stare lazily at Theo's arrival.

"You want to die!!"

Damian laughed glaring mockingly at Theo who confidently believed he would die without that man's presence. Wasn't that absurd and Damian immediately turned around, intending to leave Theo before he fell over with Theo laughing loudly.

Damian looked angry, he got up and glared at Theo who was still laughing happily. It felt like he wanted to kill the man but he was not someone who would do something bad like that.

"What do you want!!" Damian said annoyed.

"Moreover, apart from coming with you and the beautiful girl," Theo replied without feeling guilty at all for making Damian fall.

"You don't feel sorry for me who has to go alone, moreover you intend to get out of this forest so I have to come" continued Theo.

"Who will take you along!!" Damian immediately rejected Theo who would continue to annoy him.

"You're so mean, sorry about what happened. I'm also tired of being in this place, don't we have the same goal so what's so hard for you to take me"

Damian sighed and intended to cast his magic before the girl approached them "goal?" the girl voiced a glance at Damian and Theo in turn.

"That's right, do you know how to get out of this forest?" it seemed like he was about to find something out of the girl and Theo hoped it would be a good thing.

The girl silently stared at Damian who was also waiting for his answer before she took out a gem necklace of hers. The necklace with the purple gem made the two men look at each other, they were confused about what the girl was doing.

And the girl immediately took off her necklace and gave it to Damian who was confused about what the girl meant. The girl smiled looking at Damian expectantly "it is a necklace that can take you out of this place"

Theo immediately snatched the necklace from Damian, Theo's face glowed ignoring Damian who could feel one thing that was so uncomfortable for him "you seem to want to say something else?"

The girl was fidgeting with her beads trying not to stare at Damian's eyes, she couldn't believe that the man before her noticed her nervousness. Even though she was sure that the man was not a sensitive man who wanted to interfere with his problems.

"I can't ignore it if the trouble comes from me!"

Damian is not sensitive to people's feelings but he is sensitive to situations and that is what makes Damian aware of the bad situation that is currently happening.

"It's not like that!! I just thought that we might split up this time" the girl said making Damian raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"I can't come with you guys, there's something I have to do. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable but I thank you for helping me earlier"

Damian sighed again and immediately took the necklace in Theo's hand making Theo scream in annoyance. But Damian of course didn't care, he gave the necklace back to its owner "I didn't receive anything in return for what I did earlier! Take this!!" Damian said immediately telling Theo to go with him.


The girl didn't understand, even though she had good intentions to help Damian and Theo but why didn't she want to. It felt like she had made a mistake without realizing it and that made him feel uncomfortable. Damian continued to walk ignoring Theo who was still cursing in annoyance because of his attitude.

While the girl was still looking at the two with the hope that they would return, but it didn't seem like that would happen they were both getting further away for the girl to see. The girl sighed and looked down sadly at her shining necklace.

Elsewhere Theo stopped Damian's steps hoping to get an answer from the man's actions "what are you doing? Isn't it good if we can get out of this place?!"

"Then let the girl be in this forest alone!!" Damian said glaring at Theo who immediately fell silent on the spot.

Damian rubbed his face roughly, staring at the moon which was so beautifully different from the one in his world 'I want to go back'